Javascript :: Use Flash Backend For New Audio()?

Mar 9, 2012

I've made a website, to test the html5 audio. Unfortunately some browser doesn't support it. How to use a flash backend? I haven't found anything useable. The flash backend examples on the web use the DOM element, not the new Audio(). I don't want to use JQuery for this little experiment.

My code:

<!DOCTYPE html>


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Javascript :: IE Not Letting Flash Stream Audio

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This problem is happening is both IE8 and IE7. I have a small swf compiled with flex. It's basically just a wrapper around audio streaming functionality. All the controls and such are in html with javascript. I load the swf using swfobject's "static" method. This works great in Firefox and Chrome. In IE, the swf loads correctly, but as soon as I try to stream any audio with it, I get an error. EDIT: I've reduced the code quite a bit to try and find the problem. You can see the new version running here. Here is the error, html and flex files for my reduced version:


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I know I can use AS3 ExternalInterface class to communicate with Flash from Javascript, but what would be the appropriate format or variable type in javascript to hold the ByteArray, and how can I ensure that I won't lose much audio data when doing so?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
import flash.display.Sprite;


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I just started developing flash recently and I need to globally mute the audio in an swf by javascript ... I've got the following functions in my AS3 already.


function mute():void
var st:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(0);
SoundMixer.soundTransform = st;


Do I need to use addCallback() somehow to trigger this through javascript?

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Mar 24, 2011

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1) java/javascript

2) red5

3) flash/flex

4) silverlight

5) other(specify)

I want to create something like this : [URL]

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I'm looking for some insight into how I should architect everything. I found this neat tutorial, [URL], which suggests using python & stackless + flash. Someone else suggested I should try using p2p sockets, but I don't even know where to begin to look for info on that.

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May 7, 2010

Are there any free audio players that I can use in my website? Are they customizable?

I've heard of Soundmanager 2. It's a flash based player with a javascript front-end.

Are there any other free players like that?

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Mar 1, 2011

In an ideal world, I could do this through a browser in real-time and send a notification that would include the DOM information needed to remove the ad. In this type of model, I could theoretically then use all clients (web visitors) as test subjects. I believe that this might be far fetched, and thus will need to rely on a smaller subset of users. I'm looking for any way to do this. I have even thought about using speakers and a microphone to detect when a sound is playing, and then some how capture a screenshot and the DOM information.

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Does anyone know where to find examples, tutorials or source files on how to integrate flash with backend to create a dynamic image gallery that can easily be updated?

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Javascript :: Controlling Left/right Audio Channel Volume In A Youtube Video Player?

Sep 4, 2011

I want to know if it is possible to use javascript, flash or flex to make a youtube video player that is capable of controlling left/right audio channel volume. For example, mute the left channel and play right channel audio on both left/right speakers.

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Flash :: Audio Player That Can Play Binary Audio Streams?

Apr 13, 2011

My server is streaming binary audio data (mostly mp3 files) to a client (a browser). This client stores the audio data in memory.

What I'm looking for is a flash audio player that I can input the binary audio data so that it can play the audio file.

Preferably, the flash client is merely a bridge to Javascript so that I can handle everything in Javascript and simply use Flash's audio features, but this is not a requirement.

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Flash :: Start And Stop Audio From The Middle Of Audio Track?

Apr 25, 2011

I have a single audio file, I'd like to avoid cutting it up.

I know I can use the sound class,, to start at 150ms but haven't come across a way to stop the audio say after 500ms or at 650ms.

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May 15, 2007

I'm looking for a (free) flash player that I can embed in my site and use to play a .m4a (.mp4 with AAC audio) file that will be obtained using a URL (i.e. it's not local to the server hosting the web page).I've tried searching on google for one, but either I'm searching wrong or no one has made such a thing. Ideally this would be very simple (small user interface with play button and maybe a progress bar) and it would be easy to have multiple instances of on an html page (can create the player with an <object> tag).

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Jul 9, 2009

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