ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Backend Swfaddress?

Mar 11, 2011

My problem here is actually not actionscriptbased but more of a backend problem.But I just can't figure this out & neither can the webhotel. When I run a flashsite on other webhotels everything is working when it comes the seo part. (Running the site with javascript deactivated - browsing the underlying html-site that is created with php, using the same principles as the But on my client's website (another webhotel) there are problems.

For example: ults in 404 error and a message that biography.swf does not exist. I always get redirected to some imaginary swf-files thus giving me 404 errors or to swf-files that happens to have the correct file names. I've checked the .htaccess file and they look exactly the same. In fact I have uploaded the complete site to another webhotel and everything works perfect. I can browse the underlying html-site without any problems.The support at the my client's webhotel doesn't seam to understand how this solution work. They think I'm doing some seo-tweeks that they can't give any support for. But something is clearly wrong here and it seems that something is different on their servers

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My code:

<!DOCTYPE html>


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Code: Select allfunction traceMyPage(id) {
SWFAddress.onChange = function() {
var addr = SWFAddress.getValue();


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Aug 21, 2009

I'm still a newbie in terms of as3, but have built a code-simple flash site (using CS3 & Dreamweaver). I've only just discovered SWFAddress / SWFobject / swffit and have been combing through my flash pages to implement these oh-so helpful tools. Troubled process, as it is...

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file to big to attach; i don't believe looking at the code will be of any use without seeing the set up and references on the timeline... but i'll insert it anyway (below). is there a way to send the file to someone directly?


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HTML Code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">


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Jan 13, 2011

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Jul 24, 2006

Can anyone answer the above question? (Is it possible to use a DataGrid as a small built-in DB in a Flash application thus avoiding the need to connect to a backend DB If so, does the DataGrid store the variables added to it even if the app. is switched off?

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Jan 19, 2010

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What's currently the best, most mature option for implementing RIAs with Rails on the backend? I've looked at Flex, Laszlo, and ExtJS. ExtJS is interesting to me because I'm really not a fan of pure Flash UIs, but it seems highly targeted towards business apps, not entertainment applications like this.

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Feb 2, 2011

Thinking about developing a "class schedule app" that has a backend user interface that a user can add/edit/delete dates and times, savs and the data shows in a cool graph on a webpage. I was thinking of using authiticated php page to update an xml file or database that could be read by a flash app to create a dynamic graphic. Think a 800 x 500 square with the 7 days set as rows ontop of each other and the times for each day listed horizontally.The times set in xml/database would be color coded boxes with rounded corners that lay over the times for those days.**I am not looking for anyone to tell me how to do this. I was hoping to get ideas or thoughts from other developers on my options as far as languages to dev in. I have done a few searches and found a lot of javascript calendars to select dates but I am less concerned about the backend looking good.

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Flex :: Connect UI To A Unix Backend Server?

Sep 23, 2011

Im working on a project with the following basic needs:

Need to invoke a Flex Webapp in a new Tab from another Webapp in Java/Jsp.This Flex UI must be connected to a unix backend to show the backend operations on the UI.The unix backend server has telnet operations and SSO

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ActionScript 2.0 :: High Score Class With PHP Backend?

Feb 28, 2004

I have been getting mps about how I did my high score list in my footer ever since I made it. But because I didnt know any PHP back then the high score list in my footer is all Action Script except the writing to the txt file bit. It is still every buggy and doesnt work very well. So thats why I didnt what to give it to any one because I knew I would never hear the end of all the problems people would have with it. But seen as I have got better at PHP now I made a system where the PHP does all of the work. It works better and its dynamic. I made a flash class that formats the score to an array and can communicate with the PHP file so it would be easy to used.


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