Flex :: URLLoader Fails Randomly Without Throwing An Error Or Dispatching Any Events

May 29, 2009

In Adobe AIR 1.5, I'm using URLLoader to upload a video in 1 MB chunks. It uploads 1 MB, waits for the Event.COMPLETE event, and then uploads the next chunk. The server-side code knows how to construct the video from these chunks.

Usually, it works fine. However, sometimes it just stops without throwing any errors or dispatching any events. This is an example of what is shown in a log that I create:

Uploading chunk of size: 1000000
HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS dispatched: 200
HTTP_STATUS dispatched: 200
Completed chunk 1 of 108


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ActionScript 3.0 :: URLLoader Fails Randomly?

Jul 11, 2011

Here is the thing: I use a URLLoader to load a PHP script, and receive an answer. Ok, fine, but the problem is: sometimes it does'nt work...Yeah, my big problem is the SOMETIMES. I can't figure out why would it only be sometimes, it's killing me. Anyway, it doesn't generate any error, it just stop in the middle of the scriptHere is some code (in french mostly,):

var enveloppe:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
function envoyerCode(event){  //Sending PHP Script to database var variablesLocales:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); var scriptPromo:URLRequest = new


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ActionScript 3.0 :: URLLoader Fails To Load Without Error?

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Flex :: Dispatching Events From A Class?

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package com.services
import com.asfusion.mate.events.ResponseEvent;
import com.events.navigation.DesgManagementEvent
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import mx.controls.Alert;


I am able to get the result, but not able to dispatch the event from the custom actionScript class. I googled and got the riposte that you need to add it to display list.

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Jun 25, 2010

I have a custom event class public class FFTDrawEvent extends Event {

public static const DRAW_EVENT:String = "drawEvent";
private var _param:Array = new Array();
public function FFTDrawEvent(type:String, __param:Array, bubbles:Boolean=true, cancelable:Boolean=false) {
_param = __param;
super(type, bubbles, cancelable);


Both class (Dispatcher & Listener) are Child class of a MXML application. Also listen to the event in the parent MXML application doens't work. Listen to the event in the dispatching class itself somehow works.

I have to feeling that the EventDispatcher class is not the right one to dispatch events to a mxml application or respectivly AS classes, which extend/inherent from a MXML component class.

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Here is the example


package components
import flash.events.Event;


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protected function btnLoginClick(event:MouseEvent):void


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private function getSearch():void


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Im trying to dispatch and event from an XML class.dispatchEvent(new Event (XMLClass.INDEX_CHANGED));and catch it in the display class [code]I know that im missing something because the application works and the function runs but its not dispatching the event the event or maybe it's not catching the event in the display class, even though everything else is working and im not gettin' any errors.

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Nov 22, 2010

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Do I have to have a custom Event class to dispatch a custom event?
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or can I just dispatch an event once an instance has already previously been created.... example:  dispatchEvent(MyEvent.TASK_COMPLET);?

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Flash :: Events Dispatching And Listening?

Sep 2, 2010

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Code: Select allvar eventObj = new Object();
eventObj.type = "keyDown";
eventObj.code = 13;
eventObj.ascii = 'e';

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dispatchEvent(new PLYPubliEvent(PLYPubliEvent._OVERLAY_OPEN))
dispatchEvent(new Event("testtt"))

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatching Events From Static Class?

Aug 3, 2010

However, it seems to me as I've started building this (or trying, rather) that there's no way this can be done, but I'm sure I'm wrong. Since the static class is never added as an instance to the display list, the stage (or any object for that matter) will never hear any events it dispatches.I've searched and found this, but that doesn't seem to be the right solution since I'm listening for my custom LinkEvent event from the stage, and *not* in the class calling the dispatch function in the static dispatcher class.And to reiterate, the goal is to have a single class I can use throughout my application that dispatches my custom LinkEvent event with two properties: linkURL, and linkTarget.The whole reason for wanting to do this is so I can have some control over what happens (to track, or do some other behavior) when someone clicks on a link created within an htmlText TextField with an <a>

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ERROR   1180  Call to a possibly undefined Method Event   - - - > dispatchEvent(new Event("showbutton"));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatching And Receiving Events - Button Array

Jun 23, 2010

I am attempting to dispatch an event on the click of any of the buttons in a button array in the document class of my application. The intent is to have an external object receive this dispatch so as to remove a listener for the EnterFrame event in this class.

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package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
public class Main extends Sprite {
private var one:MovieClip;
[Code] .....

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May 5, 2011

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now i want to add one preloader to contentManager which always listen for ProgressEvent. when the progressEvent dispatched i want to preloader going to active. becouse there is another objects that are loading images or other kind of files. i think it is a good apporach to solve preloader issue. so my problem is, when collectionLoader object loading images with using queLoader. my QueueProgress event dispatches ProgressEvent evey time, but my preloader object stand at the 2 classes up level, doesn't percive this event.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Class - Dispatching Events Performance

Feb 16, 2012

I'm curious about event performance. I have a custom class that downloads files from a server and writes to your local system with AIR. This class has a few custom events that fire during a download process: File starts downloading, files finishes downloading, error occurred, progress, and a few others. This class was built for a specific project, but made coupled so it can be used for anything else wanting to download a file from a server. I'm starting to implement it into a new project, and a few events I'm not listening for, such as when the file starts downloading, or the progress of it, just the complete.

Does it strain overall performance having all the other events still dispatching, when I know they aren't being listened to? Would be be better to comment out the dispatchEvent() for the specifics I know aren't used, or does it even matter? There's obviously events dispatched throughout the SDK that aren't always listened for: Right click, drag, resize, etc. This makes me think it doesn't matter that these events fire but aren't handled, but since code is running and things are happening, that means there is performance going on.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatching Non-custom Events From Inside A Class??

Apr 3, 2009

Would it be possible for me to also dispatch non-custom events (like Event.CHANGE) from inside a class? I already did this with custom events which worked fine, but when I try to dispatch a the Event.CHANGE it will tell me that I am trying to convert a String into an Event (??). What I do is:[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dispatching Keyboard Events - Mouse Click

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I have a key.addlistener setup to listen to key events. What I want to be able to do is to dispatch key events by for example a mouse click or just on load. I've tried a lot of possible solutions such as dispatchEvent with type as "onKeyDown" and "keyDown" etc.... but key listener simply do not treat it as a keyboard event.

var eventObj = new Object();
eventObj.type = "keyDown";
eventObj.code = 13;
eventObj.ascii = 'e';

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Use Of Null Is Throwing An Error

Dec 11, 2010

I'm having a little difficulty when it comes to getting objects ready for garbage collection.

I have some dynamically created movieclips.

Within each clip, I have a combo box and a close button.  When the user clicks the clsoe button, it runs a function that removes all the event listeners for the close button and combo box, and removes the parent clip from stage.  I also want to make the parent clip null, and this is where I get an error. I'm not sure how to tell Flash "make the parent of the close button clip = null.[code]...

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ActionScript 3 :: Dispatching Events - Extend Class With No Display Objects?

Nov 15, 2011

When dispatching events in as3 I always have to extend class from sprite, or movieclip, but when I don't have display objects I don't wont to extend to sprite or movieclip. What is the most light class that I can extend, I mean no display object, and still do use event dispatching?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: NavigateToURL Throwing Up Error (1063)

Jan 1, 2009

I am getting an error which says
"ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on bingo_game9_AS3_fla::MainTimeline/get_link(). Expected 0, got 1."

When trying to access a web page from Flash. The movie clip on the stage is called "link_mc" btn_over, btn_out etc. works fine. It just changes the size of the mc when mouse is over using functions elsewhere.

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Jun 2, 2010

I am using the ExternalInterface to communicate between Flash and JavaScript using callbacks and the call method. I would like to throw an exception in ActionScript 3.0 and catch it in JavaScript and I was wondering if there was anyway to do that?

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Javascript :: Eval Throwing Error With Try / Catch

Nov 29, 2011

I have an air application, in which the user types javascript in a textarea, and it is eval'd in an mx:HTML component, but even with try/catch around the eval, and around the code in the eval, and an HTMLUncaughtScriptExceptionEvent handler, it still throws an error. htmlWindow is html.htmlLoader.window.


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Vector Class Throwing Error After Publishing FLA For Generating IPA

Sep 29, 2011

I am creating a flash game for iPhone using Flash CS5, Everything runs smoothly when creating swf via Ctrl+Enter. But when I am attaching .p12 and provisioning profile files and publish the FLA for generating .ipa there is an error thrown by the compiler that is:

"Incorrect number of arguments, Expected no more than 0"
private static function closestVertexOnOBB(p:Vector, r:RectangleParticle):Vector {
var d:Vector = p.minus(r.samp);
var q:Vector= new Vector(r.samp.x, r.samp.y);
for (var i:int = 0; i < 2; i++) {
[Code] .....

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