ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatching And Receiving Events - Button Array

Jun 23, 2010

I am attempting to dispatch an event on the click of any of the buttons in a button array in the document class of my application. The intent is to have an external object receive this dispatch so as to remove a listener for the EnterFrame event in this class.

Here is the code (document class):
package {
import flash.display.*;
public class Main extends Sprite {
private var one:MovieClip;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatching And Event In Parent SWF & Receiving It In Child SWF?

Jul 17, 2011

would like to receive an event(Dispatchd in Parent swf) in Child SWF, the bold italic text represents the piece of coding i

//in PARENT SWF i have -----------------------------
dispatchEvent(new Event("CloseDoors"))
// in Child SWF --------------------------------


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatching Events Between Different Classes

Jul 19, 2009

Im trying to dispatch and event from an XML class.dispatchEvent(new Event (XMLClass.INDEX_CHANGED));and catch it in the display class [code]I know that im missing something because the application works and the function runs but its not dispatching the event the event or maybe it's not catching the event in the display class, even though everything else is working and im not gettin' any errors.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Grasp On Dispatching Events?

Nov 22, 2010

I have been trying to get a grasp on dispatching events and have a few questions I am hoping you will all be nice enough to clearify for me.
Do I have to have a custom Event class to dispatch a custom event?
If so do I have to create a new intance of the event each time I want to dispatch an event. Example:

dispatchEvent(new MyEvent(MyEvent.TASK_COMPLETE));
or can I just dispatch an event once an instance has already previously been created.... example:  dispatchEvent(MyEvent.TASK_COMPLET);?

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Flex :: Dispatching Events From A Class?

Dec 15, 2009

import mx.controls.Alert;


I am able to get the result, but not able to dispatch the event from the custom actionScript class. I googled and got the riposte that you need to add it to display list.

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Flex :: Dispatching Events Between Classes?

Jun 25, 2010

I have a custom event class public class FFTDrawEvent extends Event {

public static const DRAW_EVENT:String = "drawEvent";
private var _param:Array = new Array();
public function FFTDrawEvent(type:String, __param:Array, bubbles:Boolean=true, cancelable:Boolean=false) {
_param = __param;
super(type, bubbles, cancelable);


Both class (Dispatcher & Listener) are Child class of a MXML application. Also listen to the event in the parent MXML application doens't work. Listen to the event in the dispatching class itself somehow works.

I have to feeling that the EventDispatcher class is not the right one to dispatch events to a mxml application or respectivly AS classes, which extend/inherent from a MXML component class.

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Flash :: Events Dispatching And Listening?

Sep 2, 2010

I want to have a main logic class that listens for dispatched events from an assortment of other classes.

for instance: i have a parent Map class that contains X instances of a State class. When the user clicks on a State class, i want to dispatch an event CLICKED along with the name of the state.

now this Logic class will see this new event and process the name of the state and perform some other logic stuff. no matter what i try i can only get it to work where the State class listens for its own Dispatched event. Which to me seems a waste, i could have just manually called the function.

I have read so many tutorials online about custom events/ dispatching and they are being used in a basic one class example.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Dispatching The Keyboard Events?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a key.addlistener setup to listen to key events.What I want to be able to do is to dispatch key events by for example a mouse click or just on load. I've tried a lot of possible solutions such as dispatchEvent with type as "onKeyDown" and "keyDown" etc.... but key listener simply do not treat it as a keyboard event.

Code: Select allvar eventObj = new Object();
eventObj.type = "keyDown";
eventObj.code = 13;
eventObj.ascii = 'e';

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Handler Only Receiving Some Key Down Events

Oct 8, 2010

I've added an event listener to my stage like this:


The problem is, some keys don't trigger the event. So if I type "ASDFG" I only get a response for "F" and "G", here's the trace:

PHP Code:

Engine.keyDown 68Engine.keyDown 71 

My structure is like this.

Main class is Game.Game creates an Engine and adds the engine to the display with addChild()

EDIT: It seems it's because the keyboard events are being taken over by Flash CS3 and using them to select Tools and not letting them go to the SWF, very very annoying. - Can I turn this off?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatching Events In External Swf File?

Jan 22, 2009

I have problems dispatching events from an external swf file.

The class that loads the file only receives the original events of actionscript (for example MouseEvent.CLICK, etc) and ignores others that are dispatched with a own event class or dispatched with a direct string in the type parameter. For example:

dispatchEvent(new PLYPubliEvent(PLYPubliEvent._OVERLAY_OPEN))
dispatchEvent(new Event("testtt"))

These events are dispatched from the loaded swf file in the main timeline.

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Flex :: Dispatching Custom Events From A Validator?

Aug 2, 2011

Basically I am trying to create a string Validator which requests a new language from its controller by dispatching an event upon its creation.

The example below is a straight copy from the Flex3 component explorer - the only diffrence being that I have created the validator as a custom component which dispatches an event upon its creation.

The problem is that my main Application cannot hear the event being dispatched and I don't know why.

Here is the example

package components


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Starling Dispatching Events?

Nov 7, 2011

is it possible to send data to starling object after var mStarling:Starling = new Starling(StarlingClass, stage); or maybe dispatching event from main class and then listening event in starling class.

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Flex :: Dispatching Events From External Class?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a main application Planner.mxml. This view has a couple of custom components, one of which is LoginView.mxml. In LoginView.mxml I do the following:

protected function btnLoginClick(event:MouseEvent):void


As you can see, when the user is successfully logged in, I want to dispatch a custom event; if not, I show an alert box. However, this event doesn't dispatch (or at least, I don't know how to listen for it).

I would like to listen for it in my main application where I can then change my viewstate to the logged-in state. However, the event never seems to get there. I listen for it by having loggedIn="loggedInHandler(event)" on my loginComponent.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatching Events To Flash From Html?

Mar 27, 2011

If i have a html menu, how can i call events within a swf on the same page.?IS this done with java or php?exact example is being used hereclick the nav and see the flash banner change

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatching Events From Static Class?

Aug 3, 2010

However, it seems to me as I've started building this (or trying, rather) that there's no way this can be done, but I'm sure I'm wrong. Since the static class is never added as an instance to the display list, the stage (or any object for that matter) will never hear any events it dispatches.I've searched and found this, but that doesn't seem to be the right solution since I'm listening for my custom LinkEvent event from the stage, and *not* in the class calling the dispatch function in the static dispatcher class.And to reiterate, the goal is to have a single class I can use throughout my application that dispatches my custom LinkEvent event with two properties: linkURL, and linkTarget.The whole reason for wanting to do this is so I can have some control over what happens (to track, or do some other behavior) when someone clicks on a link created within an htmlText TextField with an <a>

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Flex :: Sprite Not Receiving Keyboard Events?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a Sprite which is a child of a Flex object, and acts as the main "game window". So during game-play it should get keyboard input but at other times not. When I add a keyboard listener to it, it never fires.

Do I need to stop parent objects 'eating' the events somehow, or something similar? I get the same thing with mouse-wheel events, but mouse-click events are fine. Sprite doesn't seem to have the concept of focus unless I missed it.

More generally in this kind of approach, are there any suggestions on the best way? For instance some keys might still be needed to be intercepted before getting to the game-window, like ESC or F1 or something... the aim is the game-window isn't aware of other UI.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mac Firefox Receiving JS Mouse Events

Mar 2, 2010

AS2, Flash CS4. We're using ExternalInterface to get callbacks from JavaScript for mouseover and mouseout when the user rolls on or off the .swf on a page. This works fine in all situations except for one:If the .swf is viewed in Mac Firefox, and if there is a button or mc near the edge of the stage with an onRelease() event, when you mouse from outside of the .swf into the button, the mouseover fires correctly; but when you mouse out from the button and continue outside of the .swf, mouseout never fires.We have built a small, simple testbed with only minimal code and assets (ExternalInterface code and a button). We are able to duplicate this consistently, on multiple machines. (again, Mac Firefox only).url....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatching Events - External SWF & Main Stage?

May 15, 2011

I am dispatching two different events showbutton and removebutton from the code inside the LOADED SWF.on main file, (the one that is loading the swf file) i m listening for events and either showing or removing the buttons based on proper scenario. Here is he error i m getting.
ERROR   1180  Call to a possibly undefined Method Event   - - - > dispatchEvent(new Event("showbutton"));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listening Events Dispatching From Their Child Classes

May 5, 2011

`i'have a problem with listening events dispatching from their child classes. for example i have contentManager object which is controlling content at the top level of stage. it has a imageGallery object and in the imageGallery objectthere ise a collectionLoader object which is loading images.

now i want to add one preloader to contentManager which always listen for ProgressEvent. when the progressEvent dispatched i want to preloader going to active. becouse there is another objects that are loading images or other kind of files. i think it is a good apporach to solve preloader issue. so my problem is, when collectionLoader object loading images with using queLoader. my QueueProgress event dispatches ProgressEvent evey time, but my preloader object stand at the 2 classes up level, doesn't percive this event.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Class - Dispatching Events Performance

Feb 16, 2012

I'm curious about event performance. I have a custom class that downloads files from a server and writes to your local system with AIR. This class has a few custom events that fire during a download process: File starts downloading, files finishes downloading, error occurred, progress, and a few others. This class was built for a specific project, but made coupled so it can be used for anything else wanting to download a file from a server. I'm starting to implement it into a new project, and a few events I'm not listening for, such as when the file starts downloading, or the progress of it, just the complete.

Does it strain overall performance having all the other events still dispatching, when I know they aren't being listened to? Would be be better to comment out the dispatchEvent() for the specifics I know aren't used, or does it even matter? There's obviously events dispatched throughout the SDK that aren't always listened for: Right click, drag, resize, etc. This makes me think it doesn't matter that these events fire but aren't handled, but since code is running and things are happening, that means there is performance going on.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatching Non-custom Events From Inside A Class??

Apr 3, 2009

Would it be possible for me to also dispatch non-custom events (like Event.CHANGE) from inside a class? I already did this with custom events which worked fine, but when I try to dispatch a the Event.CHANGE it will tell me that I am trying to convert a String into an Event (??). What I do is:[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dispatching Keyboard Events - Mouse Click

Jul 16, 2009

I have a key.addlistener setup to listen to key events. What I want to be able to do is to dispatch key events by for example a mouse click or just on load. I've tried a lot of possible solutions such as dispatchEvent with type as "onKeyDown" and "keyDown" etc.... but key listener simply do not treat it as a keyboard event.

var eventObj = new Object();
eventObj.type = "keyDown";
eventObj.code = 13;
eventObj.ascii = 'e';

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ActionScript 3 :: Not Receiving OnSync Delete Events For SharedObjects In SWF

Feb 27, 2011

I have an application that uses Remote SharedObjects and I am seeing some strange behaviour. I am writing an ActionScript application in AS3 using Flash Builder and connecting to Wowza Media Server 2. My application is working just fine but I am now trying to write unit tests for it using FlexUnit. My unit tests involve creating multiple connections to the same remote SharedObject and making sure that I am getting updates correctly. Everything seems to be working well except that I am not getting any of the SyncEvent.SYNC events with an info.code of "delete".

When I run my applications independently in separate tabs or even separate swfs embedded in the same page it works fine. For some reason though it does not work when inside a unit test. I have also found that if I load the swfs using a Loader inside the same SWF then I get the same behaviour. It seems to me to be something strange about the way multiples of the same SharedObject behave within the same SWF. I have had to work around other strange behaviour in the unit tests such as oldValues not being set properly in the onSync events too.

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Javascript :: Flash App Receiving Mouse Events Without Focus?

May 18, 2011

Just wanted to ask is it possible for a flash app to capture mouse and keyboard events when it loses focus. I've tried putting it in a div container through SWFObject library and than used jquery forward mouse events plugin, but without success. My idea was to capture mouse events (click event) on the body and then transfer it to the flash app

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Receiving Events From Custom Event Class?

Feb 1, 2007

I'm having a problem with a custom subclassed Event class. Or I should say, I'm having trouble receiving events from this custom event class. I'm pretty sure I have everything wired correctly, the event is dispatched properly and my trace shows the Event instance being spawned. However, my eventListener, which is in another class, never fires its handler function.Have any of you run across instances where custom event classes fail to fire? I'm about at my wit's end.

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Flash :: Dispatching Events: Does Listener Inherit The Caller's Properties

Jan 5, 2010

I notice in actionscript 3 that when a handler gets called, its able to access the senders properties. If I dispatch an event from my custom class. can all the listeners inherit all my public properties and methods?

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ActionScript 3 :: Dispatching Events - Extend Class With No Display Objects?

Nov 15, 2011

When dispatching events in as3 I always have to extend class from sprite, or movieclip, but when I don't have display objects I don't wont to extend to sprite or movieclip. What is the most light class that I can extend, I mean no display object, and still do use event dispatching?

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Flex :: URLLoader Fails Randomly Without Throwing An Error Or Dispatching Any Events

May 29, 2009

In Adobe AIR 1.5, I'm using URLLoader to upload a video in 1 MB chunks. It uploads 1 MB, waits for the Event.COMPLETE event, and then uploads the next chunk. The server-side code knows how to construct the video from these chunks.

Usually, it works fine. However, sometimes it just stops without throwing any errors or dispatching any events. This is an example of what is shown in a log that I create:

Uploading chunk of size: 1000000
HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS dispatched: 200
HTTP_STATUS dispatched: 200
Completed chunk 1 of 108


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Flash :: Opened Context Window Blocks Receiving Mouse Events, How To Avoid

Apr 20, 2011

i need to track the mouse movements(and register what component is under the mouse), it is done already, but i meet new problem, if click right button then context menu will be opened and no any new events(mouseMove, mouseOver) received by my components. I understand that this context menu is more browser then flash/flex and afaiu the is no way to disable context menu at all. So may be somebody know any trick to avoid this events blocking?

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Actionscript 3 :: Receiving Mouse Events For Lower Indexed And Partially Covered Display Objects?

Mar 9, 2010

i have 2 sprites on stage. bottomSprite is added to the display list first, followed by topSprite. topSprite partially covers bottomSprite.i've added an event listener to bottomSprite for MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED notifications to simply trace the mouseX and mouseY coordinates. however, the notification doesn't work for the parts of bottomSprite that are covered by topSprite.

var bottomSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();, 0.5);,150, 150, 150);;


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