ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Rotation And Elasticity - The Clip Snaps Directly Back To Its Original Position When The Mouse Leaves The Clip
Sep 9, 2003
I have a clip that rotates to orient itself towards the mouse when the mouse is over a given area. When the mouse leaves the area, the clip snaps back to its original position.
1) the clip snaps directly towards the mouse at the moment the mouse enters the clip; I would like it to actually rotate;
2) the clip snaps directly back to its original position when the mouse leaves the clip; I would like it to ease back into position.
I made two movie clips that follows the mouse but I want to put constraints on them, they should follow the mouse until the mouse reaches a certain distance and then the movie clip should pop back to its original x and y position.
Code: private function init():void { addChild(backgrnd);
I created a movie clip, an aircraft compass which rotates till the button is pressed but I would like it to return back to its original position in opposite direction of smooth rotation and stop. I already have the following script on the clip.
I want to make a magic 8 ball in actionscript 3. I'd like to be able to click on the movie clip of the 8 ball, shake it with the mouse, and then have it snap back to its original position when I let go of the mouse button. I have three problems:
1) I can make the 8 ball track the mouse, that's easy, but how do I make it snap back to the original position when I let go of the mouse button?
2) I want to constrain the movement of the 8 ball movie clip so it won't go all over the stage, just enough to move it back and forth a bit.
3) How do I randomize output of answers in the 8 ball window...such as, "not now," "doesn't look good," or "yes" etc?
I have MC masked with TEXT,when the user moves his mouse down more text appears from the bottom and when he moves it goes bakc to the original position...I do not want the mouse wheel .. I woudl like to do it by mouse hovering...
I have several movie clips on the stage. They are draggable. I want to be able to drag the movie clip, then when it is dropped, a copy of that movie clip will appear where the first one had been, and the first one will just stay where it is on the screen.
However, I'm running into problems with the syntax.
I posted earlier about getting a zoom effect which was solved by putting the content within 2 containers: the parent container to center the zooming & the pan container (child) to be panned on drag, however when I drag the child a copy of the original remains for some reason?basically I have this to set up the containers:
ActionScript Code: ParentContainer = new Container(); addChild(ParentContainer);
I'm getting no errors on this, Go (comeback) is my movie clip which should turn up when the mouse leaves the stage area and leave when the mouse enters the stage. I know it's probably my removeChild command but I don't know how to fix it.
I am going to be working on a site that has various mechanical products for sale. The customer wants me to make a model and movie of each product to show how the product works. Here is an example product:
Flash Clip The problem I am having is, he wants the movie to only play when a user puts their mouse over the video. I attempted doing this with a mp4 file and it worked using jQuery, but only when in Chrome. Here is that link:
MP4 Clip I want these demos to be viewable by the largest possible audience, so I was trying to stay away from Flash (also because I don't know Flash very well if at all). Does anyone know of a way to get this video to work in other browsers like in the second example? If not, how can I achieve that same idea using Flash?
i want to creat a script that if my movie clip is idle for 5 seconds (or some period of time) with out someone moving there mouse over it, that it returns back to the original state.
I have a video clip which I initially set a size and location to. I then re-size the clip and move it when a button has been pressed. Once the video has finished playing, the video clip should go back to the original location and size. For some reason though, it goes back to a different location though.[code]...
First off, lemme start by saying that this site is incredibly awesome. Every time I have a problem or wish to learn something in Flash I turn to [URL]. Now for my problem. Have you ever played Madness? You know how, depending on where the mouse is, the hand rotates i.e. points at the mouse's current position? Well, I want to learn how to do that. I've attached a short animation demonstrating what I want to be able to do (the arrow points at the mouse's position, and then gun represents the movie clip that rotates) using a script
I have a map application that when I use the mouse wheel the map will scale up or scale down. The next thing I want to do is to focus on the mouse pointer while zooming on the part of the map.
I have this code...
function focusMousePosition(){ onMouseMove = function (){ Stage.width = _root._xmouse; Stage.height = _root._ymouse; updateAfterEvent(); }} var mouseWheelListener = new Object();var wheelNum:Number; mouseWheelListener.onMouseWheel = function(wheelNum){ focusMousePosition(); if (wheelNum > 0){ map._xscale *= 0.9; map._yscale *= 0.9; }else{ map._xscale *= 1.1; map._yscale *= 1.1; }}Mouse.addListener(mouseWheelListener);
I'm working on a project for my class using flash as2. I want it to be able to, when you click on a button, it drops a movie clip down the screen, essentially just adding _y to it, but then when it reaches 300y coordinate it resets the movieclip to its original position so that you can click the button and replay the same function. I'm not sure if this would be create empty movie clip each time you release button. I'm quite lost in this area so i dont have any actionscript to show, I really dont know where to begin. <3
It uses drag-n-drop interactivity. When I drag a MC and drop it in a "drop-box", feedback pops up. When the mouse leaves the drop-box area, the feedback remains. Is there a way I can have the feedback go back to blank when my mouse leaves the drop-box area?
Do you know how to rewind a tween. but I dont want it to just snap back to the beiginning. I want it to yoyo back to the beingining without actually yoyoing many times. you know what I mean?this is the code I have which make the beginning motion I want:
public function imageSelectR(e:MouseEvent):void { myTween = new Tween(imageLoaderHost, "z", Regular.easeInOut, 0, -100, 1, true); myTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, imageSelectL);
I'm playing around with mac os x-like dock in flash, but I've got a problem with it. I found this at, see it here. For your convenience i'll post the entire code below (it's quite long though).
Now what i want it to do: if the mouse is not 'on' the menu, i want the buttons to ease back to their original position instead of just spawning there. How can i do this via AS ? The _xscale and _yscale values should also ease back to original state.
Actions applied on the first (and only) frame:
[AS]startDrag ("_root.drag", true); stop ();[/AS]
Actions applied on the control movieclip:
[AS]onClipEvent (load) { function checkOffset (coffset) { if (coffset<-175) {
My code in theory works find but for some reason things aren't doing what they're supposed to. Basically I have all my draggable puzzle pieces as movieclips; they start at specific x's and y's on the axis. You drag them to the corresponding hitbox movieclip and it pops into the other specific x and y spot on the axis (otherwise they go back to the first xy spot).
The problem is sometimes the pieces drag and drop fine, but other times when you click the mouse down, they drag, but when you let go, they don't drop! Randomly! They just follow the cursor around, til you click a few times, and then randomly it will drop and not move (when it's supposed to go back to the original xy position).
I have got a movie clip moving up the stage and when I press the keyboard I want it to come back down to its starting position on the bottom of the stage. What code do I add to the following?
The title pretty much sums up what I am trying to do: I haven't started digging into using script in Flash yet, still being very much a beginner.
I created a simple file using movie clips nested in buttons so that when I mouseover a letter, it bobs up and down, but I can't work out how to make it return to its original "up" state *smoothly* when the mouse is moved away. If it must involve script please be aware I am a total noob!
I have a movie clip for each piece of clothing that will be used to attach on the dog. These movie clips click and drag to add clothes onto a target and it automatically resets back to its original position each time you grab a different selection of clothing. All of my objects go the original position except for one. The "julyDress" movie clip automatically pops up to the top of the page and does not reset to the original position.
Below is my code: stop(); var startJulyXPos:Number = JulyDress.x; var startJulyYPos:Number = JulyDress.y;
Is there any way to make a clicked movie clip go to front, and then when released, go back to it's original position?
I've been reading about swapDepths and a few functions that allow to bring to front the MC, but nothing to return them to their original positions between the layers.
Can this be done? Or is it any way to make it look as it?
What do I do to make this rotate the line_mc move clip in a counterclockwise rotation when I scroll the mouse wheel up instead of down. Currently it rotates the movie clip in a clockwise fashion regardless of which way I scrool the mouse wheel.
ps. is there anyway to get this thing to ease when it rotates... instead of the jerky rotation it does now.
I'm getting no errors on this, Go (comeback) is my movie clip which should turn up when the mouse leaves the stage area and leave when the mouse enters the stage. I know it's probably my removeChild command
I have a block that I'm trying to make move from right to left, and if the block gets to a certain point, it will move back to it's original position. So, I have this on my block (movieclip) right now.
Code: onClipEvent(enterFrame) { speed = 3 dist = 8.5 _x -= speed; if (_x = dist) { _x += 3 }} But all this is doing is throwing the block at the 8.5 distance...
how i could create a function to do the following. I have a mc and when you click on it i want it to scale too say 150% and move to a different x y position, then when you click on it again i want it to go back to its original size and position.
Im learning actionscript using the tutorials here so im more interested in learning *how* rather than just getting it done.
Ive come across a problem on something ive been trying to do. Ive been trying to make a 10 framed movieclip appear at the mouse position and play continuously. To do this I have a two framed loop.
Here is my code. Circle_mc is the movie clip: ----------------------------------------------------- //this is the name of my function and what it has in it. CreateAtMouse = function () { Circle_mc.duplicateMovieClip("circlecreate", 2, {_x: _root._xmouse, _y:
I have created an animation which has frames with the head drawn in the various positions it needs to be in to look in all directions. Each frame is unique as it shows the head look up down sideways etc.What I need to do now is to make the movie clip play certain frames depending on the mouse position.I am having some trouble with the logic of how to do thisIs the best way to detect the mouse position then tell the movie clip to gotoandstop a certain frame depending on the mouse position?
I was trying to create a button rollover that, when the mouse was over a button, a movie clip would advance frames, and go back to the original when the mouse rolled out. The AS I used was just the basic button rollover, attached to the button itself
But, even if the command is gotoAndPlay, the clip will advance and show objects that are not symbols(if they are symbols, it shows the last frame of the symbol), or objects that have been motion tweened.
Two questions out of all of this. First, is there a better way to do a button rollover? And secondly, is there a way to get movie clips/motion tweened objects to show up in a movie clip that is dependent on a rollover?