ActionScript 3.0 :: DOM Object ID Update Not Passed To ExternalInterface.objectID

Jan 13, 2010

regarding DOM object name/id updates by JavaScript, and accessing them from flash. Let me explain.

I have made an actionscript that tests if externalinterface.objectid is null. If it is, I call a JavaScript that gives names/id to all unnamed shockwawe-type <EMBED> and <OBJECT> tags.

My problem is that, although the Javascript does what it is supposed to, the SWF's ExternalInterface.objectID property remains null.

In other words, although the DOM is properly updated, that update is not propagated to the ExternalInterface object.

- Is this normal ?

- Can I "reconsctruct" the ExternalInterface object to have it updated too ?

- Could I have my SWF reload itself, and how?

- More generally, what should I be doing to be able to access the newly JS-modified id from my SWF movie ?

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var myLocalSO = sharedobject.getLocal("visitRecord");
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} else {

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Actionscript source"someFunction");


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Client Name

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XMLParser.load("[URL]"+finco, onFinish);
function onFinish($success:Boolean, $results:Object, $xml:XML):Void {
if ($success) { category.text += $results.category[0].value;
namez.text += $results.namez[0].value;
[Code] ......

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how I can determine how much miliseconds or seconds passed , since the timer passed
from flash documentation :

Returns the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since Adobe Flash Player was initialized.
getTimer() display since the FlasPlayer starts, how to get value of timer

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xml = new XML(;
var tester = xml.item;

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What is wrong with this code? It seems that the time variable reachs 1000 milliseconds too fast.I'm not getting a second interval. How would I fix that?

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