ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed A ComboBox Into A DataGrid?
Jun 12, 2011
I've been stuck in the last step when trying to embed a ComboBox into a DataGrid through AS3.0( I am not yet a fan of Flex, so pls don't bother).Now you can click on the combobox embeded in the datagrid and have the dropdown list as normal, but the content of the cell always remain the same(the first itemlabel of the ComboBox)Here is the code:
1. Firstly in the Main Frames:
import fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer;
import fl.controls.DataGrid;
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Oct 6, 2009
I have a data grid that has ComboBoxes in two of its columns.
What I need to do is get the values of those bombo boxes when a user highlights the row of the grid NOT when the user uses the comboBox. I understand how to pull the values out once the change handler is invoked on the comboBox, but I'm not seeing a way to get at the comboBoxes that belong to the currently highlighted gridRow.
I'm sure it's really straight forward, but I'm just not able to find any reference on how it's done.
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May 12, 2010
I have a DataGrid with a ComboBox as an ItemRenderer for one of my columns. When the user selects a row, I want to get the ComboBox's selected value for the selected row.
EDIT: I should have mentioned that the dataField2_Array property in myData is actually an Array is the dataProvider for the ComboBox. Each object in myData could have completely different values in that Array so the ComboBox in each row of the DataGrid could have completely different options to pick from.Some sample code:
<mx:DataGrid id="myGrid"
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Aug 27, 2009
I am trying to put a combobox inside a datagrid. I managed to get it this far:
Shown in that image is my combobox, populated with data. The problem is that if I set the selectedIndex of the combobox to whatever value is in the corresponding cell, the user can no longer change the value of the combobox. What I mean is, you click on the combobox, a list appears to select from, but you can not select any item in that list.
Here's my code:
import fl.controls.listClasses.ICellRenderer;
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Oct 28, 2009
How can I filter a datagrid based on the value in the combo box? Can anyone show me some good examples on it?
In my application, I already filter a datagrid based on the text entered by the user. I check if the entered string matches the column entry of the datagrid and if a match is found,the filterFunction on the dataprovider is called.
This is that code:
<mx:FormItem direction="horizontal">
<mx:ComboBox id="searchCriteria1" dataProvider="{criteriaDP1}" change="searchFunction()"/>
<mx:TextInput id="search" change="searchFunction()"/>
searchCriteria is the comboBox,where I have the items, "ALL","HIGH"...I have two rows with value "high" and I get the Alert "yes" for two times only.. But in the data grid all the four rows are displayed.
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Aug 10, 2010
I need to put a combobox in a column of a datagrid. The user just need to select a value from the existing combox items.I know I need to use a custom cellrenderer. Please see my current attempt below.This attempt successfully inserts a combobox into the datagrid, BUT without any data in the combobox. In fact, when I click on the combobox in the datagrid, it is the same as a normal combobox on the stage without a dataProvider. In other words, it doesn't even open.Thus, I need to know how to modify my cellrenderer to correctly add the data to the combo and accept changes made by the user when selecting a value from the combobox.[code]
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Mar 23, 2009
The following code is the cell renderer for for a ComboBox in a DataGridColumn. It works fine when setting the comboBox's data in the constructor. There's a problem using the red code below. If the DataGrid row is not already selected the dropdown list appears but is empty.Any ideas? If the row is not already selected, the selectedItem is being set causing a STATE invalidation after the list a created. I'm not sure how to prevent this.
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Jun 15, 2010
Flash CS4, using actionscript 3... how can you populate a datagrid's cell with a combobox?
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Jul 5, 2006
I am trying to populate a datagrid based on a value selected from a combobox. The data comes from a xml file, which looks something like this,[code]The user can list data in the datagrid based on either "media" and "region." For example, the user should be able to choose "Europe" from the combobox and list "only" media having "Europe" in the region tags. In this case, if the user chooses "Europe" from the Combobox only one listing (rammstein) will be seen in the Datagrid.However, it doesn't work. I get a blank datagrid. Loading data into the datagrid is not the problem, because if I just use a straight For loop with no conditions I fill the datagrid no problem. The problem comes up when I try to control what data get listed in the datagrid based on selected value in the combobox.[code]
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Aug 11, 2010
I use this arrayCollection to populate a Flex 3 Datagrid. I'd also like to use this arrayCollection to populate a comboBox with the Name node.
In the arrayCollection, I've got the Name listed twice. I've got two rows in the Datagrid.
If I set the ComboBox's labelfield to Name, then the Name will be listed twice in the ComboBox menu. Is there a way to use this arrayCollection and have each Name listed only once in the comboBox?
I can always make another loop and array collection for the Name, but I was wondering if there were a better way.
var i:uint;
for (i=0; i<myArray.length; i++){
myDGArray = [
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Aug 23, 2010
I know AS3Commons-collection framework is a good one, but it can't use in ComboBox, recently.I try to use LinkedSet data structure to retrieve and store data in ComboBox, any one can help me?
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Jan 15, 2011
I'm trying to update a combobox/datagrid sorter that came from flex3 to a flex4 version but I keep getting an error that my newbie brain is not processing. The error is "1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Array to an unrelated type mx.collections:IList."
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Mar 1, 2011
I have a datagrid.In this datagrid I have a combobox item editor. This datagrid also has multiple columns where a user inputs numbers in each column. These numbers are then calculated by formula where the sum is posted in the "total" column. In this combobox there are two options for the user to choose from and each option has a different formula for calculating the inputted numbers. What I want is for when a user chooses "option 1" one formula is used to do the calculation, when "option 2" is chosen by the user then formula two is used to the calculation.Here's an example:
Combobox Option 1 (formula 1) is chosen by user = (Column2 - Column1) x column3 = "total" column
Combobox Option 2 (formula 2) is chosen by user = (Column1 - Column2) x column3 ="total" column
I realize you would use a conditional such as "if else" statement, but im just not sure how to do it. I've been trying to implement this for a while with no success.
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Nov 6, 2010
I'am trying to create a Flex Application where users can select courses from a combo box based on the department that offers the course. The combo box has an XML variable as its data provider and has the different departments listed. When a user selects the department from the combo box the courses offered for that department should automatically update (show up) in the data grid under their respective columns. What it needs to do is retrieve the XML for the selected department and then set the data provider for the srcgrid accordingly. I am having a lot of trouble with things displaying correctly in the data grid. The course should be under Course ID, course name under Name, etc...
HTML Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
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Feb 18, 2011
I m using FLASH CS3, I used Datagrid and Combobox component from components panel, and simply add some data inside in that.
function setupComboBox():void {
cb.setSize(200, 22);
cb.prompt = "Select a Credit Card";
cb.addItem( { label: "MasterCard", data:1 } );
[Code] .....
It seems working fine. My problem is, I want two different type of skining of two different component (DataGrid & Combobox). in the same fla. E.g if datagrid have gray color skin type and combobox have black color skin type.
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Oct 26, 2010
I have a data grid with an Combobox itemRenderer in it. What I have is a grid with a person id and person name (more stuff in grid but I am struggling with this). In the person name column I have an combobox with all the people on then system's names and id's. What I want to do is when I select a person in the combobox I want the combobox to populate the person name fields (which it does) but I also want to pull out the person id from the combobox and populate the person id column in the data grid as well.
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Jan 24, 2012
I have a mx:Datagrid in witch I'd like to add a combobox as item renderer.
<mx:DataGrid id="dgEnsActes"
width="100%" height="100%" >
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Dec 14, 2009
I have a very strange problem in a Flex 3.4 Datagrid. One of the columns is a ComboBox - I have my own custom renderer for the ComboBox. I use it to select my data and then make a "save" to the db. Upon return the comboBox loses its value. Even stranger is that when I scroll the datagrid area to the left (by moving scrollbar right) - the values in the ComboBox change!! When I scroll the datagrid right (by moving the scrollbar left) - the values in the ComboBox don't change.
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Feb 26, 2011
Which event is fired after the data is loaded into datagrid or combobox ? (Assuming the dataprovider is set to the datagrid).
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Feb 4, 2010
URL...In this demo I have a Datagrid populated from a php script.I also have a ComboBox embeded in the datagrid. In this example I am reading the ComboBox data from an array within a ComboBox CellRenderer.The question I am posing is how to dynamically populate the embedded ComboBox's from a php script with data retrieved from a mySQL table.
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Aug 19, 2010
recently, I research for the collection framework, and find LinkedSet(AS3Commons collection framework,it is a good opensource framework) written in ActionScript, but it can't use as dataProvider in ComboBox or DataGrid, because only implements ICollectionView can use as dataProvider. So I want to try if a class implements ICollectionView can work or not. I know Flex has build-in class implements ICollectionView, but I only want to define a class not use build-in class. The class as simple as possible.(can work is enough)
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Dec 22, 2009
I want the comboBox to be placed in one of the columns of the datagrid header.The datagrid should be filtered according to the value selected in the comboBox.e.
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Aug 7, 2009
I'm using Flash CS3 and want to create a custom ComboBox. I've followed the steps outlined in "Editing component skins in a new document" (http:/[url]...), but every time I get to the step where I drag the ComboBox Assets folder from the HaloTheme.fla library into my library, if I test movie at that point my combobox has become an unclickable white rectangle with no label, button or anything.
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Nov 8, 2010
I'm trying to set a specific list item in a mx combobox to have a custom item renderer, the problem is that I cannot do this via mxml, it needs to be done via actionscript at a later stage, eg: combobox gets created, combobox gets populated, user does other tasks, combobox needs to set one or more items in the combobox to have icons (via item renderer)..
I can do this via the onChange event, but it only applies the icon when the combobox is opened and there is a slight delay so you can see the icon being added.
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Mar 16, 2011
How can I validate there's a selected item in a ComboBox before saving? If there's no selected item, how can I set focus on the ComboBox?
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Dec 8, 2008
**Warning** The linkage identifier 'ComboBox' was already assigned to the symbol 'ComboBox', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'GUI MC/Combo Boxes/abc', since linkage identifiers must be unique.**Warning** The linkage identifier 'ComboBox' was already assigned to the symbol 'ComboBox', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'GUI MC/Combo Boxes/def', since linkage identifiers must be unique.
Both of my ComboBoxes has the same identifier.I could not change the identifier through the properties tab because it is greyed out.
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Mar 9, 2010
We have a flex application which compiles fine on windows box using mxmlc ant task but when we try to run the same build scripts on linux, it throws the 'Invalid Embed directive in stylesheet' error indicating it is not able to resolve the path to the image files.
Can someone pls. educate me on if there is a difference in the way the image files are looked up, in a CSS file, on windows vs linux.
Flex sdk version is 3.3. The same sdk is used on both windows and linux. Not sure if this has been fixed by any future 3.x sdks.
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Feb 10, 2012
Making a piano/keyboard application and trying to figure out the best way to set this up .I plan on having a directory of sounds for each 'instrument' in my assets folder (piano1/C4.mp3,piano1/D4.mpg,...)Is there a way to import/embed all of these as an array? Also is there a way I can pass a variable to this class to indicate which folder I want to import these from? Something that would be ideal
var type = "piano2"; //passed from class being called by
foreach(notes as note){
[Embed(source = 'assets/sounds/'+type +'/'+note+'.mp3')] private const C3:Class;
public var c3:Sfx = new Sfx(C3);
Or would it be a better idea to have a class for each of these "types" that pulls all notes?
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