ActionScript 3 :: Embedding Simplified Chinese - Massive File Size
Nov 4, 2010
So I am trying to embed some simplified Chinese into my flash file. When I turn off embed fonts the flash file is fine. If I add simplified chinese char set it makes the swf massive. Is there a way to embed a smaller character set than the ones flash offers. Standard English Characters if I add all the characters and pnctuation amount to 106, simplified Chinese is 11,218 it just is not doable.
(i) Can I smooth html text in flash
(ii) Can I used a reduced character set?
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I have been working on a subtitles engine for flash/flv video player. On my Mac everything is great, nice aliased glyphs, displaying all the characters, etc. Switch to windows, it all goes out the window. Some machines with Eastern Characters enabled display fine, but I can't guarantee all users will have this option selected.
I am using the TLFTextField, I am pulling in UTF-8 XML with Chinese/Japanese characters. I have tried embedding the (required fonts/glyphs) but pushes the file size up massively. I have also tried changing it to unicode, with no joy. Has anyone got any experience with displaying these characters while maintaining a low file size.
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Mar 3, 2012
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The thing is that i want the swf to be shown at a smaller size (500X333 instead of 900X600 ).
The problem is that when i change width&height, the swf gets cut-off instead of show shrinking it.
I tried playing with the params, but couldn't get it to work.
I don't think it matters but it's a swf of a flex project.
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Jun 1, 2010
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May 10, 2009
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Aug 24, 2009
When I preview my flash file it says that the filesize is 29kb. However when I look at the properties of the outputted swf it's coming in a t 36kb. Which is the correct size? Also what extra information is being added to push it up by 7kb?
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May 26, 2009
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on (release) {
There are 9 scenes which are very short.BUT, when I tried to export it, it took about 15 minutes to export.
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Nov 21, 2010
I made an app. I figured out how to load all my images into in.
I have about 1000 images and 1000 sounds that I am using in it. About 70MB of data
How will this affect a users computer?
Is it even possible the load up this much content?
I ask because I am getting stack overload error on my bulkloader!
Scares me to think that months of work will go down the drain because I can't load this much data!
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Jul 8, 2011
I got this website at work which I've just updated.It was working pretty well, yesterday I showed it to a friend.And it was working perfectly. This morning, I hear sound but all i get is a black screen.It works on every other browser (chrome, firefox, SeaMonkey, etc.) but in Internet Explorer, black screened.If anyone can,I need a quick solution, my bosses are freaking out and that is kindda out of my league as for "trouble shoot".Why something that was working not even 12 hours go goes awry on me today?
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Feb 1, 2012
this is the offending bit of code:
for (var i in yearMarkersArray) {
yearMarkersArray[i].x = ((timelines.x + 350) % 140) + (140 * i) - 5;
yearMarkersArray[i].text = "0";
This is part of the main loop that triggers whenever the user drags the zoomed-out timelines (the sprites in eventsArray) left or right. The six TLFText objects in yearMarkersArray appear to scroll left or right with the user, but are really repositioned and relabeled with the correct year markers as calculated by a function I did not include above (it's working and not relevant to this problem, I simply replaced it with the "0" for clarity).
The text-setting statement is the problem code...I've commented literally everything else out of the main loop to verify it. I even changed the statement to not involve any function call (simply setting the text attribute to "0"), and it still causes the final .swf to eat an extra 1% of my CPU every 15 seconds until finally the FPS crashes through the floor. The rest of the main loop has much, MUCH more complex and I'm sure inefficient code that also runs every frame,Since this project reads a data file with a list of timeline events whose span of years I cannot predict, I do need the displayed year markers to be done dynamically in some way. The code ultimately works (I only noticed the ridiculous slowdown when I accidentally left the movie open and idle for a few minutes),
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Jun 3, 2009
We have a problem working with FMS 3.5 (installed on a IIS server). Configuration of the servers all based on IIS: webserver (authentification, xml data loaded by Flash app, data (on IIS) sended to and recieve from FMS). Seperate FMS 3.5 (latest update) server. Only running FMS (no other apps are running on this machine).
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Jul 25, 2011
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Feb 18, 2011
I am making a snow boarding game in AS3. The problem I am having is that I want to leave a trail in the snow behind the board.
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Jun 20, 2011
iv been working on embeding an zip file into an swf file. So far it works perfectly the way i want it and runs in the folder it was built in using flashdevelop. However when i place the swf anywhere but in the bin folder i get the sandbox error below :
"If running in the Flash Player browser plugin, FZip requires ZIPs to be patched (Adler32 checksums need to be added). This is not required if FZip runs in the Adobe AIR runtime or if files contained in the ZIP are not compressed." Im not sure if this is what is causing the error, or whether its a problem in my embed code, or something else. I saved the same project as an projector exe file and it worked as expect but not as an swf file outside of the bin folder.
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Nov 10, 2009
I have built a few flash sites before and am trying to make one that is slightly more complicated and allows for dynamic, database stored images and text. I have built a dynamic gallery based on an XML feed in AS2 which works fine. I am trying to embed it into another FLA file that contains the remainder of the site (the gallery will be one page of the main site). I have tried a ridiculous number of different methods but just cannot get it to work. The gallery is built in AS2, so I am using an AS2 FLA file for the main template it is to be embedded in. The simplest method i have tried that i think should work is to create a new AS2 fla file, edit the actions on my actions layer to be: Empty.loadMovie("My Gallery.swf");
I have then created a new layer for the content and added a MovieClip to the top left of it, named Empty. I have set the instance name of this movie clip to be Empty. From what I have understood from my reading this is the simplest way to display the external file but for some reason it just will not work. It seems to see My Gallery.swf as when i delete it from the local directory i get an 'Error opening URL 'file:///D|/Websites/My Gallery.swf'' message. This message does not appear when this file exists locally, however it just opens a blank screen with nothing within it. I have been reading numerous tutorials and posts and i'm pretty sure i'm being thick, but for some reason i can't seem to get it to work!
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Nov 24, 2009
my fonts displaying in my swf file. I created the flash site using CS4 on a mac. I thought the fonts were embedded but when I tested the swf in safari and firefox the fonts disappeared are all scrunched up in 1/2" on top of each other in several lines. Its a mess. It is displaying in times or some other font when viewed in on a pc browser.
What I did so far that did not work:
Made fonts static with animation
made fonts dynamic with animation
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Apr 8, 2011
how to embed a url in a .swf file? I have Macromedia Flash MX, as one option. Please explain how I can do this, or point me to a resource with step-by step instructions.
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May 3, 2011
The entire banner needs to be a clickable link for the duration of the animation. So anyone can click on the banner at any point during the animation, and be brought to my site. I tried putting a frame at the end with getURL[URL] but that doesnt work. When I do that, the banner is not a clickable link, but the site opens automatically after the animation has played. Cant have that. So after doing some research, the apparent correct way to do this is by making a button, but I do that and the button obsures everything else.
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Dec 23, 2011
I'm trying to embed a .swf file within another .fla project using the the loadmovie command. Here's my code as it stands. This is sitting on a button:
on (release) {
loadMovieNum("New Visualr.swf", 20);
When I test the project I can see that something has been loaded in but it doesnt play properly, it just kind of flashes. I have tried publishing the same video under different names but have the same problem every time? I uploaded the .swf I am trying to embed?
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Sep 16, 2008
I have a project that requires embedding an XML file into the parent SWF AS3 code. this project relies on someone else's SWF that I do not have access to and it makes use of commands separated by &. When I load this SWF into a loader and pass the XML data to it from an external file, the & symbols are preserved and all is well. When I embed the XML data within the AS3 and point the loader to that XML data, all of the & get converted to & during parse at runtime or compile. How do I disable this? Is that possible to do?
I need to keep this format when the XML data is passed to the SWF in the loader:
<Child attribute="Command&Command&Command&Command"/>
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Mar 20, 2011
I'm trying to embed a swf file on a site. Here a link to the file on a page that works. Example Problem is, I need to place it on a different site (we have two servers) and it's not working once I link to the file on the other server. Below is the code. I've highlighted the part that I changed.
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Aug 20, 2011
Can any body check this code.
In only 4 steps you will have your own Banner Advertisement that you can use to give your affiliates so they can start promoting your product, service, and offers!</p>
Here you will find great resources that you can use to create a better banners to promote other offers
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Feb 23, 2009
I'm all very new to Flash! I'm a Designer. I recently out sourced a flash project and now my client needs it updating. My project consists of a music mixing desk. You press a button and video pops up. The buttons are in the stage. When pressed, this triggers a movie clip which loads a FLV player. SIMPLE! ([URL] - to see the site in action!) I have a simple flash gallery [URL]. I have put the SWF, image folder and XML in the root. I have tried embedding the SWF gallery into my Flash Project by importing it into the library and dragging it to where video content usually lives (FLV player). It doesn't work. I've tried other techniques (loadMovie etc). But I'm a bit fuzzy on these methods.
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Jul 21, 2009
I'm trying to embed my .swf file with swfobject, and pass the parent html code to the flash file as a string. Here is the javascript code:
// Page Title
var parent1 = document.getElementById('pageTitle');
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.parentXML = parent1.toString();
var params = {};
params.scale = "noscale";
params.salign = "tl";
params.wmode = "transparent";
var attributes = {};
swfobject.embedSWF("flash/pageTitle.swf", "pageTitle", "510", "150", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);
Everything works fine until I use the toString() function in the flashvars line, which breaks the code and causes the .swf file to fail loading.
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Feb 6, 2010
i'm seriously going crazy with my flash file.i built an xml news ticker in as3 that works perfectly, but if i try to launch from html file, it doesn't work properly.
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Mar 7, 2011
I've tried importing a SWF file into a new fla file but when I test it the embeded swf doesn't do anything. I can't click and drag any of the things that I could if I ran the SWF file on its own.
The embeded file uses some php. is this factor? Is there something I need to doin order to make it run? right now its just a graphic.
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