ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Calculating Progress Bar Size?

Jan 12, 2011

Here is the thing I have a movie with X scenes and I want the progress bar to fill up according to the porcentage of my timeline that has is the code I'm using

var parcialSeek
var completeSeek


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Professional :: Calculating Progress Bar Size?

Jan 12, 2011

trying to calculate the size of a progress bar.Here is the thing I have a movie with X scenes and I want the progress bar to fill up according to the porcentage of my timeline that has is the code I'm using

var parcialSeek var completeSeek
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, tamanhoBarra) function [code]...

with this code every new scene the bar starts again and since I don't have exacts 100 frames on my movie the bar size dosen't match?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calculating Pixel Size Of Text

Feb 5, 2009

I have a text, e.g. "hello world". I want to know, what's exactly the textwidth and textheight in pixels depending on a certain font, e.g. Arial, 12, bold. Is there a possibility to calculate the exact size?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader - Calculating Size Of TXT File And Image

Apr 29, 2008

How to preload this:
I've made buttons which loads external txt files into textBox (HTML render);
Those txt files contains text and pictures, like <img src="..."> (HTML tags);
Also, there are some links like <a href="asfunction:...>
I've made preloader and it displays bytes total for txt files only. Is it possible to make preloader which will calculate the size of a txt file, and the size of image from image tags inside that txt file?

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Android :: Calculating An Angle Using The Law Of Cosines, Given 2 Points And Calculating 1 Point?

Dec 27, 2011

I am developing a game for mobile in AIR (as3). I have created some bots for this game that initially just wander around. But when a bonus enters the stage, they have to move to the bonus.The detection of a new bonus and moving of the bots works fine, but there is something wrong with the manipulation when a new bonus enters the stage.Basically, this is how it works (or I try to make it work):My bot moves along with his rotation as a parameter. (works fine)

private function moveToNextLocation():void
var angle:Number = _rotation * 0.0174532925; // 1 degree = 0.0174532925 radians
var speedX:Number = Math.sin(angle) * _speed;


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Javascript :: Flash Library For File Upload With File Size Limit And Progress Bar?

Jan 13, 2012

Is there any "mainstream" library used for this purpose? Commonly spread, well maintained, documented etc.I found these (using flash):

Uploadify - not many releases, latest 12/2010, no documentation (!)
SWFUpload - latest release 03/2010, documentation
fancyupload - looks buggy.

phpfileuploader - looks heavyweight, and looks commercial (?) I cannot read the licence (you can download it but are you allowed to use it forever without paying?) plupload New version of pure javascript (no flash) Valums' ajax upload claims to handle file size limit and progress bar, which is quite suspicious to me: these features require to guess the file size before the upload, which seems impossible in javascript (look also here). Or can it work?

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Create A Progress Bar (248px Wide) With A Slider That Moves According To The Movie Progress

Jun 4, 2010

I have an SWF movie (1375 frames) and created a progress bar (248px wide) with a slider that moves according to the movie progress. I'm doing that next way:Calculating the distance for the slider to be moved each frame (248 / 1375) On each ENTER_FRAME moving the slider for the calculated distance The problem is - the movie ends far before the slider reaches the end of the progress bar.

I'm thinking that the distance (Step 1) is is somehow ends floored by Flash and the actual distance it moves the slider is smaller than required. That's why the movie ends, but the timeline control just passed the 2/3 of its way. My question is - is there any solution for the problem? Or any other way to go, if it's a wrong one?

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Flash :: Calculating Distance Just From Speed?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm creating a drag based control in Flex / Flash, similar to a film strip, where an individual can swipe horizontally to scroll through the items. To make the control feel a bit more natural I've added some inertia to slow the scrolling once a swipe has taken place. When first loaded up there will be five items in view with 'x' numbers of items to scroll through with the 3rd item centred and selected.

My problem though is that I want, when animating, a swipe gesture to determine whether an item will end up the middle (3rd position) and adjust its movement calculation accordingly so it docks with the 3rd / centre position. Imagine you perform a long swipe, it flys pasts 'x' amount of items, but as it slows to a stop it elegantly stops with an item centred / in the 3rd position. To do this I believe I need to determine the distance to travel just from the speed value (as time is irrelevent to the user experience, i.e. a longer / stronger swipe would justify a longer animation skimming through the items).

At the moment I'm invoking the animation routine (with inertia) in the ENTER_FRAME event when the user generates a MOUSE_UP event. When they do this, I obtain the speed of drag (by monitoring this beforehand) and then decrement this speed value on each call of the ENTER_FRAME event until it reaches an appropriate value to stop the animation.

Unfortunately all the speed calculations I've seen deal with Speed and Time to determine distance, I just need Speed. Admittedly, my knowledge isn't strong in this area so I might be missing the obvious.

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Flex :: User GetRepeaterItem To Set The Progress Of A Progress Bar?

Mar 2, 2011

I have a progress bar inside a repeater and therefore I will need to use getRepeaterItem to set it's progress as suggested in this question.

How can I do that such that the value of progress may be taken from repMonitor.currentItem.threatLevel?

<mx:Accordion id="monAccordian" includeIn="Monitoring" x="10" y="10" width="554" height="242" change="monAccordianChange()" >
<mx:Repeater id="repMonitor" dataProvider="{monitoringArray}">


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Flash :: Calculating Text Width In ActionScript And Flex?

May 26, 2010

I'm trying to calculate how WIDE to make my button, based on the text that it will contain, and when I try to google for how to calcuate something as simplistic as the WIDTH OF SOME TEXT, I go cross-eyed just trying to wade through apparently nonsensical esoteric counter-intuitive voodoo. how I would write a function like this:

public function HowWideWouldThisTextBeIfItWereInThisButton(Text:String,Container:Button):int {

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ActionScript 3 :: Flash - Calculating Frame Independent Acceleration?

Jan 17, 2012

I have a 2D side scrolling game (made with ActionScript 3) that runs at 60 frames per second. I'm trying to make it frame rate independent so it will run on slower devices.

To do this I create a var called timeElapsed by calculating how many milliseconds have passed between each frame and dividing that by 16 (60 fps is about 16ms, I think.) So that at 60 fps the result would be about 1. Then I times any time related vars by this number (e.g player.x = speed * timeElapsed;) This is the code:

private var oldTime :Number;
private var defaultFrameRate :uint = 16; // the default frame rate in milliseconds
private var timeElapsed :Number;


As you can see, at 30 frames per second the player is moved further in the same amount of real time. What seems to be the issue is that, at 30fps in frame one, my current code doesn't account for the slight difference in speed between frame one and two at 60fps. I thought of getting the average value of speed between any two frames at 60fps and using that to calculate a more accurate value when the frame rate changes but I got the feeling wouldn't work correctly in some other situations since at 60fps for example, it would move the player by 115 and not 110 pixels.

Is their any way to accurately simulate an object accelerating in a way that is frame rate independent?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Calculating Order Of Boxes As Per There Position

May 28, 2010

I am working on sequence quiz engine. I have a function to sort boxes (dynamically generated Movieclips) which calls on every release of boxes.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto-size Background / Swf - Flash Occupies Whole Screen No Matter What Size It Is

Apr 28, 2010

So ive been asked to build a page for a real state company and the guy told me it should be similar to these [URL] Ive been trying a couple of weeks so far, but i dont seem to find a way to do somthing similar, i mean, i want to have the welcome screen as those two:

- the gradient background
- flash occupies whole screen no matter what size it is
- gradient expands sideways infinately
- no matter what height my explorer window is, gradient is always in the same position relative to top, and if i keep expanding downwards the background keeps last colour of the gradient.
- the brand logo looks as if it had top, left and right anchors, and it also limitates the minimum width of the explorer window

i though of addind a 3000 x 3000px square with the gradient and centering it, but i know there has to be a professional way of achieving that.

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Professional :: Build A Flash That Auto-adjust Its Size To The Browser Window Size?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to build a flash that auto-adjust its size to the browser window size, while leaving the content of the flash itself top-centered in the screen.I have found this solution [URL].. on How to keep centered stuff in this exact case so i am pretty confident i will be able to adjust that script to do what i want.
Now my problem is that if i put my content inside the movie-clip (centerrectangle) with all the animation require, link and other stuff, the movieclip (center rectangle ) never have the exact same center, thus making the script go wild trying to always adjust the location to the variable size of the movie clip.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Build A Flash That Auto-adjust Its Size To Browser Window Size?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to build a flash that auto-adjust its size to the browser window size, while leaving the content of the flash itself top-centered in the screen.

I have found this solution [url].. on How to keep centered stuff in this exact case so i am pretty confident i will be able to adjust that script to do what i want.

Now my problem is that if i put my content inside the movie-clip (centerrectangle) with all the animation require, link and other stuff, the movieclip (center rectangle ) never have the exact same center, thus making the script go wild trying to always adjust the location to the variable size of the movie clip...

I need it to stay exactly at the same position whatever the size of the movie-clip. [code]...

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Flash :: Make Size (width And Height) Full Size In The Browser?

Sep 15, 2011

I would like to know how to make flash size (width and height) full size in the browser? the real size of flash is w:955px h:600px I tried to make w:100% and h:100%, it makes pictures pixelate.

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Flash :: Flex Relative Size Component, Fixed Size Border?

Mar 3, 2011

I want to create a panel (or any other component) inside a component that has a 5 pixel border on all sides, but scales fully when the window is resized. I know I can set width to "100%" to make it resize, but that gives me no borders. If I put it to "95%",I have borders, but they scale annoyingly. Also, that only works for borders on the right or lower bounds, and not to the left or upper sides.Is there a convenient way to do this without having to write tons of resize-code (in which case I will not bother and just accept bad rescale behaviour, as it is for a private pet project).

EDIT: I know that I can just overwrite the display handling and set the positions manually every frame. I wondered if there is a cheap way to do it in the mxml-structure, along these lines:

width="100%" height="100%"

Coming from C++ and Java, I am intrigued by the option of setting something to "95%" and let the library work out the details, instead of having to write many lines of code, just so my text-area always keeps a 5 pixel distance from the border, but scales with window width.If there is no easier way to do it than figuring out pixel sizes by hand and setting the coordinates.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Lowing My Project Size - How Flash Calculate The Size?

May 18, 2011

i try to low my flash project size,make it as low as possible.okise here it the my file size before, 50kb and export file size is 8kb

so i know i need to covert some of my pictures and mp3 size,i have covert 2 mp3 file size ,one is 6mb and droped 3.7 ,other one is 7mb and droped to 4.2. so i save my file again, and my flash project file size droped to 18kb and export file is 10kb ??i dont really understand how flash calculate the size.

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Flash :: Mp3 Player Progress Bar

Jan 24, 2011

I have an mp3 progress bar with my mp3 player.When the song is loading/playing the progress bar jumps around until the song has completely downloaded/loaded.Is this the normal functionality.[code]

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Flash :: Localize The Loading Progress Bar?

Jul 29, 2009

How can we localize the Flash Loading Progress bar ?

(14.2 K)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Progress Bar In Flash MP3 Player

Jan 20, 2010

I have coded a simple XML driven MP3 player. I have used Sound and SoundChannel objects and method but I can't find a way of make a progress bar. I don't need a loading progress I need a song progress status bar.

Theres is the code.
var musicReq: URLRequest;
var thumbReq: URLRequest;
var music:Sound = new Sound();
var sndC:SoundChannel;
var currentSnd:Sound = music;
var position:Number;
[Code] .....

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Flash :: Change Progress Bar Color

Jan 5, 2011

How to chnage progress bar color to green in the following code.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Progress Flash After Action?

Mar 20, 2012

I want some assistance in achieving a simple method of incentivising social sharing and liking of my sites.

I would like to have a flash file that plays some content then stops and presents a button to tweet or 'like' through Twitter or the appropriate fan page on facebook.

Once the button has been clicked and the share/like completed I want the flash file to resume and continue to play.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calculating A String Value

Nov 5, 2007

I've used the countdown AS from Kiruba to list a value of days left until 2008.[code]I want to calculate 1580 - (this.digit * 4) and have a new this.digit value of 1364.

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Flash :: Display The Progress Of Flash - Loading An External Script?

Aug 16, 2011

I am building an ActionScript 3 loader,which display the progress of Flash loading an external script. Here is a snippet of my code that works perfectly.

this.SWFLoader = new Loader();
this.SWFLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, trackProgress);
this.SWFLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);
this.SWFLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, loadError);

As you can see, I have three event listeners, each for listening for different events triggered during the loading process.In regards to the above snippet, here is what I am unsure of:

What is the contentloaderinfo object?

What properties does the contentloaderinfo object contain?

Why can't I just use this.SWFLoader.addEventListener()?

When is it appropriate to use contentloaderinfo?

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Download In Flash Of Pleloader - Progress Bar Disappear?

Jun 9, 2009

this is a pleloader question when i simulate a download in flash of my pleloader it works fine. but when i ftp it to the server it goes blank no progress bar but the site still loads just with no progress bar. how do i fix this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading And Progress Bars In Flash?

Oct 8, 2009

Somebody should write a book about loading and pre loading assets in flash !Im loading a few images using a loop and i store them in a bitmap array.I want to find the proper way to create a progress bar.I think i need to calculate the totalBytes of all the images but i need to it before i load the images....Is there a way to get the file size without loading the image ?That way i could create a loop that will calculate the bytesize of all the images and store it an a variable.and then i could just divide the total bytes with the current bytes of the image and get a progress bar the will represent the exact loading time.

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Flash :: Save Games Progress Offline?

Dec 4, 2009

it does of course save the flash/game cookies to the macromedia folder but, what if i want to reformat? how would i, on reinstall of windows reload my game progress? theres gotta be a way?

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Javascript :: Jquery - Flash Progress Bar In Webpage?

Jul 20, 2010

How to make progress bar in my page, that show how much flash file got progress in dwonload.

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Actionscript 3 - Creating A Custom Progress Bar In Flash?

Oct 25, 2010

I need a progress bar that's kind of in an odd shape, I've attached an image. It's not a preloader; it's for periodic progress while the user is performing other action on the website. I've played and played with tweens from a symbol of a fill of the bar to no avail. I'm not great at flash, so apparently even this simple thing is a stumbling block for me. Since it's an odd shape,I was hoping I could somehow use a paint bucket fill of the symbol or something like that to create "progress", and simply send a "stop" command when it's at the appropriate level, but I've tried several different ways and just don't have the ability to do it. I can't seem to find anything online that's even close either.

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