ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Addressing Nested Clips With Dynamic Name?

Aug 9, 2010

Let's say I have a movie clip named MC in stage. The following statements work.

var clipName = "MC";
this[clipName].y = 100;

However, if I put a child movie clip (named childMC) inside that MC movie clip, I'm not able to address the child movie clip by the same fashion. I'll get an error.

var clipName = "MC.childMC";
this[clipName].y = 100;

Is there any way to address the child movie clip with dynamic name?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Addressing Nested Movie Clips

Aug 4, 2009

I'm brand new at AS3 and having trouble targeting nested movie clips stored in my library. Here's my sample code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Addressing Movie Clips Via Array?

Oct 14, 2010

My Flash file provides a small number (say, 4) of user-selected �displays. Within each display, there are up to four link movie clips, each of which are (or should be) selectable. The displays have instance names of display0_mc, display1_mc, display2_mc, and display3_mc. I can address each display through an array var display:Array = [ display0_mc, display1_mc, display2_mc, display3_mc ]; as display[ 0 ], display[ 1 ], etc. Now, the four links within each display are named link0_mc through link3_mc. (Each of these is actually a movie clip containing a dynamic text field, link_txt, and a few other elements not relevant here.)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Addressing MovieClip Buttons Within Nested Ones

Sep 10, 2009

I have three movieclip "buttons" within a couple of nested movieclips and I am unsure how to address them in actionscript. I have an event listener and a function for the rollover and rollout mouseEvents below

procedures_mc.p_dropdown_mc.p_body_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL _OVER, cursorOverButton);
procedures_mc.p_dropdown_mc.p_breasts_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.R OLL_OVER, cursorOverButton);
procedures_mc.p_dropdown_mc.p_face_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL _OVER, cursorOverButton);
function cursorOverButton(e:MouseEvent):void{e.currentTarget.gotoAndPlay("over");
e.currentTarget.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, cursorOutButton);}
function cursorOutButton(e:MouseEvent):void{e.currentTarget.gotoAndPlay("out");}

Within the movieclip buttons are labels over and out included in the buttons. When I rollover and rollout the mouse over the movieclip buttons they don't behave correctly. I am wondering if the e.currentTarget inside the function is the right address of the nested movieclip buttons procedures_mc.p_dropdown_mc.p_body_mc, etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild ... And Then Addressing The Nested Clip?

Sep 9, 2010

I'm successfully adding an external .swf file using the following code:


So - I'm loading the "graphic.swf" into a movie clip called "topClip" which is already on the stage in the main timeline. That works fine. But... then I'm having a problem addressing the loaded "graphic.swf" with a button (to lower it's alpha). I'm using this:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Addressing Movieclips Within Movie Clips

Sep 18, 2009

what I'm trying to do is access the data of several movies clips, that are inside of several other movie clips:

MC1.insideMC1._visible=false (which works, but isn't dynamic)

but dynamically with a FOR loop. I've tried:

For(bullet=1; bullet<5; bullet++){
"MC"+bullet.insideMC1._visible=false (this does not work)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS4 - Addressing Buttons In A Dynamic Array

Mar 10, 2009

I've got a column of buttons that load dynamically with attachMovie, and are named in the for loop as "patentBtn"+i+"_mc" etc.

When I address them in the code like this:

patMenuHolder_mc.patentBtn0_mc.onRelease = function(){


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Addressing Movie Clips Inside A Movie Clip That Has Been Loaded Into A ScrollPane

Jul 6, 2009

I'm trying to use the scroll pane component for the first time, and I've spent most of the day getting nowhere. Based on my experience with other components and with loading content into movie clips, I expected that I would point my scroll pane to its content and be off and running, but that hasn't happened.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Accessing Nested Movie Clips Using XML?

Nov 22, 2010

I am trying to access a nested movie clip that I get from an XML. Only problem is when I try passing the name to my function

public function PlayAction(parentClip:MovieClip, mcName:String, frameName:String):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Nested Movie Clips Just Won't Play?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a movie clip, lets call this Container. This contains another 4 movie clips, BubbleRed, BubbleGreen, BubblePurple and BubbleGold. Each of these 4 movie clips have an animated time line.

When a Container is rolled over it is added to an array.

I have a function which does things to the Containers on the array.

However I have been trying to get the movie clips in the container to play.

Basically here is my code

function Pop(m:Movieclip){
switch(m.currentFrame) {
case 1:


And so on for the four bubbles. However when hovered over this code just breaks.

So I tried instead of BubbleRed, assigning the movie clips inside the container instance names, Red, Green, Purple, Gold.

This didn't result in a crash, however the time line of each instance still wouldn't play!

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Flash :: Access Child / Nested Movie Clips With JSFL AS3 CS5.5?

Sep 22, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Custom Playhead For Flash Movie (accounting For Nested Clips)

Nov 5, 2006

I'm trying to create a play-head (not a load bar) with Action Script that shows where my movie is at in its timeline A little something like this


The difficulty is that on my main timeline I have 3 places where the main timeline stops to play a nested movie clip once the nested clips finish it carries on down the main timeline again. How can I create this play-head so it moves smoothly while still accounting for the nested clips ? Can't seem to wrap my head around it!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Masking Movie Clips That Are Nested Within Other Movie Clips?

Jul 14, 2003

How would one go about masking movie clips that are nested within other movie clips?

I have a photo gallery slider type of thingy that loads jpegs with loadMovie into containers. I can mask the entire movie clip but as for the containers,...well I just dont know whats going on here.

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Flash :: Dynamic Loading Of Nested Swfs

Dec 12, 2011

Background: I have a class called MultipleChoiceQuestion which pulls the stem and choices from an xml file. The choices for each question are randomized. The Quiz class has a set of specified multiple choice questions which it loads dynamically. It also references the xml file to determine # of questions. The quiz controls the question progression based on correct answers. The main movie launches the quiz at the appropriate time.

Issue I want the question building to be dynamic and load the choices and randomize them. How do I do this? Right now I publish the quiz as a swf and then load it into the main movie, but that is static and always has the same choices in the same order. How can I do this dynamically?

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Nested Movie Clips In CS5

Sep 13, 2010

I'm not sure if this problem's caused by a change made in CS5 or if I'm just doing something wrong (havn't used flash in a while), but I've run into a problem where; I've created a second animated layer (classic tween) inside the timeline of another movie clip. The problem is, when I add a key frame in the timeline of the parent movie clip, it resets the timeline inside it (as in, it goes back to the begining).

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Nested Clips Don't Play

Jun 23, 2009

I have a clip on my main timeline, inside of which is another clip. I have animated the main clip (just 10 frames, keyframes at 1 and 10, with a motion tween). Then I open it, and "animate" the nested clip on its own timeline. I say animate in quotes because it's really just 5 keyframes with no tweens as I've been told that tweens in nested clips make a mess. I know nested animatetions don't show by scrubbing the timeline, but it won't show when Testing the movie, or even after publishing it as a .swf. The nested clip does play on its own timeline from within the clip, but not outside it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash CS5 IDE - Symbols And Nested Symbols And The Difference Between Graphics And Movie Clips And Scoping

Oct 26, 2010

I'm working through a book called Foundation Game Design with Flash, and I'm finding the Flash IDE confusing. I've been programming for several years, so working with AS3 directly is far easier than trying to understand symbols and nested symbols and the difference between graphics and movie clips and scoping issues and all that -- when tied into the IDE.

How many of you who are making games in AS3 also use the Flash IDE? Can anyone recommend a resource that is AS3 heavy and Flash IDE light? I don't care how much time I may or may not save by using things like the timeline, I just want to understand what I'm using.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop All Nested Clips?

Jun 23, 2009

Is there a way to stop all nested movieclips from playing?

Example: (all timeline driven)

container_mc has an instance of container_mc and has children :

-none of the children have instance names (workflow coming in from a designer)
- these are loop animation

I can tell container_mc.stop(); and it's timeline will stop, however the childrens timelines keep moving.

How do i stop this clip from animating any further without reworking our asset library.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Nested Movie Clips

Feb 27, 2009

I have a movie clip nested in frame 2 (* = movie clip in frame 2), it looks like this:


When I test the movie it skips over frame 2. What type of action script (AS2) do I need either in the movie clip and/or in frame 2 to get the movie to play before proceeding and stopping at frame 3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Targeting Nested Movie Clips?

Feb 25, 2010

Here's my example, on frame 1 is an mc I created named holder. Inside there's an mc named box. Inside box are four mcs, circles1-4, inside the circles I have four skulls. If I want to affect only the skulls, what is the proper way to go about it?For instance, whats the proper way to write a trace statement?or , if I wanted the skulls to fade individually on mouse over, how would you properly go about writing this function?
function over(evt:MouseEvent):void{ = .5;


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Professional :: Nested Movie Clips As Navigation Bar?

Jun 24, 2010

I just had my first flash lesson a couple of days  ago, but decided to venture myself into trying to build a navigation  tool bar with movie clips grouped together. My intention is that once  the mouse rolls over one particular movie clip, another movie clip fades  in under it (my version of a "drop down" menu). Just so it happens, the  movie clip that fades in, is also comprised of particular movie clips  with their own behaviors (roll over tween effects).

I can make  each individual movie clip behave as it should, but I cannot get them to  work once they are pieced together. I'm attaching a link that contains  the file I'm talking about (submenu), in the hopes that one of you good  Samaritans would take a look at it and tell me where I went wrong.[URL]..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nested Movie Clips Still Won't Play

Jan 21, 2011

I have a movie clip, lets call this Container. This contains another 4 movie clips, BubbleRed, BubbleGreen, BubblePurple and BubbleGold. Each of these 4 movie clips have an animated time line. When a Container is rolled over it is added to an array. I have a function which does things to the Containers on the array. However I have been trying to get the movie clips in the container to play.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Nested Clips For CacheAsBitmap Using OnLoadInit

Mar 8, 2011

I'm using cacheAsBitmap to create a gradient mask. The code I set up worked great and all was well but I soon discovered problems when cacheAsBitmap was being nullified when its parent mc was loaded into another mc. I read up on it and from what I understand, since I'm using the MovieClipLoader class, this code should be included in onLoadInit in the root mc (start_mc). Basically this is what I have: start_mc loads main_mc (target) and rollMask1 and roll1 are contained within main_mc. Here's the script for onLoadInit:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseEnabled & Deeply Nested Clips?

Feb 12, 2009

Am I correct in thinking I have to set mouseEnabled = false for the entire hierarchy of display objects that are above an interactive object, in order for me to be able to successfully interact with it?Diagrammatically, I've had to set all elements with an asterisk to mouseEnabled = false:

+- DisplayObjectContainer *
| |


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cant't Accesss Nested Movie Clips?

Jul 30, 2009

I have created accordion. I have three buttons(movieclips) on stage and inside each movieclip is a mask that masks submenus. So when you roll over the button , the mask expands revealing submenus - buttons(movie clips). All buttons are aligning to the expanding mask. So far so good. But there is a problem. I can not access submenus - nested movie clips which are revealed by the expanding mask.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rollover In Nested Movie Clips

Sep 5, 2009

I understand that nested rollovers do not work, but let me say first that there is no nested rollover. Although my rollovers are in a nested movie clip, the main movie clip does not have rollovers, so from my understanding of the nested rollover problem, it does not apply to this situation. But, it's not working.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Refrencing Sound From Nested Clips?

Nov 23, 2009

referencing sound from a nested clip.In my first frame on the root level I have this function:

function snd(iSnd:Sound):void {
var sndV:SoundChannel =, 0, sndTrans);

On the second frame of a nested clip I have this:

MovieClip(this.root).snd(MovieClip(this.root).loca tionSound);

I don't get any errors, but my sound doesn't play either. The function works fine when I am referencing it from the root level, but unfortunately I can't do that with this particular instance.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access Nested Movie Clips?

Jul 19, 2010

Im trying to simply access a movieclip (movieclipB) which is nested inside another movieclip (moveclipHome). This parent movieclip (movieclipHome) has two key frames inside, one that contains movieclipA on the first frame and movieclipB on the second frame. I can easily access movieclipA on the first frame of the movieclipHome by using the following syntax[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nested Movie Clips And Classes

Mar 5, 2012

I have created a simple class to change the color of a movie clip on the stage. The movie clip that I want to change the color of has 3 other movie clips nested inside of it. Here is the structure of the Movie Clip


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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnRollOver With Nested Movie Clips?

Dec 15, 2005

I'm having a hard time getting some nested movie clips to respond to an onRollOver event.



game_mc will respond to onRollOver, but the gameVenueBtn_mc will not. If I change gameVenue_mc to a button, the hand cursor appears when it is over, but still no onRollOver event.

how nested movieClips identify the onRollOver?

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