Professional :: Export Progress Bar Shows, But No SWF Appears?

Sep 21, 2011

I'm using windows Vista 64 bit (work machine, not personal) with Adobe CS5 production premium. I have this training I created in flash and it used to export just fine.I was able to test and everything, but lately, it stopped doing that. I hit CTRL+enter, and it won't give me a SWF file. I hit debug it says it can't find the swf. I looked in the folder where everything is for the training, and sure enough, there is no SWF file there. I tried hitting CTRL + enter and watching the folder. The SWF file appears while the export progress bar is going, but the second the bar is done, the file vanishes. For a while, if I went into File and hit Export Movie, it worked, but even that's stopped working.

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(120.5 K)

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Create A Progress Bar (248px Wide) With A Slider That Moves According To The Movie Progress

Jun 4, 2010

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Jun 10, 2011

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Professional :: CS4 New-style Keyframing - Photo Appears On The Screen And Gradually Grows In Size While Fading Out

Jan 12, 2009

just another CS4 newbie in a panic about the "new skool" tweening. I'm sure that I'm going to absolutely love it once it all sinks in, but at the moment, there are a few things that strike me as odd and I'm looking for guidance... Something I noticed last night that was different in terms of workflow was animating consecutive objects. Imagine the following simple storyboard: - a photo appears on the screen and gradually grows in size while fading out - after that photo has completely faded out, a new photo appears on the screen and grows in size while fading out.

Now, "old skool" I would have economized my timeline real-estate by having both of these images on the same layer. Since they are not visible at the same time, you can clear (delete) the first image and drop in the second image and everything is peachy. I found that this was not the case in CS4. Here's what happens AFAICR: - import first image to stage. it appears in a layer


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Professional :: Add A Progress Bar (preloader) For Swf In Website?

Mar 27, 2010

I have made my first flash website. I want to add a progressbar (preloader) for my welcomepage. I tried the progressbar component, but I couldn't find any way to match the time which is needed for swf to be loaded whith the time that longs the progressbar to ritch 100%.

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Professional :: Calculating Progress Bar Size?

Jan 12, 2011

trying to calculate the size of a progress bar.Here is the thing I have a movie with X scenes and I want the progress bar to fill up according to the porcentage of my timeline that has is the code I'm using

var parcialSeek var completeSeek
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, tamanhoBarra) function [code]...

with this code every new scene the bar starts again and since I don't have exacts 100 frames on my movie the bar size dosen't match?

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Professional :: [Flash Website Template] Text Shows Correctly Locally, But Not On The Web?

Jul 19, 2010

I downloaded a XML based website flash template and made some modifications to it. With this template there was few fonts included in separate folder (I had to install them to view swf and edit fla correctly) after all my mods done I published it to swf file and opened local file with browser, everything was working perfectly at this moment. Then I asked my friend if it could upload it on his server to check if this website looks the same on the web. I noticed that text (which is written with custom font that was included) is either missing or misplaced

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Apr 29, 2011

I can still create the video and the files and it all works in dreamweaver when I preview in iexplore. When I put the files and the page into the host server it shows the skin and no video. If my paths are wrong I do not know where to check them. I need help MY whole career is on hold until I know how to do this like clockwork/ I need step by step with creating and changing paths and uploading using cpanel or dreamweaver. getting the files made and uploaded is easy part. I have been here before and cheers to the help. I really need an in depth answer about how to do this from start to finish. I have looked at all tutorials and they all make it seem so easy but dont show anything on paths. If my video works in dreamweaver but not online live what is wrong? I am lost and on edge lost many weeks of sleep over this simple process.

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Professional :: Buttons In Flash - Shows In Front Of The Image That Scrolling Over With The Mouse

Jun 1, 2011

For my college project I've created buttons were when you roll over images they are enlarged. The problem I have is when I roll over the images, the one next to the one I want shows in front of the image that I'm scrolling over with the mouse. I want it so that the image being rolled over is in front. For example when the magazine article on the far left is enlarged it goes behind the logos next to it instead of in front so you can see clearly what's being scrolled.

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Professional :: Flash CS4 - Change The Colors Of The Background Or Text That Shows Up In The Layers Section?

Mar 8, 2010

I am colorblind.I need to change either the color of the background or the color of the text on the layers section on the Timeline.I simply cannot read/see what is currently showing.It is a very light blue background with white text and white dots for seeing, locking, or setting the outline color.I need to either change the text color and dots to black so I can see them, or try to change the background color to a dark blue so I can read the white text.Changing the text color would really be my preference. Adobe hasn't been very concerned about colorblindness when developing these products. I can barely make out all the light grey/grey/dark grey/grey stuff.

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