ActionScript 3.0 :: [FDT] Refactor Variable Not Working?

May 26, 2010

Just taking my first stumbeling steps from Flex Builder towards FDT.As I understand refactoring should work much like in Flex Builder, but when I select a variable for refactoring the dialog box shows the name of the class and if I click OK the class (the current .as file) is renamed and not the variable.No matter what I try I can only refactor the class name.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Refactor (across Proj) In FB, Just Not Working?

Oct 4, 2011

I've just started using Flash Builder (4.5) instead of coding in Flash IDE and so I was REALLY happy when I discovered the refactor-feature (I've never used a proper coding IDE like this before).Problem is, it just not working! :O And it's driving me mad and no one else on the entire internet seems to have the same problem.No matter what I do, or project I use, whenever I try to refactor a function (selecting it, then CTRL ALT R) it only applies to the currently open as-file, but all other files in my project is left untouched despite containing references to that function.

It's like I'm totally clueless as to what to do next .I'm guessing it has something to do with how these as-files are connected, basically they are all in the source folder so when I need a class I just write "new CustomClass()" and it will work as they are in the same folder,but when it comes to the refactor-feature maybe that's not enough? I'm thinking this since even the "show reference" feature and such doesn't seem to ever find the references from the other files. :S

summary: My code works and runs, problem is just I really need to rename some stuff for easier coding and that just isn't working.

edit: Btw the "preview" button on the "rename function" doesn't show the references either.

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Actionscript 3 :: Refactor Nicely To Avoid The Massive Switch?

Aug 9, 2011

I see this quite a lot and I was wondering if there was a way to refactor this nicely to avoid the massive switch? This is a method in a factory: RoomControllerFactory, instantiating a game location based on its type. Here's an example from a switch in the factory method:


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Flash :: Adobe Builder Refactor->rename Function - Variables - Class Names And Other Objects Like Java?

Sep 7, 2011

FDT can do it, but half the time it times out and needs to be restarted on renaming some objects. Can Flash Builder do this?

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Variable Checking Isn't Working?

Jul 14, 2009

Google is ranking my site preety high BUT (bigBut) in MOST searches it lists my swf-s not html pages. So when clicked they are shown in a browser window as single swf-s, not as part of html page. I am trying to workaround this by means of some variable to inspect if swf is opened as standalone or within a html.Here is the problem. I've set up a swf (swf_01 for example) in html page that loads another swf (swf_02) which is in swf_s directory. Swf_01 establishes a variable _global.isActive = 1; when html loads swf_01. So if swf_02 is loaded into the swf_01 variable is TRUE and that is OK and if the swf_02 is loaded directly from search results as a standalone swf it's not OK. That works so far. In swf_02 there is a code that checkes if variable is undefined (meaning that swf is loaded directly from search results) and, if it is, loads the right html into "_self".Somehow it's not working. Maybe my code isn't right.

Code in swf_02 (loaded one):
/if(isActive==undefined){ loadMovie("", "_self");} // meaning: if variable is not true > this swf is loaded into browser directly from search


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using This[] To Reference A Variable - Not Working ?

May 2, 2010

I'm writing a function which can take the names of different variables and use them to do some calculations. Long story short, I want to be able to call the function like this:

It probably seems like a really roundabout way to pass the variable through its name rather than just passing the variable itself. This is related to me using XML to get the variable names, so they come in as strings. Just bear with me here.

Inside the function, I want to be able to do something like this:

which should then trace the variable's value. Unfortunately, I just get an 'undefined'. How do I use 'this[]' to get the value of the variable from a string corresponding to the variable's name?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] GotoAndStop (variable); Not Working?

Feb 13, 2009

I have a simple 3 frame file.

Frame 1 (main code, aka: the problem area)
Frame 2 (gotoAndPlay (1)
Frame 3 (Content Frame, aka: destination)

The concepts I'm trying to understand are two-fold: Creating Variable, and Loading them externally.

Here's my code:

var varFrame: Number;
var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
my_lv.load ("external_code.txt");


I can get the project to return the number "3" to the output window, but I can't get gotoAndStop (varFrame); to work.I understand this is a pointless program, but the project I'm building for work uses all these same lines of code (almost).

View 5 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Using This[] To Reference A Variable Not Working?

May 2, 2010

I'm writing a function which can take the names of different variables and use them to do some calculations. Long story short, I want to be able to call the function like this:

function caseConditionEvaluator( nameOfVariable:String )

It probably seems like a really roundabout way to pass the variable through its name rather than just passing the variable itself. This is related to me using XML to get the variable names, so they come in as strings. Just bear with me here.

Inside the function, I want to be able to do something like this:

trace( this[nameOfVariable] )

which should then trace the variable's value. Unfortunately, I just get an 'undefined'. How do I use 'this[]' to get the value of the variable from a string corresponding to the variable's name?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Variable On Input Text Not Working With If / Then?

Mar 25, 2009

I'm using ActionScript 2.0 with Flash CS4 Professional, andI'm running into conflicting info on how to do this depending onwhich Flash book I'm looking at (and is that really a surprise?).1) I want the user to type text into a text field and thenFlash places what they've typed into a variable.So I created a text field of the type 'Input Text' andassigned this variable 'myInput'2) When the user presses a button, I want Flash to look atwhat is in the variable. THEN... If they have typed the correctword, they are sent to frame 19. If they type anything else, theyare sent to frame 38.In this example, the correct word is: "move"So, I placed this script on the button:

on (release) {
if (myInput = "move") {


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Flex :: ChangeWatcher On A [Bindable] Variable Not Working?

May 26, 2011

I have a Number variable, named isConflict, whose value is passed in from a parent. I would like to put a ChangeWatcher on this item so that a function named changeBGColor will run whenever the value is changed. Within my creationComplete function of init, i have the following:

var isConflictWatch:ChangeWatcher = BindingUtils.bindSetter(changeBGColor, this, "isConflictChain");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable As A Function Parameter Not Working?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a function with three parameters, that works fine when I type in the parameter values. The function is tweens(MCname, targX, targY) and it runs properly when I use tweens(btn1, 150, 200) for instance. I need the function to move 6 different movie clips, one at a time, and I am using a variable (Counter) and an if statement to tell the function to run again after one of my tween classes finishes. The code all works, and it will run six times with the same clip if I just type in one of the movie clip's instance names as the MCname parameter. BUT, if I try to use a variable (BTNname) to serve as the MCname parameter, it will not work, making it so I cannot apply the function to my 6 different movie clips. I put a trace on the MCname parameter, and it returns the correct value (btn1, btn2, btn3, etc) but it is not moving the corresponding movieclips. I've tried a number of different methods, but nothing will work..[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable Value Not Working In Button Menu?

Dec 14, 2005

Im creating a menu navigation, which loads a sub menu movie clip from the library on specific button press. It does this by looking at the current selection (a number variable) and closing the currently active submenu. Once loaded it then changes the number variable to the value of the current submenu.

This works fine, most of the time... sometimes the number variable and menu loaded is completely wrong.

There are six buttons on the menu bar, included is sample script from the 'About' button, there is more to the script but it is instances of this sample, only button names etc change.

about_btn.onRelease = function() {
if (navID == 1) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: HitSize MC - Width Variable Not Working

Jun 19, 2008

I have an mc that loads thumbnail images which are then displayed sequentially in a scroller. I have an array that contains the individual widths of the images and i can get them correlating to the specific images. However: when I try to change the hit size of the images (controlled by a hitSize mc which is just a red box) it won't change the ._width of the hitSize mc according to the variable.

This is what I can do:
hitSize._width = 100;
(which works)

This what I have:
hitwidth = _root.projectsB[this.menuNum]; //this is the individual width of the image being loaded
hitwidth = this.hitSize._width;
if I trace(hitwidth); I get the correct number, but the above code won't change the size of the mc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadmovie - Random Variable Not Working

May 16, 2002

The tutorial in The Best of Kirupa isn't working for me! When I try doing this:

rn = Math.round(Math.random()*1000000);
loadVariablesNum ("flashdata.txt?reload="+rn,0);

I get a debug error: Error opening URL "file:///C|/pathtofolder/flashdata.txt?reload=263757" Where the reload variable is the random number and flashdata.txt is the file that contains the variable I need.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Variable From Flash To Php Script Not Working?

Jan 9, 2010

I am struggling with sending some variables to a php page from my flash movie. On the last frame of my flash movie i have a button which navigates the user onto a new php page where i want to display the variables in. The code i currently have is :

AS3 -

// set variables as a string containing the dynamic textfield.
var Introduction:String = (introduction_txt.text);


The echo in the php page comes up as Intro=, I need to echo the variable of $intro which contains the dynamic text in 'introduction_txt.text' in flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click To URL On RSS Text Not Working On Node Variable?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a RSS feed parsed into one text box and am using imported CSS to format the text in one Textfield that was created with as3.Problem is my roll over and click handler functions for making each text variable a link to the XML URL link will not work unless I point the function at the entire text field. I just want the individual text variables made from the RSS Title nodes, to be set to react to my handleFHTClicked, rollOutHandler and ollOverHandler functions. The movie runs Ok parsing the nodes and picking up the CSS, but I get this error in the output window when it reaches the aformentioned functions..

TypeError: Error #1006: value is not a function.
at AS3_CSS_external_file2_fla::MainTimeline/onLoaded()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Variable From External File Not Working

Aug 28, 2005

I'm having trouble with this script. I have an external text file, from which all of the text on the page is loaded. I also have a series of thumbnails, but I need to have different numbers on each page, so I figured I'd put the number of thumbnails into the text file too and then run a loop to create the thumbnails and buttons dynamically. The loop works fine, until I try to use the value I have loaded from the text file. I think it is something to do with it being in a separate function, but I have tried making it _global.counter, I have tried putting the whole for() loop inside the myData.onLoad function. Basically, I have tried everything I can think of and still the loop does not run when the counter value is specified externally.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text To Array Variable Not Working?

Jan 12, 2008

I am working on a line rider/ free rider style game in flash (which is coming along quite nicely ). For the whole night I've been trying to create a way to save and load data simply off text and have finally come up with a basic solution for it! I have my information all stored into an array neatly to be later used with the function lineTo upon load. My problem here is that when I actually input the data into the textbox to be picked up by the load button it does not draw the lines like its supposed to.My load button has the following code:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onRelease = function() {
var points = new Array(_root.xInput);[code]......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash 8 Class] Variable Alias No Longer Working?

Aug 8, 2006

I like to make alias varaibles for long names, so that i don't have to keep repeating huge lines of text, but when i try to create one for a custom class, it fails.

Clients["Client"+i] = new Client();
var Client:Object = Clients["Client"+i]

Its almost as if flash is trying to make the new variable a new Project(); instead of a reference to the other variable...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A String Variable...and Then Use The Value Of That Variable To Declare Another Variable?

Jan 3, 2006

f you know PHP...then you know that you can create a string variable...and then use the value of that variable to declare another variable. like this:

PHP Code:

<?php$foo = "haha";$i{$foo} = "success";print $i{haha};?>

and it would display "success"...or like this:

PHP Code:

<?php$foo = "haha";$$foo = "success";print $haha;?>

and it would also display "success".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable Take Away Another Variable Which Makes Answer1 Variable

May 15, 2011

i have a variable take away another variable which makes answer1 variable i then want answer1 to be to the power of another variable how can i do this in flash

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable + Variable = Variable. Sort Of?

Aug 29, 2007

var fruit1:String = "apples";
var fruit2:String = "oranges";
var fruit3:String = "grapes";[code]....

I need the variable fruit1, but for reasons I don't have time to get into, I don't know how to parse these two variables to make a parseable variable.

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Actionscript 3 :: Image Is Working After Compilation But Not Working Once The Executive File's Location Is Changed?

May 25, 2011

import flash.display.DisplayObject;[code]....

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Flash :: Working Fine In Local System ... Not Working In The Live Site

Nov 5, 2009

I have a flash project, its working fine in local system, but the same file is not working in live here is the link of the site, its showing blank page, the flash contents are not loading... [URL]

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Flash Working Fine In Local System / Not Working In Live Site

Dec 14, 2009

I have a flash project, its working fine in local system and checked this file with uploading in someother websites, its working fine there too, but the same file is not working in live here is the link of the site, its showing blank page, the flash contents are not loading.URL...and here the same file which i have uploaded it in other server its working fine.URL...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: UTF-8 French Characters Working Locally, But Not Working On Server?

Apr 21, 2009

I missing a file that needs to reside on the server to get this working?

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Professional :: Button Link Not Working In Safari, But Working In Firefox?

Apr 18, 2011

The ad on the bottom right of the screen (the one with lightning flashing) has an invisible button in its Flash file (CS5) linking to [URL]. This file is imported as SWF in Dreamweaver CS5.
The hyperlink works in Firefox, but not in Safari. Maybe it is just my computer.

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Actionscript 3 - Flash Player Is Not Working In Domain / But Working If I Provided IP

Oct 14, 2010

I have developed a player in AS3. It is working if i provide the IP of the website. But, it is not working when i provide the full domain name. Even, i provide the crossdomain.xml for global access.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Url Picking Not Working On Server But Working Locally

Mar 17, 2012

i have a "swf" file which is picking url from xml & displaying the image, when i tested it locally it works fine, which means it picks up URL from XML & displaying corresponding image. After i uploaded it on server, it doesn't show anything.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Working Script Moved - Stopped Working?

Apr 22, 2009

I had a button when clicked, it would replace a different moviclip.This worked until I made the bulk of the code into a function and moved it to the layer, and then tried to call the function from the previously mentioned button. It generates no errors, but it stopped working.Hierarchy:Layer 1 > U1 > image

Original button script:
on (release) {  var theDepth:Number = _parent.U1.image.getDepth();  _parent.U1.attachMovie("K3E", "image", theDepth);


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