ActionScript 3.0 :: FLV Playback Component - Audio Restarting Continuously

Dec 11, 2009

[URL]. Site works fine after a lot of experimentation but there's 1 problem. If you start the video and go to another tab the audio continues go back again and it starts again, this can happen multiple times. I am using a flv playback component.

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Separate FLV Video And Audio Tracks In FLV Playback Component?

Jul 30, 2009

We're creating video that is destined for multiple countries - we've created a framework that has a video page (using the FLV playback component, w an external FLV w/ progressive download) for the given languages we're using, and subtitles for each, etc..  Until now, we've been using the same English video & audio for each, but the client is looking into having the videos dubbed into different languages.
We're hoping to avoid re-encoding the video for each language in order to accommodate for the different audio tracks.  Also, having different video files for each language would mean using more storage (since we're talking about a lot of video files, so it adds up). Is there a way to use FLV playback to progressive download an FLV file (video only) while playing a separate mp3 file?  Most inquiries into playing separate audio and video has led me to embedding video, which isn't feasible in our case.

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Jul 11, 2009

I have an mp4 file that i made and i made it 7.1 surround sound, and i'm pretty sure that this 7.1 surround sound works, as it can be played in VLC. i'm using netstream to load my files now. How do i make it so that flash can playback all 8-channels of sound?

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Nov 9, 2010

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Aug 9, 2010

I'm writing a flex app, which must record an audio and then playback. It records just fine, I can hear the flv on the server, but when it comes to the playback it cuts the end a little bit, and each time I ask to reproduce again it cuts a little bit more. I guess it's something related to buffer management, but I don't know exactly.

Here's the code I'm using to playback. It is called from a mediator:
var streamPlayClient:Object = new Object(); = streamPlayClient;
streamPlayClient.onPlayStatus = function(infoObject:Object):void {
if (infoObject.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Flush") {
}}"flv:" + this.streamName);

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Player 10 Real-time Audio Playback?

Jul 13, 2009

I'm trying to playback some sample data through the new real-time audio capabilities of Flash Player 10. I started with the example given at the bottom of this page on livedocs, which seems to work fine and plays a crystal clear tone.I assume that the two writeFloat's in the example write to the left and right audio channels respectively and that the data being written is 32 bit (because of the float).

However. I seem to be having trouble converting my old 8 bit audio data to a format that is understood by this interface. When I playback my sample data I can vaguely hear the sound I'm expecting but it is massively distorted. My sample data consists of raw 8 bit samples that ranges from 0..255 where 127 is silence.

I've been trying different conversion formulas but I seem to be missing some vital information regarding this conversion.

UPDATE:The correct formula turns out to be:

f = ( - 127) / 255

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Actionscript 3 :: Stream Playback From Wowza Has Audio Crackling On Flash Player

Feb 2, 2012

I have a custom Flash video player that uses the NetConnection and NetStream classes to stream mp4 files from a Wowza server. Lately the playback has been having audio problems. The sound is crackled and in some cases may cause the Flash player to crash. This is not consistent between files. Meaning that a file that was played once with bad audio could be fine 5 minutes later when played again from a new instance of the player , but 5 minutes later have the same problem.

My thought direct me to thinking this was an encoding problem, but that wouldn't explain how one second the playback is fine, and once refreshed messes up again.

I should note that the Wowza server does not stream the entire file but only a portion of it based on various parameters it gets.

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Set The Size Of A FLV Playback Component?

May 28, 2009

Here is my code that plays the video:
import*; var myVideo:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback(); myVideo.source = "video.flv"; } addChild(myVideo);
How to I set the size of the video? I have tried "myVideo.videoWidth = 400;" but that gives me an error.

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Professional :: Playback Component For A Swf

Sep 9, 2010

I know you can put a playback component on a FLV. Is it possible to have a playback component on a swf?

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IDE :: Loop A FLV In The Playback Component?

Oct 25, 2005

I am sure I am just over looking some simple true/false thing somewhere but I can't figure out how to loop an external (progressive download) FLA file with the new FLA Playback Component..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLV Playback Component Does Not Work

Dec 30, 2010

Link [URL] Problem is the video doesn't play online. It works offline. There's no script involved, I have manually sourced the flv to flv play back component. There's no folders all files are together and easy to find.

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Stopping Video Component Playback?

May 20, 2009

I have a frame where I have added an flv playback component to play a flv file. Everything plays fine, but when I test the file and navagate away from the frame that the playback component is on, the video continues playing.
Is there any way to get the video to stop when the user navigates away from the frame? I'm sure this could be done if I add the video using AS 3.0 (that is what the navigation of the site is coded with).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Buttons On FLV Playback Component

Jun 15, 2009

I'm having a problem with the playbuttons, pausebutton and seekbar that I use on my flvplayback video. I don't know why, but these buttonaren's doing anything. I have put this code :
//slumdog is my flvplayback instance nameimport;
slumdog.playButton = my_playbut;
slumdog.pauseButton = my_pausebut;
slumdog.seekBar = my_seekbar;

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Professional :: Adding An Flv With A Playback Component To An Swf

Jul 1, 2011

I created a video in After Effects and rendered the output to an .flv, works fine when I embed in html and upload to my server. But now I'm having a problem with the next phase and that's adding a link to the flv using Cue points. I read the tutes on this but cannot get past the following. First I tested this by importing the flv picking the skin for the player and importing straight to an html page in Dreamweaver. I uploaded the html, flv and player to the server and it works great.

Now I need to add a url link to a certain frame of the flv and read the tute on how to import the flv into a new fla file, I see where I can scrub the timeline inside the flv and thought I was home free as all I had to do was upload and add the cue points. But now I see where I had to take the .flv and import as video to a new fla and after importing the flv it clearly states that the component will only play locally. After making sure the flv was on the server I uploaded the html and swf. When I try to playback from the server I get a browser Which is named "Flash Player Installation" with a blank screen.

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IDE :: FLV Playback And Caption Component For Videos

Sep 13, 2008

I'm using the flvPlayback and Captioning component/skin for some videos. Works great, but I can't figure out how to have the captions off by default and use the caption button to turn them on for users who want to see the caption buttons.
Hides the captions, but also disables the captionButton in the skin, so there is no way to toggle showing and hiding the captions.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing 4 Videos Flv With Playback Component?

Dec 9, 2009

I am importing 4 videos flv with playback component. When a video is loading, I would like an mc to be visible (like a loading mc to be sure the users understands that it's working and loading. But when it starts to play, the mc needs to disappear.So I imagine something like this code is a start

vid1.addEventListener(VideoEvent.LOADING.videoLoad );
function videoLoad(e:VideoEvent){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom FLV Playback Component Skin?

Feb 2, 2011

i am trying to create a custom skin for my FLV component in CS5 ..but adobe's fla files have errors when i decompile...I get this error...

Actionscript Code:

Error 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile - time constant : NetStreamPlayOtions

When i do publish flash does recognise the custom.swf skin...when i do add it in my movie though i get this error

Actionscript Code:

Error #2044: Unhandled skinError:. text=Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.  

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading An FLV In Flash Using FLV Playback Component

Apr 21, 2010

I'm Loading an FLV in flash using FLV Playback component in as3. And simultaneously i'm running sound on Phone. It syncs properly in my machine. But it is giving me terrible delay in slower machines. So is there any way to control the framerate of the FLV so that it can sync properly with sound.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Use The FLV Playback Component To Load Files?

Jun 30, 2010

Do i need to use the FLV playback component to load FLV files or can i load FLV files using loadMovie and use them like loaded SWF files? Can FLV files be loaded using ActionScript 1?
I searched for simple examples on how to load an FLV but i can't find any examples..

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Flash FLV Playback Component Controls Not Working?

Feb 3, 2009

I have an FLV Playback component in a website that I'm working on and for some odd reason the controls do not work. The video loads and plays fine and the controls appear but you cant click on anything like you can when you assign the skin in the parameters. It is a default Flash skin. At first I thought it was due to the video layer being under a mask, so I moved it on top and it didnt change anything.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Loading FLV Into FLV Playback Component?

Mar 18, 2009

I'm trying to do a site with multiple videos, and I figured that instead of adding frames with new instances of the Playback component, it would be nice if I could get it working by just passing some actionscript to the component on the click of a button.

Here's what doesn't work:

on (release) {

videoPlayer is the name of my Playback component. This does cause an interruption, as the video that's currently playing disappears, so it appears it's at least trying to load it, but it certainly won't play that video.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Video Onto Playback Component

Nov 16, 2009

I am using the following code to load my video into the playback component, but the video is the wrong size, it's too small and isn't centered in the video player.

var myVideo:FLVPlayback;
myVideo = new FLVPlayback();
myVideo.source = "videos/Logo Animation WEB.mp4";
myVideo.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, completePlay);
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping External Cideo With Playback Component?

Sep 10, 2010

I am trying to loop my external video with flash cs5, I know little about actionscript 3.0 . Haven't be able to get anywhere it uses a component called FLVPlackback. I started off with a flash template that I have tweaked to my needs Here is the .fla file I am adding the video I want to loop the the photos page

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Extending Component Class - FLV Playback Not Initializing

Oct 19, 2011

I've never extended a component class in AS2, and I'm having problems with it now.

Here's my class file:
Actionscript Code:
import;import*;class AkamaiFLVPlayback extends FLVPlayback{
public function AkamaiFLVPlayback(){

Here's how I'm trying to instantiate it from the FLA:
Actionscript Code:
import AkamaiFLVPlaybackvar g = new AkamaiFLVPlayback()this.attachMovie(g,myVid,1)g.contentPath = "[URL]"

Now this does not work at all. I can see that the super class FLVPlayback is creating variables, but it's not loading to the stage or initializing.

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