Professional :: Calculating Progress Bar Size?

Jan 12, 2011

trying to calculate the size of a progress bar.Here is the thing I have a movie with X scenes and I want the progress bar to fill up according to the porcentage of my timeline that has is the code I'm using

var parcialSeek var completeSeek
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, tamanhoBarra) function [code]...

with this code every new scene the bar starts again and since I don't have exacts 100 frames on my movie the bar size dosen't match?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Calculating Progress Bar Size?

Jan 12, 2011

Here is the thing I have a movie with X scenes and I want the progress bar to fill up according to the porcentage of my timeline that has is the code I'm using

var parcialSeek
var completeSeek


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calculating Pixel Size Of Text

Feb 5, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader - Calculating Size Of TXT File And Image

Apr 29, 2008

How to preload this:
I've made buttons which loads external txt files into textBox (HTML render);
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Also, there are some links like <a href="asfunction:...>
I've made preloader and it displays bytes total for txt files only. Is it possible to make preloader which will calculate the size of a txt file, and the size of image from image tags inside that txt file?

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Android :: Calculating An Angle Using The Law Of Cosines, Given 2 Points And Calculating 1 Point?

Dec 27, 2011

I am developing a game for mobile in AIR (as3). I have created some bots for this game that initially just wander around. But when a bonus enters the stage, they have to move to the bonus.The detection of a new bonus and moving of the bots works fine, but there is something wrong with the manipulation when a new bonus enters the stage.Basically, this is how it works (or I try to make it work):My bot moves along with his rotation as a parameter. (works fine)

private function moveToNextLocation():void
var angle:Number = _rotation * 0.0174532925; // 1 degree = 0.0174532925 radians
var speedX:Number = Math.sin(angle) * _speed;


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Professional :: External Preloader - Calculating Percentage Of Text Loading?

Feb 15, 2011

I've been searching to find a simple answer to external preloaders, but it seems there are many ways to accomplish this with ac3.
I am new to as3 and this is what I've come up with so far:

green_mc.scaleX = 0;
black_mc.scaleX = 0;
var loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("zibapistachiointeractivesmfilesize03.swf"));
[Code] .....

Everything else is working except my dynamic text that should also be calculating the % of loading.

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Javascript :: Flash Library For File Upload With File Size Limit And Progress Bar?

Jan 13, 2012

Is there any "mainstream" library used for this purpose? Commonly spread, well maintained, documented etc.I found these (using flash):

Uploadify - not many releases, latest 12/2010, no documentation (!)
SWFUpload - latest release 03/2010, documentation
fancyupload - looks buggy.

phpfileuploader - looks heavyweight, and looks commercial (?) I cannot read the licence (you can download it but are you allowed to use it forever without paying?) plupload New version of pure javascript (no flash) Valums' ajax upload claims to handle file size limit and progress bar, which is quite suspicious to me: these features require to guess the file size before the upload, which seems impossible in javascript (look also here). Or can it work?

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Professional :: Build A Flash That Auto-adjust Its Size To The Browser Window Size?

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Create A Progress Bar (248px Wide) With A Slider That Moves According To The Movie Progress

Jun 4, 2010

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I'm thinking that the distance (Step 1) is is somehow ends floored by Flash and the actual distance it moves the slider is smaller than required. That's why the movie ends, but the timeline control just passed the 2/3 of its way. My question is - is there any solution for the problem? Or any other way to go, if it's a wrong one?

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Professional :: Stop / Delete A Tween In Progress?

Jun 15, 2010

have a movie clip that I am moving with tweens. When the user clicks a button it creates a new tween and the movie clip moves. However, I have another button that sets the position of the same movie clip. The problem comes when this button is clicked if the tween is in progress. The tween continues and my content moves out of view. Is there a way to stop or delete the tween when the second button is clicked?Here is a simplified example of the relevant AS:

button1.onRelease = function(){
new Tween(movieClip, "_y", Strong.easeOut, movieClip._y, movieClip._y + 200, 1, true);


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Professional :: Export Progress Bar Shows, But No SWF Appears?

Sep 21, 2011

I'm using windows Vista 64 bit (work machine, not personal) with Adobe CS5 production premium. I have this training I created in flash and it used to export just fine.I was able to test and everything, but lately, it stopped doing that. I hit CTRL+enter, and it won't give me a SWF file. I hit debug it says it can't find the swf. I looked in the folder where everything is for the training, and sure enough, there is no SWF file there. I tried hitting CTRL + enter and watching the folder. The SWF file appears while the export progress bar is going, but the second the bar is done, the file vanishes. For a while, if I went into File and hit Export Movie, it worked, but even that's stopped working.

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Mar 2, 2011

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How can I do that such that the value of progress may be taken from repMonitor.currentItem.threatLevel?

<mx:Accordion id="monAccordian" includeIn="Monitoring" x="10" y="10" width="554" height="242" change="monAccordianChange()" >
<mx:Repeater id="repMonitor" dataProvider="{monitoringArray}">


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Professional :: Program Hangs When Progress Bar Reaches 100 Percent

Dec 27, 2009

I have a flash program written in Action Script 3. It worked fine on XP but I recently moved to windows 7 and now I have problems. It is a simple file upload program. In Windows 7 the progress moves really fast to 100% like it is reading a buffer and not what is being sent over the internet. Once it reaches 100%, the program hangs (sometimes hangs the browser) until the file has finished uploading. The program still works in XP so is this a known issue with Windows 7?

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Professional :: Showing A Progress Bar Or Percentage Value Before Loading The Main Swf?

Jun 9, 2010

Is there a surestarter preloader in AS3 with CS4? Meaning here, showing a progress bar or percentage value before loading the main swf, right away at the start of the  loading.I tried 3 different versions:
1- I used the code from a video (and accompanying files), and simply changed the content.swf to my own swf file (rename my swf content.swf), so that the original code would load my swf instead of the original content.swf. (original content.swf was too small to see anything before loading, because my loading speed is too fast).Here is the code from the original preloader (loads a small swf which then loads the main swf file):
var l:Loader = new Loader();l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop);l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, done);l.load(new URLRequest("content.swf"));
function loop(e:ProgressEvent):void{ var perc:Number = e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal; percent.text = Math.ceil(perc*100).toString();}[code].....

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Just in case there is no conflict with my set up, here is the code I have:


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Jan 6, 2010

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Professional :: Adding A Progress Loader To A Dynamic Text Field / ScrollPane

Apr 28, 2011

I have a dynamic text field which is loading images from an external html.  This text is named scrollPaneImage and is a child of a movieClip called scrollPaneContent.  I then load scrollPaneContent into a scroll pane named scrollPane
When the user interacts with my swf different images are loaded into scrollPaneImage. Since some of the images take a few seconds to load, I'd like there to be a progress loader displayed in the scrollpane.
I have tried adding the progress event listner to the dynamic text, the movie clip and the scrollpane and cannot get it to respond or track the loading.

function reportProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void {
trace(e.bytesLoaded + " loaded out of " + e.bytesTotal);

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Flash :: Professional - Update Via SCUP - The Client Is Not Supposed To Be Interfered With The Update Progress

Nov 17, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calculating A String Value

Nov 5, 2007

I've used the countdown AS from Kiruba to list a value of days left until 2008.[code]I want to calculate 1580 - (this.digit * 4) and have a new this.digit value of 1364.

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Professional :: Size Of External Swf?

Jan 17, 2010

Got a little problem with a flash project im working (pretty new to flash).I got an swf image gallery (AS2) which im trying to load inside another flash project (AS2) using the following code:

var c_mc:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("container_mc",10);
var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var mcll:Object = {};


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Professional :: Set The Size Of The Stage To 500 X 400?

Jan 26, 2011

I have created a flash project in CS5 and I have set the size of the stage to 500 x 400. When I view it in the flash player as the swf it plays fine. What I want to be able to do is get the swf file to fill the screen with the image no matter what size the end user scales the window of the Flash player too.

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Professional :: Size Of A Swf File?

Apr 29, 2011

I have a website in fullflash in a html page but I have a problem. It is the height of my swf file under firefox it is ok

but under internet explorer as you can see at the bottom the page the white rectangle is not a the good size. my parameter of of publishing under html are:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calculating Pixels In Squares?

Jan 27, 2009

I have a math issue that I have some problems solving.



I need to calulate the pixels inside the squares and put them inside an array:

The main square rotates(see screen2) and i have the angle.

Something like attached code.

I have the following values:

- x/y of the main square. ( reference point )

- Width/height of the main square

- Width/height of all the squares

- Angle of main square..

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Mar 1, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calculating The Distance Between Two Images?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm trying to calculate the distance between two images (A and F - there are other images between A and F) but I can't seem to figure out how to do it the right way. The image A.x is "(stage/2) - (A.width/2)" and image F.x is "E.x - imgSpace" which is a negative value (all the images x is of negative value to image A.x). In my oppinion the calculation is F.x - A.x and although it might be right I still ned the value to be non-negative.

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Actionscript 3 :: Convert Calculating Result To Int In It?

Mar 26, 2011

Count = "400"/3 - 1;

How to convert the above count to int?

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Flash :: Calculating Distance Just From Speed?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm creating a drag based control in Flex / Flash, similar to a film strip, where an individual can swipe horizontally to scroll through the items. To make the control feel a bit more natural I've added some inertia to slow the scrolling once a swipe has taken place. When first loaded up there will be five items in view with 'x' numbers of items to scroll through with the 3rd item centred and selected.

My problem though is that I want, when animating, a swipe gesture to determine whether an item will end up the middle (3rd position) and adjust its movement calculation accordingly so it docks with the 3rd / centre position. Imagine you perform a long swipe, it flys pasts 'x' amount of items, but as it slows to a stop it elegantly stops with an item centred / in the 3rd position. To do this I believe I need to determine the distance to travel just from the speed value (as time is irrelevent to the user experience, i.e. a longer / stronger swipe would justify a longer animation skimming through the items).

At the moment I'm invoking the animation routine (with inertia) in the ENTER_FRAME event when the user generates a MOUSE_UP event. When they do this, I obtain the speed of drag (by monitoring this beforehand) and then decrement this speed value on each call of the ENTER_FRAME event until it reaches an appropriate value to stop the animation.

Unfortunately all the speed calculations I've seen deal with Speed and Time to determine distance, I just need Speed. Admittedly, my knowledge isn't strong in this area so I might be missing the obvious.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calculating Positions Along A Curve

Jan 13, 2009

what I am trying to do is calculate the position of a point along a curve, what I want to do is create a function where i am able to determine where a point intersects the curve when I provide an X value.I have created a simple diagram to illustrate what I am looking for:So assuming I know the x,y of each black dot, and the x of the red dot, how do I calculate it's y value?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calculating The Future Cost?

Sep 7, 2010

I want to create one calculator which will calculate the future cost of education after certain years like 10 or 15 yr. If i take the inflation rate as 10%. How to calculate the future cost.I don't have any idea about it. I want to know the formula to get the output.

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