ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Datagrid Text Cutoff?

Jan 9, 2010

I'm trying to bring in data from an xml file, and populate a datagrid with it. I've got that working just fine, but all the columns are spaced evenly, and will not extend it if the content in the rows is too long. I found an example of it that would be acceptable, if it was doable in actionscript 3 alone, unfortunately this example uses flex. It's near the bottom of the page.


That would really be perfect, dynamically going multiline and increasing row height when it needs to. I found an adobe article on making it multiline in just flash, but its completely static. I've been able to reference the text width through the cellrenderer class, but I can't get access to the datagrid from there. If I could get the textField width and then use that to determine column width, that would be incredible.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Dynamic Datagrid That Receives Dynamic Columns?

Jan 3, 2006

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var coluna:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn();
coluna.width = 75;


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Flex :: Dynamic Datagrid Httpservice?

Jan 4, 2010

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute"
xmlns="*" creationComplete="srv.send()" >


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var productId:String;
var productName:String;
var status:String;
var categoryList:ArrayCollection;

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I have another issue that I'm not sure how to handle. I have buttons for my main nav, a main text box, and a mini text box (both text boxes are loaded dynamically from external files). I want to have the mini text box load new external text files in the main text box. For instance, I have a button for music, which loads a list of songs in the mini text box. I want to be able to click on the name of one of the songs and have it load the lyrics in the main text box.

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Simple Text Enlarger - Increases The Text Size Of A Dynamic Text Field

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Problem: I am trying to get a very simple text resize going, for my main content area in a flash website. My aim is to get a button, that on click, increases the text size of a dynamic text field.


This is what I tried, I am very new to Action Script, so excuse the futility of my code.

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Nov 28, 2006

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with (main["dragAct"+i].dragActText) {
text = actText[i+1];
background = true;


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IDE :: Have 4 Dynamic Text Boxes Which Duplicates The Text From A Main Input Text Box?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Dynamic Text Field Content In Another Dynamic Text Field?

May 13, 2011

I have a dynamic text on the stage which gets updated (shows numbers) when some buttons are pressed.I just need to know if it is possible to show the first dynamic textfield in another dynamic textfield.Lets say the first dynamic textfield called "price" and the second one called "price2". when a button is pressed, the first dynamic textfield "price" will show a number. is it possible to show whatever is shown in the "price" in "price2" ?

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AS3 :: Setting A Dynamic Position For A Text Field Relative To Another Dynamic Text Field

Dec 8, 2010

I'm creating an XML-driven pie chart in AS3 with 2 text boxes in each pie slice. Both text fields are dynamic in the sense that they are populated by the XML doc and then told where to place themselves in the AS3. I've got them both using the same x and y position to place themselves at the moment (which of course puts them right one top of each other), but I'd like to make one of the fields (which acts like a label or a title to the larger number and % text field) place itself in a particular spot around the other text field. The result I'm looking for is to have the smaller "title" text field appear approximately 5 pixels above and left-justified to the larger "percentage" field.

Anyway, here are two sections of code that I've currently got. The first chunk, for the Tags portion, sets the position for the "percentage" text field using a good old x and y method. The second chunk, for Titles, is setting the position for the smaller "title" text.

//evaluate tags
private function evaluateTags():void{
for (s=0; s


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Centering Datagrid Text And Headers?

Jun 25, 2009

I've be messing around with Flash for a little while now and just recently starting trying to do a datagrid which is loaded from an XML file. Well I've gotten the XML to populate the datagrid. Everything is fine in that aspect but I cant seem to get my text to align properly in the datagrid. By default ofcourse everything is aligned Left. I would like align everything centered (the cells as well as the column Header.The code that I have basically creates the datagrid at runtime,

Note: I had found two other threads from a couple of years ago that said use the line below, but I've tried that line of code to no avail:

myDataGrid.getColumnAt(2).textAlign = "center";
import fl.controls.DataGrid;[code]....

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Style Input Text In A Datagrid?

May 26, 2010

I've added styles to my datagrid text using setStyle and and setRenderStyle. My datagrid fields are set as editable. When you click on the editable text it reverts to a much smaller font. Is there a way to add styles to the input font?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Set Row Text Color In Datagrid?

Sep 1, 2011

I have a datagrid showing a number of rows of data. Some rows of data are "inactive" data so I want to display those rows in a different text color

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Color In A Datagrid?

Feb 17, 2010

I need to make the text for the cells of a datagrid white. I have read a load of articles that tell how to do this but I must be missing something critical because nothing is working. I have very successfully changed the header text using this:

var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
tf.color = 0x003A72;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Data From Dynamic Text Field On Stage To Dynamic Textfield In Mc?

Sep 28, 2010

I have 2 input textfields on the stage and 1 dynamic textfield.

-input1 is for quantity

-input2 is for page count

When a user enters a number into the page count it makes a calculation and places the outcome into the dynamic textfield. This textfield is for the individual price.All of this so far works. What I want to do now is create another dynamic textfield for the total. So the individual price is multiplied by the quantity and this result is put in the new dynamic text field. I have the code for that working but here is where it gets tricky (for me anyway).The total price is to start off invisible. When I roll over the individual price the total price is to appear (For a test lets just say when I roll over an area the total price appears).To stop cursor flickering this should be done inside a movieclip. So... I have create a movieclip and placed a dynamic textfield inside it. They all have instance names BUT how do I reference it in script?I need to tell the resulting calculation to be placed inside the textfield which is inside the movieclip. If it isn't inside a movie clip I can do it. But how to I reference it when inside one?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text In Button Nested In Dynamic Movie Clip?

Jan 23, 2010

I've made a flash movie which will load four movie clips at runtime. Actually, the number of movie clips will depend upon number of "NODE" in XML file. Keeping XML file thing aside, I've tried hardcoded values; 4. Let me describe you the structure very well:

There is a main empty movie clip, instance name "mc_scroll" which will be only item on stage. In this movie clip, another movie clip whose identifier name is "blueMovie" will be loaded dynamically. Inside this "blueMovie" MC, there is a button instance name is "blueButton" and inside this button there is a "Dynamic Text" field instance name is "btn_text".

Phewww.. so long chain... inshort:

Now, I can load 4 or any number of "blueMovie" inside "mc_scroll". But I also want to set the button text for each button inside each MC!! I'm sure you guys are getting what I want to do. But its not working. Below is the code:

for(i=0; i<4; i++)


how to assign the text dynamically which is inside a button and this button inside a MC which is created dynamically inside a main MC!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Menu / Every New Duplicated Mc Contains Dynamic Text Area As A Label

Oct 14, 2009

i have a problem with my flash menu. It's simple menu that contains one MC at start that works as button, u can edit size of the menu from external .txt file by changing the value of menu length. All that works fine , my problem is that every new duplicated mc contains dynamic text area as a label. Labels are also loaded from that .txt file , but that works only for the 1st mc because the newly created text areas in mc's dont have Instance Name set. How can i assign them from as?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Through Recordset - Dynamic Text Boxes In Dynamic Clip Arent Picking Up The Variable?

Aug 22, 2005

can't figure out why the dynamic text boxes in my dynamic clip arent picking up the variable when I loop through this recordset!the trace (you'll see here right after I try two ways to assign the variable) traces the correct info back..


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