ActionScript 3.0 :: Deleting NetStream/NetConnections If Not Used?

Sep 18, 2008

Is it possible to write some code that would search to see if a NetConnection and a NetStream object exists in the scene, and if so to delete them (or *.close(); or whatever)? I would like to be able to 'see' (with traces) these 'non-visible' sorts of objects to have a better handle on when/how/where these things are created .The same goes for all of these *.addEventListener's that I keep creating all over the place in AS3.Is there a way to step through all these 'hidden' objects in a scene and get some sort of status on them?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Makes Different NetConnections And Loads Data?

Dec 20, 2008

All right, this behavior is throwing me off for some reason.

I've got this small library I'm constructing right now. In it I'm creating an object that is rather robust and is constructed from a bunch of smaller objects. The thing is none of these objects are DisplayObjects of any sort... so event bubbling isn't an option here.

The project consists of a public Class object that can be instantiated and a bunch of internal Classes that make up this public one. One of these internal classes is a "backend" to the server. It basically handles communication with the host and makes different netConnections and loads data and all kinds of other stuff. At certain points it updates the front end of different actions that occurs by a custom event type... lets call it CustomEvent... so that way the public frontend Class can do what it needs with it.

Now some of these events that the backend fires really are useless to the frontend except in that the user of the frontend might want to know about this stuff. So I thought I'll just pass the event through by listening for the event and letting "dispatchEvent" capture it:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Player Concurrent NetConnections?

Mar 19, 2009

Does anybody know the number of concurrent streams the Flash Player can connect to at any one time?

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Flash :: NetStream.Buffer.Full Not Fired After Call To NetStream.pause?

Jul 6, 2011

I'm making a small video players in AS3, and I've found that after calling NetStream.pause() or NetStream.togglePause(), no status messages are being fired any more.If I click the "pause" button while the video is buffering, I never get the Buffer.Full message.Here is some code:

_connection = new NetConnection();
_connection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error On BitMapData.draw() After NetStream.pause() Then

Feb 25, 2010

I am working on an app that will take a snapshot of an rtmp stream of an archived video, save it to a file, and ExternalInterface the file name to the hosting page to javascript it up for display.

I actually have all pieces working great. The only time an error is thrown is when I pause the video, seek to somewhere, and then try to take a snapshot. Then there is a runtime error of:
SecurityError: Error #2123: Security sandbox violation: BitmapData.draw: mySwf.swf cannot access rtmp://myFlashServer/myApp. No policy files granted access.I've seen post after post of suggestions and have tried them, but without success.

I have the crossdomain.xml and my FlashMediaServer security setup fine (it is actually working, except for this one glitch). It just seems to be the pause-then-seek-then-BitMapData.draw() combination which is creating issues.

Another weird thing: after the error is thrown, if I resume the stream and take a snapshot, it works flawlessly again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error: "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" While Playing Mp4 File Using NetStream Object?

Jan 7, 2010

I am using NetStream, NetConnection and Video object to play an mp4 file which is hosted over a web server using http.This is an AIR application and the relevant code is pasted below:

var url:String = <some http url>;
connect_nc = new NetConnection();


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Actionscript 3 ::, Getting Error #2154 "The NetStream Object Is Invalid"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: NetStream.Connect.Closed - Know Which NetStream Has Been Closed

Aug 2, 2010

A NetStatusEvent with info.code of "NetStream.Connect.Closed" is dispatched by NetConnection when a NetStream is closed. This seems kind of weird, shouldn't the NetStream dispatch the event? how do I know which NetStream has been closed if I have more than one running (which I do)? I need to know so I can cleanup the now dead stream.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Deleting The Array Value?

Jan 3, 2011

I'm trying to figure out if this is possible?lets say I'm trying to remove the value "3"

Code: Select allvar myArray:Array = new Array("1","2","3","4","5");
myArray.pop();  // removes the last value "5"
myArray.shift(); // removes the first value "1"

How do you remove the value 3 and still have the correct lenght?

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Deleting Images From Library

Jul 24, 2009

i have an image and it is a large sheet with series of poses for a character (like a sprite sheet), and wanted to take them out to be animated and make them into individual movie clips.I did successfully, but I went to delete the original image, however, the movie clips became red fills.Is there a way I can get rid of the original without affecting the movie clip?-If not-I wanted to do this because I thought it may save memory but i am not really sure if it will affect the memory since the sheet itself is not going on the stage, is there a chance that this full sprite sheet in the library won't effect the file size of .swf?And if it does, if I turn it into a graphic, or movie clip, will that compress it?I use Flash CS3!

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Xml :: Deleting A Particular Node Using The E4x Syntax?

May 24, 2011

I have this XML structure:



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Deleting A Selected Row?

Aug 20, 2010

i was trying to delete a row on a datagrid. basically, i click on the row, then i click a button so that the chosen/clicked row is deleted. here is my code snipet :

public function deleteRow(event:MouseEvent):void{


even though that row exist, i guess the index is not recognised. what do i do?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Deleting The Multiple Mc's?

Mar 12, 2012

I can of course use removeMovieClip but I heard there was a more simple solution - attaching all of the MC's to another MC, and then deleting this MC would also delete all attached MC's. I saw some examples (starting with createEmptyMovieClip but I guess I'm having some problems with syntax.

ActionScript Code:
createEmptyMovieClip("movie1", this.getNextHighestDepth());
movie1.attachMovie("whatever", "movie2", this.getNextHighestDepth();
movie1.attachMovie("whatever", "movie3", this.getNextHighestDepth();

This code does not work...What I'd like is to remove movie1 so that it would delete all the others. Can it work?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Deleting A MC From Inside Itself

Nov 26, 2004

I have a question which probably isent to difficult.. im making a game in which there are some mines which chase a ship... these mines are created with


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Deleting From An Array?

Feb 23, 2003

Is there a way to delete a specific value in an array? For example, the array:"Banana Peel,Hippopotamus Leg,Computer Wire,Keyboard"Would there be any way to delete just "Computer Wire" from the array? I found the Array.splice thingy, but it seems that you need to know the index of the thing. Therefore i guess my question is: Is there any way to find the index of a particular value.In the thing I am making, the value could be at any index in the array (it is put in place by the user), so I could not just say Array.splice(2,1,)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Deleting A MC - Use RemoveMC?

May 25, 2005

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Deleting A MC From Inside Itself?

Nov 26, 2004

im making a game in which there are some mines which chase a ship... these mines are created with

dot.duplicateMovieClip("dot"+currdot, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:-100, _y:-20});

inside the dot MC there is a video , it blinks and roatates and stuff when its just floaring around , and when it hits something


refers to the 1st frame of the explode animation inside the MC frame 1 to 72 is a looping animation now after it plays the exploding animation , i want it to be deleted ive tried a few different things like...


which dont seem to be working. So id like to remove the movie clip from inside itself.

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CS3 : Deleting Frames From Start Of Timeline?

Oct 11, 2009

I'm using Flash CS4 and I have to trim a .fla file down. I can delete the end frames no problem, but the first 600 frames that I have to remove are proving to be a nightmare. When I use the select>right-click>delete method it doesn't remove these frames, instead it removes the corresponding amount of frames from the end.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Deleting An Object Out Of An Array?

Mar 12, 2010

Actionscript Code:
var gameObjectArray:Array = new Array();var gameTimer:Timer = new Timer(25);gameTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, gameLoop);gameTimer.start();


So every 25 milliseconds, a block is being created and it pushed into an array. The for loop cycles through the array and moves the x by 1 for each object in the array. If the x reaches past 300 pixels, then I want to delete the object from the game entirely. The way I'm doing it now yields an error, so what am I doing wrong and what should it look like inside of the "if (i.x > 300)" stuff?

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Deleting Variables From Debugging Menu

May 8, 2010

I found what I am looking for when I list all variables. I want to cut out the rest of the menus that create a fan of pages.I removed the SWF's from showing up. But I am still having issues with changing the nMenus = "14" which is the number of menus to show. I want to change the "14" to "9" so there are no spacing in between my 3D Pages.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Deleting The Function At The End Of The Level?

Aug 1, 2010

function countdown(){

okay so there is my timer above, the timer counts down and everything else works exept for deleting the function at the end of the level, at the end of the level the script goes to another frame to show you have passed the level and then goes back to the previous frame to play the next level, all the new objects are made but the timer then counts double so its like the timer is running twice at a time so instead of counting down 1 everysecond it counts down 1 every half second, i have tried delete countdown();.i dont know how you actually make this work or how to go about it,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Deleting Clips And Loaders?

Aug 26, 2010

I need to load and unload thumb buttons with images loaded in them. I load an xml, create the clips, then load the images into the clips.

When I remove the clips, I need to unload the loaders first?

Can I store references of the loaders in an array and use the array to unload them?

How should I delete the clips? removeChildAt()? Or use an array?

Here's relevant code:

function createScrubThumbs():void {
for(var i:Number=0;i<thumbsXml.thumb.length();i++){
var picHolder:ScrubThumb = new ScrubThumb;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing SWF From Memory After Deleting From DOM

Sep 29, 2011

I'm having a problem where I load my SWF (Advertisement) into the dom after an event happens in a flash game.  After viewing the ad, the SWF is removed with JavaScript and users continues to play, this continues several times without ever reloading the page.
The problem I am running into is in IE 8 & 9 performance of the game drops and frame rate becomes choppy after several ads are shown.  Each advertisment has a timer built in and my thought is that the ad is not being fully removed from memory hence causing a slowdown. 
Is there a way to ensure a full removal of the ad or at least a way to detect within the ad that it is no longer on the page & kill the timer?

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Professional :: Bug When Deleting Anchor Points

Oct 10, 2011

I think I discovered a bug. Say this is a line with anchor points:
And this is what I want to achieve using the Delete Anchor Point Tool:
Then this is as far as I'm actually able to get:
Because for some reason, if I delete the 2nd anchor point, the 3rd will be deleted too. I can, however, delete the 3rd without deleting the 2nd.
It is only after I've moved the 3rd further away that I'm able to delete the 2nd, but this gets tiring after a while.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Deleting The Movie Clips?

Mar 28, 2006

I have button that adds text to a movie, and u can resise it and change the color and stuff like that, the txt comes in as a movie clip,but i want it so the user can also delete the text. what script do i apply to a button to delete the movie clip?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Deleting A Element In Array

Apr 3, 2006

var my_arr:Array =['das',2,jack',4,5];i need to delete the element by refering thier index number.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnClipEvent(enterFrame) - Deleting It?

Aug 6, 2007

Why doesn't this code work?

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x+20;
if (this._x>300) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Deleting Xml Drawn Content From Mc

Dec 19, 2007

I have an XML file which consists of x/y coordinates...from this I draw shapes in a movieclip on stage when the user chooses(from list component) an xml to do I clear the contents of the mc so that when the user chooses another xml file from the list component the new xml is drawn in the now emptied mc from before??...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unloading Swf Deleting The Container?

Apr 2, 2009

I have a main swf which I am loading other swf's in to using a container. On each of the swf's I am loading I have an unload button which I placed the actionscript below on. The swf unloads fine, but it seems to be unloading the container as well. After I unload one video the others will not load. I don't know if it is because the unload button is on the swf being loaded and is not on the main swf or what. Is there anything I can put in this to make it unload the external swf and not the container on the main swf?

on (press){
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(this._alpha > 0){
this._alpha -= 8;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Deleting A Display Object From Within Itself

Apr 6, 2009

im making a game and it has enemies randomly spawning at the top of the screen going down to the bottom, so far it all works fine, except for when i try to remove them when they reach the bottom of the screen I get this error

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at spaceavoider/deleteenemy()[/Users/bobbymoranville/Desktop/space


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