ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Instance Name From MovieClip?
Feb 16, 2009
I have problem. I work in Actionscript 3.0. I have add Movie Clip to stage by this code:
for (i=1;i<=33;i++){
var mcPipeShell = new pipeshell();
my purpos is , after I add 33 instance of movieclip from custom class pipeshell. I want to access to each of them later such as control play head of each movie clip, and access variable entirer movie clips.
For some reason, the same code works now, without any problem at all. I don't know what happened, or why, but I no longer have this problem Here's the original post: To put simply, I created a MovieClip, put it with addChild() to stage, and when I tried to call this piece of code:
How would you add a listener to an object inside of a movieclip that is in the library and as not been placed on the stage yet? Or, could you tell it to listen for when it does go on stage if it does come on the stage and when it comes on the stage to add an eventlistener to a movieclip inside of that?
i made a custom class where i would like to create x instances of a movieclip. But the following doesn't work:
I keep getting the error: Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 1', Frame 1, Line 5 1119: Access of possibly undefined property Collector through a reference with static type CustomClass.
Ok, Background. I have two objects both of which im spawining in though code. We will call them bullets and wolves. They have their own .AS files which tells them everything they need to know about themselves. I figured i would do most of the hit testing on the bullet.AS file, hit testing against the wolves as there were going to be a set number of wolves but not a set number of bullets.o, I named them by running a loop and putting the = i.toString();Yes, new wolf is a declared variable, and i is the name of the variable that makes the loop run. I also have a test in it, and it works fine.
However, The hit testing is where i come into an issue. Remember, its on a seperate .AS file. The wolf maker and namer is on the main flash page.The hit testing function isif(this.hitTestObject(a)){i changed up my variable name to run a second loop. first variable name is "i" and the second variable name is "a"And for some reason i get a type error 1034, which from what i understand is an error that you get when two instance names are the same. Also, If possible, i would like to add letters to the name of the object, but im not sure if flash will let me as i belive the code would look something like this
I have a movieclip instance named 'placeholder' on the canvas, and I want to change the alpha of the named movieclip from it's class without effecting the alpha of all the movieclips of the same type. How would I specifically target the named movieclip instance that is on the canvas?
I am trying to make a reference to a movieclip instance that is in another movieclip.
Here's the deal: I have a main timeline for different pages of a website...then within that I make all of the art on each page into a movieclip so I can do animations every time that main timeline frame is called to, yet still keep my main timeline clean.
Within one page's movieclip I have a few buttons that I want to use to go to other pages by referencing them on the main timeline.I have been using this: (home_about is the about us button on my home page, and frame 31 is on the main timeline).
home_about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_6); function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_6(event:MouseEvent) :void {[code].............
Since this home_about is within another movieclip,I get the access of undefined property error. Do I need to change the code I've pasted above or add in variable definitions to fix this?
I am trying to create an interactive graphic. Basically, it's three squares layered on top of each other, with a large square in back, a medium square centered in the middle of the large square, and a small square in front centered in the middle of the medium square.
When you roll over the medium square, say, it expands to almost the size of the large square and some text fades in, and the small square on top of it fades away. When you roll off of the medium square, it goes back to it's smaller size, and the small square fades back in.
Currently, I have the actionscript in the movieclip to make the medium square get larger and smaller (and the text fade in), but I need to somehow reference the instance of the small square movieclip to hide it when I roll over the medium movieclip.
My actionscript for the medium square activity, currently:
Does creating a new instance of an Object that uses an identical name to an older instance, delete the previous instance? Or should the original instance be deleted first? The code uses a ridiculous amount of XML vars. Isn't it less memory intensive to parse the XML and save the properties to an Object, and then delete the XML Object, rather than keep the XML Object around and reference it's child nodes directly? Is it better form to break up a huge XML file (>600lines/3200vars) into smaller chunks?
var page1:Branch = new Branch(); page1.y = 124; addChild(page1);
I want to have the value "page1" to be dynamic, along with "Branch". Since there's a number of templates (up to 20), Branch is one of the templates. So it would be nice to use one instance creator. Also, I'm not sure how to get "page1" to be a dynamic value.
The closest to this that I've been able to find is:
except that it doesn't fully address what I want to do. I tried adding in a bunch of "this[load_page]" and "this["page"+curpage]" to my code but had no success. I'm still on the prowl for the answer but wanted to put this out there. It's something I've tried to figure out for some time.
i have a simple ClassB which just draws a rect:[code]And in my other ClassA i am trying to instantiate ClassB by its name - string "ClassB" with following code but that doesn't work:[code]I keep getting following error so i must be missing something?[code]
I've just come across a problem when using the caurina Tweener for AS2. It works fine with an absolute instance name, for an object on the stage; however as soon as I try to use a dynamic instance name - it stops recognizing simple properties like _x and _y, returning this Output message:
## [Tweener] Error: The property '_height' doesn't seem to be a normal object property of menu1 or a registered special property. ## [Tweener] Error: The property '_width' doesn't seem to be a normal object property of menu1 or a registered special property. ## [Tweener] Error: The property '_y' doesn't seem to be a normal object property of menu1 or a registered special property. ## [Tweener] Error: The property '_x' doesn't seem to be a normal object property of menu1 or a registered special property.
Here is a code snippet: ActionScript Code: _root.currentitem = 1; _root.xpos = 0; _root.ypos = 0; Tweener.addTween(["menu"+_root.currentitem], {_x:_root.xpos, _y:_root.ypos, _width:85.0, _height:85.0, time:_root.clicktime, transition:_root.clicktype}); All other tweens work fine. There are objects on the stage with instance names of "menu1", "menu2" etc.
Im looking to have something along these lines, different variables that build the path to the object so that I can have it change dynamically.I'd like to have something like:
function foo(e:MouseEvent):void { var1.var2.var3+_button.gotoAndPlay(2); }
This should be simple but I can't come up with or find the answer anywhere. All I want to do is create a series of Arrays with instance names generated on the fly. I then want to reference these later. I have a "for" loop with a variable "count" that I want to add to a base name of rowArray and use the result to create an Array. I would think that it would look something like this:
I have 4 Mc's on the stage, and they have instance names 'mc1' - 'mc2' etc.The MC's have links in them (they are kind'a navigation items) and i need to change the functions of the 'rollOver, and mouseDown events', but keep the MC's the same.The MC's are referenced by instance name and given functions in the first few frames of he movie. for example
--------------- mc_1_0.onRollOver = function() { if (_root.mc_1_0._currentFrame == 1) {
Now, what i want achieve is to change the instance names of the MC's (mc_1_0 for example) so that when the user interacts with this MC on the stage, they are taken to locations of my choice (and the actions of another MC), by switching the instance names. IE, i want to change the instance name of 'mc_1_0' to 'mc_2_0' at runtime, BUT i want to do it with a variable from a .txt file.i would need to start with a script that looks for the MC with a certain instance name
-- look for instance mc_1_0, and then change the instance name to 'mc_2_0'
The effect would be that the user would instigate the same actions, regardless of which of the two MC's they rolled over.Maybe i could call the instances initially 'MC_1_Temp' and 'MC_2_Temp' etc: and then i would need a script to change them to 'mc_1_0' and 'mc_2_0' at runtime.SO in the text file i would need something like this
I'm making an activity where you drag and drop text (in mc's) into a specific column. There are two columns, the left is for workplace responsibility the right side is for personal responsibility. I've made the actionscript so that I can drop multiple targets into any of the correct spaces they're supposed to go to and I want the text to appear in that particular spot.
At the moment I have dynamic text, and when the text/mc is dropped into the box I have the code ( - and so the instance name shows, but since you cant have whitespace in the instance names its not formatted the way I want it.
I have a script on frame 1 that onRelease of button should tell dynamic MovieClip instances which have been added by attachMovie on frame 2 and 3 to go to a particular frame , here's the code:Frame 1:numdests is set to 2pagesAmount is set to 4
btn_submit.onPress = function(){ for (var i = 0; i<numdests; i++){ for (d = 1; d < pagesAmount + 1; d++){
In flash IDE i put a dynamic text with yourGuessText instance name. I need something like: if user not enter something to this field trace("need enter something");
and a corresponding set of movie clips, exported for actionscript, with names:
type_p type_exp
I want to somehow dynamically attach a movieclip on the stage according to the project type that exists in the array. I could just do something like this:
I have been search for a few days for literature on dynamic instance name in referring to movieClips already on the stage. Each movieClip was set and displayed using the addChild(); and have a set instance name for reference ex. my_mc_x (x = number 1 - 10) I wanted to access these clips whit a tween
fadeTween = new Tween(this[image_assoc],"alpha",None.easeNone,0,1,1,true); fadeTween = new Tween(this[image_assoc].name,"alpha",None.easeNone,0,1,1,true); fadeTween = new Tween(getChildByName(image_assoc),"alpha",None.eas eNone,0,1,1,true);
dynamic reference to objects on the stage from a string that creates the object name to effect the instance of that object.
I have a script on frame 1 that onRelease of button should tell dynamic MovieClip instances which have been added by attachMovie on frame 2 and 3 to go to a particular frame , here's the code:
Frame 1: numdests is set to 2 pagesAmount is set to 4
Currently the movies that are added using AttachMovie don't move when button on frame 1 is pressed.
My name is Bryan i am 17 years old and i'm from the Netherlands. As i am trying to become a web design and developer i decided flash was a MUST to know, so i started trying flash and messing about. Now i'm trying to get into Action script 3.0 deeper. Currently i am trying to fix an externaly (XML) loaded image gallery for my self, except i'm a little stuck right now.Up to now all my code has worked. I've got 3 UILoaders set up for 2 jobs: Loading thumbnails (2 of them) and the other is for loading a 'full' version. I got that working. Except if i get huge images like a wallpaper etc. it screws up the size, so i set scaleContent to true.
- Set all the images dynamicly, with that i mean it loops trough all the thumbnails and gets the first 2, it dumps them into the UILoader wich is already the part i am failing at XD
- Check for the width and the height of the image (wich i either will include in the XML document or can i use something like: XMLData.image[ *number here* ].img_thumb.width (as a example)?
- Check if these are less than the UILoader's size and if they are less dissable scale content, if they are more enable it
So as i said im already failing at trying to dump the images in the thumbnails.I've got the following setup:
Root document has a MC: mc_content. Inside mc_content we have: loader_image (full size of the image loader) loader_thumb1 and loader_thumb2.
So what i want:
- Load the XML (works) - Set some limits using variables (works) - Start a for loop (works) - get the thumbnail for the current image number (wich is a variable set and maintained in the for loop) (works) - load the image into the loader_thumb *insert current image number here* (fails)
here is my current XML function:
ActionScript Code: // Function that is called upon loaded complete function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void{ // get the XML Data from the file
I have created a movie clip that has a dynamic text box in it with the instance name of 'news_txt' I have set the Movie Clip linkage identifer to 'newsItem'. What I am looking for is to have this movie clip be replicated depending on how many news items are in my xml doc.
I need to retieve the instance name of a button but cannot do it the same with a dynamic button the same as I can with a component button.For a built in component button the below code would output _level0.buttonName, however for a dynamic button i have created it only outputs _level0.
I have a loop to create some dynamic instances.And I would like to get the instance's name when I rollover on it, however I do not know the proper syntax.
Code: var mc:Array = []; for (var i=0; i<2; i++) {
I have a website i designed which contains buttons that navigate the user to different points on the timeline using frame labels. when they get to the appropriate frame label, they are presented with a movieclip containing two layers. The bottom layer is a map, and the upper layer is a collection of printer buttons that have a tooltip component on them that show you detailed printer info on mouse over and takes you to the printer remote ui on release. each button has a unique queue name for the appropriate printer as its instance name (ex. itm100_btn). Here's the jist... I want to be able to place a dynamic text box near the printer button and using action script have it display the printer queue name automatically simply based on the button its targeting, or even placing the dynamic txt box inside the printer button mc. See, on some pages, there are like 24 printers... I DREAD having to put all these names in manually as there are like 150 printers total