Flex :: How To Manage Cookies In Mx:HTML

Jun 3, 2011

I use AIR HTML component, and I need to delete cookies sometimes. I have to open IE and delete cookies there... Can I do it via AS code?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Flash Cookies With HTML/JavaScript??

Jul 18, 2008

I have a Flash game in one html page, and then I have an html link ("next" button) in another page that will direct the user to the page that contains the Flash game. What I need to do, is to have the "next" button, tell a MC within the Flash game to go to the second frame, and save it as a cookie so it will be at the second frame whenever the user returns to that page with the Flash game. The MC is basically a button and the second frame grays out to show completion. Clicking the "next" button on the previous page verifies that the user has reached the end of that section, which should then trigger the MC in the Flash Game to gray out. I want to set it as a cookie so the user can keep track of their progress.

Anyway, my original thought was to use the Flash External Interface to allow the html "next" button to communicate via JS to the Flash movie, and to use Local Shared Object to set the cookie. Well, I have been trying to employ several of these tactics with no success. :-( I am currently working on a Mac, and need something that works in Firefox on both Mac and PC, and IE for PC.

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Flex :: Store Some Values In Browser Using Cookies?

Dec 10, 2009

I want to store some values in browser using cookies

but i don't do i do ?

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Close Window Cookies Are Destroying In Flex?

May 25, 2010

I am using external interface to store cookies in client side of application. Like I have created a cookie in html and i am using those methods in flex using External Interface. I am saving a username in cookie when I re use cookie is displaying, I have deployed in server and i ran like http://localhost/[Path]/index.html.in this html I am embedded swf file and I have saved cookie in html JavaScript, now if I open this url cookie is saving if I open a new window what ever the cookies are a raised and it is loading from start. for cookies saving i am using this code in flex:`package Name{


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Flex :: Retrieve Cookies From The Cookie Space Used By AMF?

Sep 16, 2010

I have a flex app that uses AMF to talk to a Spring Java backend. How do I get the values of cookies that have been set by the server and are being sent back by AMF?

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Ruby On Rails :: Handling Cookies With Flex For Authentication?

Mar 10, 2010

I'm using Flex 4(beta2) with Ruby on Rails 2.3.5 and using RubyAMF to transfer data back and forth between Flex and server. set up Authlogic on the Rails side for authentication. wasn't sure what's the best method to handle user sessions. I know this is done automatically with Rails by sending session id with cookie which Rails use to authenticate the user.What do you suggest the best way to do this with Flex?I thought of couple of options:1. Manually fetching the cookie from the browser and then figuring our a way to send that to the server with every request I send. 2. Handling sessions expiration and flow on Flex side by manually expiring the session

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Flex - Do Flash And IE Play Nicely With HTTP Cookies?

Jul 14, 2011

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Flex :: MVC - How To Manage Notification For Particular Screen

Dec 19, 2011

PURE MVC - In my application there are multiple screens which are minimized like in windows desktop. Now each has different instances of mediator which have same notification. So if I do changes in one screen say press some button >> which sends some command >> to proxy >>then proxy sends notifications to mediator. But as multiple screens are active there it is showing changes in all screens as they are notified too by proxies. How to make sure that proxy calls to particular view component (mediator) and not for all live instances of mediators ?

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Flex 3 :: Manage Hboxs In Vbox Flex

Jul 28, 2011

I have VBox that contains two Hbox. The first hbox is not included in the layout while second is. After a event occurs, first hbox is visible & included in the layout. But the problem is the second hbox does not move down & first & second are overlapping. I tried using the co ordinates x,y, move it does not work.[code]Why are both of them overlapping & how can i get second box after first one.

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Flex :: Cookies Working In Flex But Not In Air

Dec 11, 2010

I've got a flex app which I'm porting to air, the two apps are identical except for the root tag being WindowedApplication rather than Application.The problem is that cookie/session based logins are working for the flex app in the browser but not for the air app. Reading the docs says that cookies are available for air and the URLRequest manageCookies is true by default.I've investigated further and it turns out cookies are working in Air and are used for all subsequent requests after the login, but the cookie does not survive a shutdown of the application and the user is required to login again when they restart.

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Flex :: Manage Windows In External Applications?

Feb 6, 2012

I have 2 AIR applications (A and B) that are able to communicate via a LocalConnection object. I've verified that messages are definitely being sent/received appropriately.

I want to be able to have A tell B to come to the front. Both applications are full screen:

stage.fullScreenSourceRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1080, 1920);
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE;

I've tried several permutations, but as of yet nothing seems to work.

private function initSlave(channel: String): void {
conn = new LocalConnection();
conn.client = {


If I leave both applications in windowed mode (stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL), then toggling alwaysInFront actually works. Calling activate() or orderToFront() still do nothing. If I try to toggle alwaysInFront and then set the application to fullscreen, the application ends up fullscreen behind my windowed app. Maybe there is an event I should wait for before setting the app to fullscreen?

I found a thread mentioning that orderToFront() only works relative to windows within the same application, which explains why it doesn't seem to do anything.

Does anyone have any insights into pulling this off? Maybe there is a way for me to embed B into application A so they are actually the same application? I am not sure how to do this with an AIR application as simply as just loading the SWF due to requiring external resources.

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Flex :: Manage Mouse Clicks On Irregular Button Shapes?

Mar 1, 2010

In Flex, I am trying to design 3 buttons similar to the image uploaded at [URL]

The mouse over/click on image should work only on red colored area of the button.
How can I manage the Mouse clicks or Irregular Button shapes in Flex?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Manage Size Of Image Assets In Mobile Apps?

Feb 10, 2012

Due to screen density of iPhone, image assets are developed larger. So, when specifying the icons and images to Flex components takes this form.

<s:ViewNavigator id="tab1" label="Tab1 width="100%" height="100%" firstView="views.Tab1">
<s:MultiDPIBitmapSource source160dpi="@Embed('assets/tabIcon.png')"/>

Flex of course renders this correctly and adjusts the size to what it should be. However, when I load images myself, they appear blown up as they would appear double in size. This is how I use it when overriding the tab bar.


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Flash :: Flex - Manage Library Symbols With Linked Classes In CS4 To Compile / Debug In Builder 4?

Apr 2, 2010

I'm building a video player using Flash CS4 (hereby referred to as "Flash") to create the graphic symbols and compiling and debugging with Flash Builder 4 ("FB4"). Here are the steps I take in my current workflow: --Create the graphic symbols in Flash. I've created a few different symbols for the player, but I'll focus on just the play/pause button ("ppbutton") here. --In the Library panel, I go to the ppbutton symbol's Linkage properties and link to a class named assets.PlayPauseButtonAsset that extends MovieClip. I do not actually have an assets package nor do I have a class file for PlayPauseButtonAsset as Flash will create them for me when I publish.

--In Flash's Publish settings, I set the project to export a SWC that will be used in FB4, called VideoPlayerAssets.swc. --After the SWC is created, I create my FB4 project called "VideoPlayer" and add the SWC to my path. FB4 creates the class VideoPlayer in the default package automatically. --In VideoPlayer.as, I import assets.*, which imports all of the symbol classes I created in Flash and are available via VideoPlayerAssets.swc. I can now instantiate the ppbutton and add to the stage, like this:


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Html :: Rendering HTML Text Containing Advanced HTML Tags Like <strong> - <em> - <span> And Advanced HTML Entities In Flex

Aug 4, 2011

I am designing a web application in Flex 4 and currently facing an issue rendering advanced HTML tags and entities in Flex 4. All I want to do is basically render an HTML text coming to me something like the one given below:-


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Pre-set Cookies

Feb 4, 2009

I have an error in my program that has to do with cookies. My app makes a call to a PHP script but since the cookies don't exist yet, the script returns an empty file. I found a messy workaround that appears to work by using this code to pre-call my PHP script before I call it a second time[code]...

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Flex :: HTML Post Error - Swf Made HTML Posts To PHP Scripts?

Dec 5, 2010

I have a swf that I have created that make a few HTML posts. When I run and compile the swf locally, it successfully makes posts to my php code hosted on my domain. However when I then upload my swf to my domain, and then alter the embed tag to have a fully qualified path to my hosted swf, the swf will load correctly but it will make any HTML posts to my PHP scripts. The reason that I have an an embed tag with the fully qualified url in it, is that my goal here is to be able to place the html embed code on a number of different sites.

I have it working on a single remote site, and it has a wild card crossdomain.xml file in it. However when I try to apply a crossdomain.xml to any of the hosted sites, or to my computer locally nothing runs when the I use the embed with the fully qualified URL, if I just the locally hosted swf on my computer the HTML post work just fine. I feel this is related to the crossdomain.xml file, however I guess I'm not understanding some aspect of the security model.

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Html :: Data In A String Make Clickable Html Link Flex?

Jul 1, 2011

I have a scenario that I get an string with html data, this is not just html data it's an email (outlook) saved as an html file and dropped in the string.Now this string needs to be formatted to an html document and should be a clickable link in a datagrid. So when I click on the link, the HTML document should pop-up and should gave me a nice HTML page that is readable for the normal users. I hope it's a bit clear what I want o_0. don't know where to start.

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Flash :: How To Grab All Cookies

Jun 7, 2010

For a site I'm developing with a user login that uses cookies to store the session ID, a separate section of it uses Flash to provide content and such. Is there some way it can access the cookies that were set the by login? The name of the cookie will not the be same every time, as it is randomly generated, as well as its value. I then need to send the name and value of the cookie back to a page on the server to do additional stuff. Anyone know how to do this? Note that I didn't write the Flash interface, an the person who did doesn't know how to do this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Remove Cookies?

Oct 10, 2003

i got this phpPHP Code:

setcookie("affuser", "", time()-84600);
setcookie("affpass", "", time()-84600);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Remove Cookies

Oct 10, 2003

i got this php

PHP Code:

setcookie("affuser", "", time()-84600);
setcookie("affpass", "", time()-84600);
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");


but i want to see if i can CALL that php from AS and make it do all that inside flash then refresh the page inside flash or via that php file..im calling that php file from a geturl in flash.so i wanna see if i can make it to do it inside it

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Html :: Flex - Display HTML Text In A Textarea Control?

Apr 15, 2012

I have created a textArea element but cannot display my HTML content. If I just display regular text it works or if I change the textArea element to a RichEditableText element it works fine. Since this is for a mobile app I would prefer to use the textArea element as recommended by Adobe.Here is the MXML code for the textArea. All I get is the border and no content displayed.

<s:TextArea id="myHelp" editable="false" width="100%" height="100%">

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Html :: TextArea For Flex, Which Supports Html-text With Css Formatting?

Feb 26, 2010

I would like create a text area with code highlighting in flex. Is there an advanced textArea witch suports css for real. For example:

myHtmltext:String = '<span class="keyword"> #include </span>';
myTextArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
myTextArea.htmlText = myHtmltext;

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Html :: Flex/AIR: Loaded HTML Links Don't Work?

Jul 14, 2009

I have an <mx:HTML/> component in my flex air app that shows a web page. The problem is, if the web page has a link on it and they click it, it does not take them to that page. Is there a way to allow this, or a work around? is there a way for the loaded webpage to send Flex info about events that occur in it?Here is my code:



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Flash :: Html - Using Images In Flex / Html Controls

Jan 4, 2010

Using the flex text area I am trying to put an image inside a list. Whatever I do, the image is pushed to a new line. The html is below. I want to show text and the image on the same line in list item 2. I have taken some of the formatting out for readability.


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Html :: Flex - HTML + CSS Dynamic Render In Flash?

Apr 11, 2010

I have HTML + CSS text. I need some lib with simple function like "Render String Var conteining HTML" So no external files (like in flash lib called HTMLwraper you just have to play your SWF on top of HTML). dinamic! I give it string it renders It into some conteiner (not as a bitmab but as if it was real HTML dynamically rendered in flash). (And I need real HTML + CSS support not what normal rich text block gives us)I am going to use it in with Flex (Flash Builder) so I like MXML component model but even pure flash AS3 will workout.It should be Free and Opensource (any license like GPL, LGPL etc will be ok).So Is out there such flashflex library for HTML + CSS dynamic rendering (rfom given String or XML)?

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Flex :: Compatible Html Tag To Show Flash On Html?

Sep 1, 2011

There are various ways to show flash(swf file) on html, for example, object or embed tags.I want to support IE6-9, FireFox3-, Chrome, Safari, and as many other browsers as possible.(especially IE6-9)But I also want to use simple tag as possible.What is the best way to write html tag to show flash(swf file)?

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Flex :: 4 HTML - Append HTML Text To TextArea

Oct 24, 2011

Question is about Flex4 Text Engine: I want to

1) append HTML text to textArea text1 I can load text like:


But I have no idea how to appen new text !

2) add an image to textArea All this in the the new TLF :

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Html :: Flex 3 - Using Html Tags In Custom Tooltip?

Nov 23, 2011

I'm using a custom tooltip in order to be able to use html tags. The method I used is described here.I'm using SDK v.3.5. I also did a little hack so that the TooltipManager.tooltipClass would work (check this post for more details).Here's some code.

public class HtmlTooltip extends ToolTip

Everything works fine BUT 2 things: First, font colors tags don't work. If ever I use sth like <font color='0xadadad'>...</font> it won't work. However, if I use <u>...</u>, it works fine

Second, the <a href='...'>...</a> does not work either. I checked in several websites, and the solution would be to set the selectable property of the text to true.

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Html :: Load Html Page Into Flex Textarea?

Jun 2, 2009

I would like to show some textcontent from a website in a textarea box in flex.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
import mx.core.Application;


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