Flex - Do Flash And IE Play Nicely With HTTP Cookies?

Jul 14, 2011

We're developing a Flex-based component that's going to be hosted inside another company's product. Due to the nature of their hosting environment, the Flash movie will run in its own <iframe> tag.The Flex app calls out to our REST services via HTTPS, and authenticates with an HTTP cookie. This works beautifully in Chrome, Firefox, Safari... everything except IE. I compared requests from Chrome and IE using Fiddler, and noticed that they are identical, save for the HTTP Cookies. IE omits several, including the one used for authentication.

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Actionscript 3 :: Set HTTP Cookies Through The NavigateToURL() Method

Nov 13, 2010

I have a small multiplayer Flash game in which you can display a player profile by clicking at his or her avatar:


This works well, but now I'd like to extend the user.php, so that players can add comments about each other. For authorization I'd like to use HTTP cookies, passed from the game.swf to the user.php. (I don't want use GET or POST here, because GET will have the auth. variables in the URL and players might occasionaly send that URL around or post it in my forum. And POST will ask to re-post the request when you reload).

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So I'm trying to make Flash video work at [URL].. Things are going swimmingly in Safari and Firefox. Not so in IE.

I completely expect this is due to my Flash incompetence. where things are going wrong? I'm attempting different methods to input my video in each of these cases:


I know I'm missing something fundamental here, as all three examples are broken. I'm not necessarily just looking for the fix for each of these three. I'd like for your help understanding what I don't understand it, and how to understand it.

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but i don't do i do ?

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Close Window Cookies Are Destroying In Flex?

May 25, 2010

I am using external interface to store cookies in client side of application. Like I have created a cookie in html and i am using those methods in flex using External Interface. I am saving a username in cookie when I re use cookie is displaying, I have deployed in server and i ran like http://localhost/[Path]/index.html.in this html I am embedded swf file and I have saved cookie in html JavaScript, now if I open this url cookie is saving if I open a new window what ever the cookies are a raised and it is loading from start. for cookies saving i am using this code in flex:`package Name{


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Ruby On Rails :: Handling Cookies With Flex For Authentication?

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Flex :: Retrieve Body Of A HTTP 403 With Flash?

Dec 15, 2009

I've got a simple YouTube API client put together, written in Flex, that uses a plain ol' URLRequest object to handle Google's "ClientLogin" authentication scheme. Everything works perfectly, except for one case: when Google responds with a 403 and a response body indicating that I should prompt the user for additional information (specifically, a CAPTCHA request).

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As a backup, I figured I'd have a look at as3crypto's TLSSocket code, but I haven't been able to make any of that stuff work with Google (or even one of my own SSL certs, for that matter).

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Media Server :: Play .3gp Videos In Mobile Using RTMP (FMS) And HTTP?

Apr 21, 2010

I am not able to play video on mobile device which is .3gp container and H.263 / AMR_NB encoded. I just want to play my website videos in mobile device also just like[url]....I want to use RTMP and HTTP both. My requirement is as follows - Which codec and container will be best? Should I use FLV to play video on mobile device? RTSP required or can be use RTMP? Is NetStream and NetConnection methods different from Flash Player in Flash Lite Player? How to play 3gp video using RTMP stream ie.ns.play(mp4:mobilevideo.3gp, 0, -1, true) is it ok or any thing else required? For mobile browser and computer browser,can I use single player or I have to make different player for computer browser and mobile browser? It would be better if I can do it with single player for both mobile and computer browser. Sample code required for testing. If you can.I got below article in which they mention that we can play video 3gp container in mobile also.

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Flex :: Cookies Working In Flex But Not In Air

Dec 11, 2010

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Flex :: Flash.media.Sound Not Sending HTTP Request Headers?

Feb 19, 2010

I am using Flex 3 (ActionScript 3.0). I use the HTTP progressive download to play sound files. I want to secure the sound files, by only serving them when the request comes from my flex app. I chose the simplest solution of adding a HTTP header to each request send from the app. But flash.media.Sound object ignores the headers set in flash.net.URLRequest. Here's an example,

URLRequest sndFile = new URLRequest("http://blah.com/media/load_sound.php");
sndFile.requestHeaders = new Array(new URLRequestHeader("req-orgin", "myflexapp"));
Sound snd = new Sound(sndFile);

The value of req-origin comes as null in load_sound.php. When i inspect the request using Firebug, the request headers to [URL] doesn't contain the header.

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Flex - Why Is Flash Demanding A Crossdomain.xml File When The .swf And Http Target Are Both On Localhost

Jun 3, 2011

I've got a small client/server test application where I have a Flex app that makes an HTTP request of a server app. The server app is a script running on my local machine, listening on port 8001. The client is a swf that I am running locally, and uses mx.rpc.http.HTTPService to make the page request.

The HTTPService is being set up as per below:

_HttpService = new HTTPService();
_HttpService.url = "http://localhost:8001";
_HttpService.contentType = "text/xml";

When I make a basic page request, my server app is first receiving a "GET /crossdomain.xml HTTP/1.1" request, which is failing since I don't have a crossdomain.xml file in place. The reason I don't have one in place is because this is all happening on my local machine (for now) and I shouldn't need one (I don't think).

I definitely had this code working before without a crossdomain.xml when I was using Flex 3.x. I thought I had it working with Flex 4 as well. Now I'm using Flex 4.5. Is there an issue here, possibly due to security policy changes?With all of this happening on localhost, why is the Flash player requesting a crossdomain.xml file?


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Python :: Flash - Handle Faults/exception In Flex In Http Requests?

Mar 15, 2012

Here is an issue i'm struggling to solve for quit some time now.I have a python + GAE backend with a flex client that communicates via JSON. I'm using flex's HttpService bound to a Responder with result and fault callbacks. When python raises an exception, I don't seem to get it in flex. I did some research and found out that the problem probably lies in the fact that the flash runtime cannot handle http responses with status code other than 200.

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Media Server :: Unable To Play HTTP Sample,RTMP File Is Not Working?

Aug 12, 2009

i have installed flash media server 3.5 ..windows vista and using FLASH 10right now in Flash Media Server page I am only able to play HTTP sample,RTMP file is not working , i check the sample folder >> and open HelloWorld >> that shows error :: Error #2044: Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failedat HelloWorld/connectHandler()what should i do now need ur help urgent

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Media Server :: Cannot Play HTTP Sample Video And Dynamic Stream On IIS Default Website

Aug 4, 2009

if I repeat this IIS topic, I couldn't find the answer to my problem any where on the internet. I installed FMS Dev 3.5 on Win 2003 Server with IIS 6.0 enabled. I don't have any issue with port 80 Listening, I used the IP address for my web application (IIS) and for FMS (I only have one network card and port 1935 is open under firewall). I can play the sample videos (RTMP, HTTP, and Dynamic Stream) using the Flash Media Start Screen (or from the location C: Program FilesAdobe Flash Media Server 3.5webrootindex.html) without any problem.

I then modified the IIS Default Website to look at the "webroot" folder (C: Program FilesAdobe Flash Media Server 3.5webroot). From IE, I can access the default web site by enter The website loads up correctly, and the RTMP video is playing perfectly. However, if I click Play Video (HTTP) or Dynamic Stream (tab), I receive "Connection Error. Please press Play to try again." I look at the log file (access.01.log) and see the error log "Session disconnect


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Flash :: How To Grab All Cookies

Jun 7, 2010

For a site I'm developing with a user login that uses cookies to store the session ID, a separate section of it uses Flash to provide content and such. Is there some way it can access the cookies that were set the by login? The name of the cookie will not the be same every time, as it is randomly generated, as well as its value. I then need to send the name and value of the cookie back to a page on the server to do additional stuff. Anyone know how to do this? Note that I didn't write the Flash interface, an the person who did doesn't know how to do this.

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Professional :: Flash Cookies Won't Delete

May 29, 2011

I'm having trouble where when I go to [URL] and hit delete sites (either all or one at a time) they never delete. When I refresh my browser they are still there!

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Php :: Parsing Flash Cookies (.SOL Files)?

Sep 1, 2011

Is there a PHP library/class which provides parsing capabilities for Flash cookie files (.SOL) by any chance? I'm trying to avoid writing one myself :)

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Flash :: Java - Get Cookies From A Application?

Jan 9, 2012

I'm trying to get data from a website, but first I need to log in to the site using java. The script worked until now, but now the site installed an anti bot system. Until now the procedure was simple, I've created a HttpStreamWriter and submitted my details to the login.php page, then get the cookies and later, when I want to get data from the site, I resubmit the cookie from the login.php page, but now there is a problem: an anti bot system: I'm not sure, but I think this is the system: [URL] The anti bot system creates a cookie, called anti-bot and I can't access the page without that cookie, the problem is that the cookie is generated by a flash application only after the page loads so I can't get the cookie from the page?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Cookies In Flash?

Jan 12, 2009

Can someone point me in the right direction as to how to make cookies in Flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Cookies Through Flash?

Apr 27, 2010

I'm having a bit of trouble in sending cookies through flash (.swf file). Is there a way to always allow the referrer to be shown? At the moment it appears only to show in Internet Explorer, but not in any other browsers.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Cookies And SharedObjects?

May 6, 2003

So I did the tutorial about SharedObjects, and I created a login movie which works fine.

My questions are as follows: Can i use a shared object I created in one movie (call it "mycookie") in a separate movie on another page, similar to an HTML cookie? If so, what is the syntax?

I tried reusing the mycookie = SharedObject.getLocal("user_profile")and it didn't seem to work. =(

Also, I know that alternatively I can pass flash variables to the URL with the POST method, but I forget the syntax. Time is of the essence here (project due tomorrow) so I'd really like some help if somebody knows the answer..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Cookies With Javascript

Dec 9, 2008

me and and a friend are working on an application for the PSP in Flash 6. And we're looking for a code to save variables. We tried everything, can someone post a clear tutorial! The function, and the Javascript part, us ASAP Edit: is it possible to save the cookies to a textbox in HTML?

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