ActionScript 2.0 :: Avoid Error Pop-ups Appear?

Sep 17, 2009

How can I avoid that the ActionScipt error pop-ups appear.

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Flex :: Avoid The Null Object Reference Error?

Jun 21, 2011

I have function init, which runs on the creationComplete of the application. The init calls get_login_share_object funtion, in which objects are created, which are null.

Now my problem is that, I get a null object reference error on the Alert in "init()". How can I avoid that. Is it possible that I can have a check to see, if the objects are null the program should just skip reading the objects.

private function init():void
var stored_credentials:Object = get_login_share_object();


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Flex :: How To Avoid CSS Compilation To SWF

May 24, 2011

It seems it isn't possible at runtime to change styling defined in CSS files, ex.: colors. This is seemingly because the CSS files are compiled into SWF. Is it possible to externalize styling information in CSS (or any other format) without compiling it to SWF file so that it can be changed easily at runtime just as normal CSS can be changed when it is used in HTML.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error "Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. Text=Error #2032: Stream Error

Oct 7, 2010

hey im trying to make a mp3 player and when u click on a play btn it plays that song. but i keep getting this output error "Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error.
at slide_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()"
this is my code

ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var slidebind:Rectangle = new Rectangle(3, 3, 159, 0);
var loadsnd:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("s1.mp3");
var thissnd:Sound = new Sound();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Avoid Mouse In Flash CS4?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a movieclip, a square, which I would like to have moving around on stage, avoiding the mouse if you "chase" the movieclip. all the threads I have found have been with Actionscript 1.0 or 2.0. I tried converting it to AS3, but failed.

stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, avoidTouch);
function avoidTouch(event:Event):void {
var distx: int = noTouch_mc.x - mouseX;


Im stuck. I want to make it calculate the distance from the mouse to the NoTouch_mc and if it gets below a certain number, make the noTouch_mc move away from the mouse.If it could be made so it never leaves stage, that I'd like to incorporate too, but wouldn't I have to consider sinus and cosinus to an angle to make it turn?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Avoid Stutter When Scroll Map?

Jul 30, 2009

iam using following code to scroll map. when scrolling horizontal or vertical, it scrolls perfect without any jerk(stutter) but when scroll diagnol this stutter happens.

function scrollMap(){
var p = {x:0, y:0};
var minX=(stageW/2)-32;
var maxX=(stageW/2)+32;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Avoid Overlapping Movieclips

Feb 18, 2010

I'm doing simple program to design kitchen. I'd like to avoid overlapping my movieclips but i dont know how. It means that when you drag movieclip - it would stop when it meets another movieclip. In others words, movie clip can be anywhere but not on the other movieclip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Avoid Mouse HitTest

Nov 24, 2003

I am creating a menu with nested MCs, of course, and the parent MC is using a RollOver action. The problem with that is: all other nested MC's RollOver action are not detected. I know you can use a mouse hitTest as a work-around i.e.:
onEnterFrame = function(){
//do whatever
But I'd like to avoid using that if possible.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Avoid Positioning In The Same Space?

Mar 14, 2009

every time i click on a button called create, an avatar is added to the stage. The positioning of each avatar is random and every picture is resized to fit 95x95 pixels.How can I check if I have positioned an avatar over an existing one? I am trying to avoid positioning them in the same space.

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IDE :: Passing Variables - How To Avoid Tags

Apr 17, 2009

I currently have a login form in flash that needs to pass variables to a PHP script. That part works fine. The problem I am having is that when Flash passes the variables to PHP, it also passes the style of the input text.

For example, instead of passing "atomstore", it passes

This does not match the "atomstore" in the database and results in an error. Any way to get rid of all of these tags?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Avoid A Mouse HitTest()

Nov 24, 2003

im creating a menu with nested MCs, of course, and the parent MC is using a RollOver action. The problem with that is: all other nested MC's RollOver action are not detected. I know you can use a mouse hitTest as a work-around ie:

onEnterFrame = function(){
//do whatever

but i'd like to avoid using that if possible.

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Using A Variable To Avoid Repeating Code Over And Over?

Apr 8, 2009

I've been trying all morning to figure this out but I'm really not the best when it comes to actionscript. I've looked around and I just simply don't have a clue how to adopt other code to fit my own .I have the following code

function reActivateTopMenu() {
_root.top_nav.btn1.enabled = true;[code]....

I just can't figure out the exact way of writing the code in "flash" talk and not "dave" talk!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hittest - Avoid Naming All Of The Movieclips

May 3, 2010

_root.hit.text="it worked";

Why doesnt this work? I want to avoid naming all of the movieclips that this hittest is to apply to but this._parent isnt working...

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Data Integration :: How Do You Avoid Double-click

Mar 17, 2007

When running flash on a web page you usually have to click the Flash object once and then once again to click a button.

Is there a way to avoid this because many users are missing the second click and wondering why nothing is happening.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Making Cursor Avoid A MovieClip?

Apr 23, 2009

I'm looking to force the cursor to slow down/stop moving when it gets close to a MovieClip. Idealy you would be able to rollover the MovieClip when moving the cursor slowly but if the cursor is moving at some speed, it would be forced to stop at the edge of the MovieClip.

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Avoid Changes In Appearance Of Movie At Different Screen Resolution?

Jun 9, 2009

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Flash :: Avoid Reload When Sending Data From This To PHP?

Sep 24, 2010

I am developing a Facebook App that requires Flash to PHP communication. I am able to send the data to PHP but the page reloads.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Avoid Multiple Instances Of A Class

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new a class [code]Now ,I want call function newCourse many times and don`t new class again.

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Flex :: Avoid Native Authentication Popup In AIR On Mac?

Sep 24, 2009

In AIR on Mac, when I send login creds to a service and they're incorrect, AIR displays a native popup window to try logging in again without dispatching an error event. Twitter provides a header (suppress_response_codes=true), which returns any error as a status 200 with the error message. I'm using HTTPService to connect to a service without a header like this. Are there any properties or headers I can send to avoid this popup?

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Avoid Flickering While Loading Picture In Flash With AS3

Feb 18, 2010

I just trying to learn basic flash programming skills, now I got a program that load an image from my local machine, and show it with uiloader component, code is something like:
var myImage:String = "picture.png"
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(myImage);
It's working fine, but when dynamically change the picture, I notice a flicker while loading, there is any way to avoid this flicker? i mean, like double-buffering or so.

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PHO :: How To Avoid New Line Generated While Sending Data

Mar 10, 2010

Any workarround to avoid the new line generated while sending data using SendAndLoad(); in AS2? I send "00:00:12:36"

But php output:

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AS3 :: Avoid Security Errors When Using The Youtube Player API

Sep 24, 2010

I'm using the Youtube AS3 Player API to load video's in a Flash Project. I get this really annoying Error when loading the Player swf:

SecurityError: Error #2047: Security sandbox violation: parent: cannot access[[IMPORT]]/

I tried adding the following to my code before loading the swf but it doesn't make any difference:



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Flex :: Avoid The Behavior Of Set HtmlText In RichTextEditor?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm having this problem of adding an image to the textArea in RichTextEditor (RTE) on the fly and this image seems to "reset" the html properties of the textArea.
Better explained:

The user starts writing something in the TextArea (with Verdana in size:12 font settings). When he adds an image to the text area, the cursor right after the image gets very small and the font settings are reset to HUM777B in size:2.

How could I avoid this behavior?

It seems Flex adds additional HTML code before the image tag. If there was any way to avoid this I would be able to add my own settings to the tags.

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Flex :: Avoid Slide Transition Quirks?

Feb 28, 2011

I have a custom viewstack that applies automatically a slide in/slide out effect when the view changes. Everything goes smoothly when the views are lightweight but becomes jumpy when the next view requires heavy rendering. Here are the relevant parts of the code :


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Actionscript 3 - How To Avoid Flash.display Flickering

May 7, 2011

Coming from a more'traditional' C++ background so more used to dealing with low level API's rather than something like the flash.display API.How does one avoid screen tearing/flickering in the display API?Even with a high framerate like 60 fps I'm experiencing some rather nasty flickering/tearing between frames.Take the simplistic example below, where the children of the Sprite are merely instances of Shape and never change.

private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void
var t:Number = (getTimer() - time) / 1000;
time = getTimer();

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Flash :: How To Avoid Overposting (overlapping) Labels

May 18, 2011

I have to display a multitude of labels on-screen without overlap.The label positions should be as close as possible to the features they describe. The features may be points, lines, or polygons on-screen (imagine any variety of map).I have to satisfy the following requirements in my application:labels must be positioned to avoid overposting (overlap) with other labels..labels must be positioned to avoid overlapping with other features (polygons and line segments) optimum position for a label is above and to the right of the feature they describe below and to the right is less acceptable least acceptable positions are to the left.I need to come up with a method for doing this.Before I just start attempting to do this at random, I am hoping someone here may have already done this and be able to give me some advice as to where to start.Basically, with the labels, I could use bounding boxes to compare them to each other. Although I don't know a good way to do this. With the line segments and polygons onscreen that they are labeling, I really don't have a clue what I should do to avoid overlap. I am hoping it won't require much more effort on top of avoiding the overlap of the labels themselves.

I think repulsion would work if I only had to deal with labels overlapping other labels. But if I have a line segment drawn across half the screen, I don't know how I can avoid overlap with that using the repulsion technique.The language I am using is Actionscript 3 and the Flex framework. I don't believe Flex has any layout manager classes like there are in Java Spring that can do this work for me.Anyway, links or suggestions would be welcome. I can allow for some brute force; I don't see how I can accomplish this otherwise.

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Flex :: Avoid The HorizontalScrollBar Addition To Container?

Aug 3, 2011

if container like VBox have autoScrollPolicy for both scrolls. if VerticalScrollBar is added, why the horizontalScrollBar automatically added.. is there any option to avoid the horizontalScrollBar addition to container.. without using horizontalScrollPolicy="off"

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Xml :: Structure Classes To Avoid Using Static Functions?

Nov 16, 2011

I have a Flash application that creates a sort of powerpoint presentation. All the 'slides' are stored in an XML files which is read and processed.

I'm trying to build the presentation using this XML file. At the moment, my main class has it's initial function main and a static function processXML main initiates my database class with a function called initDB. One of my issues is that initDB forgoes processing because it's dependant on an event listener. On completion of loading the XML files, the event listener initiates my static function on my main to create objects from this file.

The issue is that because the event listener continues the processing (after an indeterminate amount of time), the functions are no longer controlled by the main class.


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Actionscript 3 :: Avoid Two Buttons Being Pressed Simultaneously?

Mar 28, 2012

I am developing a game with a large amount of code. The unfinished version of the game can be found here[url]...

There are two Key Listeners. One listens for SPACEBAR for the big jump, the other listens for CTRL for the small jump. The problem I am experiencing is that when the two buttons are pressed precisely the same time, both jump actions occur, resulting in a super big jump. (A combination of the two jump heights.)[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Avoid Overlapping Movie Clip?

Nov 4, 2009

My project is to display random numbers, I use flash sc4 (actionscript 2.0 / flash player 10).I encountered the problem of overlapping clips.I to avoid this overlap.Here's the code:

ActionScript Code:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


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