Actionscript 3 :: Refactor Nicely To Avoid The Massive Switch?
Aug 9, 2011
I see this quite a lot and I was wondering if there was a way to refactor this nicely to avoid the massive switch? This is a method in a factory: RoomControllerFactory, instantiating a game location based on its type. Here's an example from a switch in the factory method:
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Oct 4, 2011
I've just started using Flash Builder (4.5) instead of coding in Flash IDE and so I was REALLY happy when I discovered the refactor-feature (I've never used a proper coding IDE like this before).Problem is, it just not working! :O And it's driving me mad and no one else on the entire internet seems to have the same problem.No matter what I do, or project I use, whenever I try to refactor a function (selecting it, then CTRL ALT R) it only applies to the currently open as-file, but all other files in my project is left untouched despite containing references to that function.
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edit: Btw the "preview" button on the "rename function" doesn't show the references either.
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on (release) {
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Feb 1, 2012
this is the offending bit of code:
for (var i in yearMarkersArray) {
yearMarkersArray[i].x = ((timelines.x + 350) % 140) + (140 * i) - 5;
yearMarkersArray[i].text = "0";
This is part of the main loop that triggers whenever the user drags the zoomed-out timelines (the sprites in eventsArray) left or right. The six TLFText objects in yearMarkersArray appear to scroll left or right with the user, but are really repositioned and relabeled with the correct year markers as calculated by a function I did not include above (it's working and not relevant to this problem, I simply replaced it with the "0" for clarity).
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Dec 10, 2003
I want this on an MC:
i = 0;
case 0:
Basically what I'm wondering is, will I lose the value of i in the first switch once I'm out of the switch? Can the second switch read the 1st switch?
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Oct 29, 2011
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Mar 9, 2010
I have a movieclip, a square, which I would like to have moving around on stage, avoiding the mouse if you "chase" the movieclip. all the threads I have found have been with Actionscript 1.0 or 2.0. I tried converting it to AS3, but failed.
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, avoidTouch);
function avoidTouch(event:Event):void {
var distx: int = noTouch_mc.x - mouseX;
Im stuck. I want to make it calculate the distance from the mouse to the NoTouch_mc and if it gets below a certain number, make the noTouch_mc move away from the mouse.If it could be made so it never leaves stage, that I'd like to incorporate too, but wouldn't I have to consider sinus and cosinus to an angle to make it turn?
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Jul 30, 2009
iam using following code to scroll map. when scrolling horizontal or vertical, it scrolls perfect without any jerk(stutter) but when scroll diagnol this stutter happens.
function scrollMap(){
var p = {x:0, y:0};
var minX=(stageW/2)-32;
var maxX=(stageW/2)+32;
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Feb 18, 2010
I'm doing simple program to design kitchen. I'd like to avoid overlapping my movieclips but i dont know how. It means that when you drag movieclip - it would stop when it meets another movieclip. In others words, movie clip can be anywhere but not on the other movieclip.
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Nov 24, 2003
I am creating a menu with nested MCs, of course, and the parent MC is using a RollOver action. The problem with that is: all other nested MC's RollOver action are not detected. I know you can use a mouse hitTest as a work-around i.e.:
onEnterFrame = function(){
//do whatever
But I'd like to avoid using that if possible.
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Mar 14, 2009
every time i click on a button called create, an avatar is added to the stage. The positioning of each avatar is random and every picture is resized to fit 95x95 pixels.How can I check if I have positioned an avatar over an existing one? I am trying to avoid positioning them in the same space.
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Apr 17, 2009
I currently have a login form in flash that needs to pass variables to a PHP script. That part works fine. The problem I am having is that when Flash passes the variables to PHP, it also passes the style of the input text.
For example, instead of passing "atomstore", it passes
This does not match the "atomstore" in the database and results in an error. Any way to get rid of all of these tags?
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Nov 24, 2003
im creating a menu with nested MCs, of course, and the parent MC is using a RollOver action. The problem with that is: all other nested MC's RollOver action are not detected. I know you can use a mouse hitTest as a work-around ie:
onEnterFrame = function(){
//do whatever
but i'd like to avoid using that if possible.
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Apr 8, 2009
I've been trying all morning to figure this out but I'm really not the best when it comes to actionscript. I've looked around and I just simply don't have a clue how to adopt other code to fit my own .I have the following code
function reActivateTopMenu() {
_root.top_nav.btn1.enabled = true;[code]....
I just can't figure out the exact way of writing the code in "flash" talk and not "dave" talk!
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May 3, 2010
_root.hit.text="it worked";
Why doesnt this work? I want to avoid naming all of the movieclips that this hittest is to apply to but this._parent isnt working...
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