Professional :: XML Shows In Flash / But Doesn't Show On Server?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a Flash website with 5 sections (Featured Work, News, About Me, Services, Contact). All the sections works fine, both in Flash and on the server, if the content isn't loaded from XML. But in the News section i use XML for loading the news.If i test my movie in flash, the whole site works fine, and the XML News works perfect. But if i test the movie in a virtual server (like MAMP) or if i test it on my own server, the news section doesn't show.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Shows In Flash, But Doesn't Show On Server?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a Flash website with 5 sections (Featured Work, News, About Me, Services, Contact). All the sections works fine, both in Flash and on the server, if the content isn't loaded from XML. But in the News section i use XML for loading the news.

If i test my movie in flash, the whole site works fine, and the XML News works perfect. But if i test the movie in a virtual server (like MAMP) or if i test it on my own server, the news section doesn't show.

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Flash :: Professional - The Page Into The Host Server It Shows The Skin And No Video

Apr 29, 2011

I can still create the video and the files and it all works in dreamweaver when I preview in iexplore. When I put the files and the page into the host server it shows the skin and no video. If my paths are wrong I do not know where to check them. I need help MY whole career is on hold until I know how to do this like clockwork/ I need step by step with creating and changing paths and uploading using cpanel or dreamweaver. getting the files made and uploaded is easy part. I have been here before and cheers to the help. I really need an in depth answer about how to do this from start to finish. I have looked at all tutorials and they all make it seem so easy but dont show anything on paths. If my video works in dreamweaver but not online live what is wrong? I am lost and on edge lost many weeks of sleep over this simple process.

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Professional :: Why Flash Doesn't Show The Image After Embedding The Video

Jun 21, 2010

I have Background layer, Bkg_Image layer & Video layer. I have embeded the flv movie on Video layer. Though on stage it shows all the layers, but when I test the movie it shows only Background layer & Video layer. I can't see the Bkg_Image layer.

The Actions layer has external swf loading AS3 which is working fine. Only the problem with Bkg_Image layer which is imprortant for me.
When I test movie, I see as in the following snapshot (Just the Background_Image & Video): 

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Professional :: Flash Doesn't Automatically Play After Uploading To Server

Feb 11, 2010

I created a website in Flash, published it, and uploaded the swf and html file to the server. When bringing up the website Flash doesn't play automatically. I first must right click and select play.  When I was testing my flash site on another server, it worked great and played automatically.  Is there something within flash that I need to modify or is this an issue with the server?

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Professional :: Preloader Loads The Swf But Doesn't Show It

Nov 30, 2010

I've made a simple preloader to load a movie. This is the preloader code


I see the loading progress percentage correctly run, at the end rotator_mc and counter_txt are removed from the stage, but the loaded movieclip is not added to the stage, or at least I can't see it.

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Professional :: Text Doesn't Show Up After Exporting?

Jan 8, 2012

When I export my file, the text that I put in the file with the text tool doesn't show up. Everything else is fine though.

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Professional :: Command Script Doesn't Show In Fl CS4 Menu?

Feb 15, 2009

I have a command script (framesSelected.jsfl - the code isbelow) which outputs information about frames selected to theoutput panel, which I find very useful. With CS4 (Windows XP), whenI place the jsfl file in the (suggested in the manual) folder(C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash CS4enConfigurationCommands)I expect it to show in the command menu as it did in CS3. Itdoesn't. Can anybody tell me why, and what I must do now to get itto show? (script follows)

var current_tl = fl.getDocumentDOM().getTimeline();
var selectedFrames = current_tl.getSelectedFrames();
var selectedRegions = selectedFrames.length/3;


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Professional :: Last DataGrid Field Edited Doesn't Show Value

Aug 29, 2011

I'm using an editable datagrid where the user is typing in their data. When they click outside the datagrid it doesn't show the last value they entered. The value is there and if you click on that field again it will show up. If you click outside the field for a second time, this time the value stays displayed. How can I get the value to show up the first time the datagrid looses focus?[code]

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Professional :: Whole Audio File Doesn't Show Up Immediately In New Layer That Have Created

Jan 21, 2011

I'm making videos for an instructional program. This involves importing audio, images, animating those images, etc. I'll be exporting to flv format at the end, and then converting them to MP4 for downloads online.H

1.) Should I be using ActionScript 3.0 or ActionScript 2.0 for this?

2.) When I try to import audio, the whole audio file doesn't show up immediately in a new layer that I've created. It only goes in the blank keyframe that I've inserted. How do I import the audio so that the entirety of it shows up?

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Flash :: Zip File Created With PHP Shows On Localhost But Not On Server

Mar 22, 2011

I am trying to add to my site a feature that allows users to select a set of images in Flash (AS3) click a button and have my server create a zip file of all the images for them to download.

I have already wrote my code in flash and crated my php script and tested it on my localhost and everything works great. But when I upload the same files to my sever no zip files are created. Below is the code for both my flash and for my php.

Localhost server is using 5.2.17 and so if my Server hosted on 1&1

Flash Code To Send Info to PHP

function MakeZip():void
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();


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Flash :: Admin Console Shows No Applications On Media Server?

Jan 12, 2010

My employer has a Flash Media Server that I wrote a little streaming video app for a couple years ago.Well, the videos have stopped working and I've been asked to troubleshoot.  I fired up the fms_adminConsole.swf and connected to my server.  Now, it's been a long time since I've messed with the server, but if I remember right, there was a big list of apps on the list on the left hand side of the "View Applications" view of the console.  When I log in, there are no applications listed.  If I hit the "New Instance" button under the empty list, I'm presented with a list of all the apps I think I should be seeing in the Applications list.  If I select any of these, a new application instance appears in the applications list, and I'm prompted to give it a name, the default being "_definst_".  If I hit enter to create this instance, it remains on the list and instance data appears on the right panel until the console refreshes, and then all that vanishes and I'm back to an empty applications list again.

Going to "Manage Servers", I do see a list of applications under the applications tab that I expect to see.  The app that streams the video that's having problems is there on the list.

Is this typical behavior for the Flash Media Server Console?  Shouldn't I have a list of apps in the "View Applications" section of the console?  I've created about a dozen to date, and they're all listed under Manage Servers > Applications, but not under "View Applications".  Can anyone point out if I'm doing something wrong here or missing something?Or can someone confirm that I SHOULD be seeing something under "View Applications" and that there is indeed something weird going on with the server.

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Professional :: Flvplayback Doesn't Works With Source Is In A Server Pc?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm working with flash CS4, with an adobe air file with as3, doing a desktop application to use in Windows , I google about information, but only find answers for web.I'm using a flvplayback, and when at source property add a local path as C:folderVideomyvideo.mp4 ,everything works fine, but when source is a server path from other computer as therpcfolderVideomyVideo.mp4 , doesn´t works. I'm not if a flvplayback bug.I have always the possibility to make a map folder, but this application is for a client, and if I can solve if add new map folder, it's better to me.

View 6 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Scroll Bars Shows Up But The Slider Inside Doesn't ?

Apr 22, 2009

I'm having an issue with scroll bars. I used the scroll bar component in flash and have scroll bars set up for my text fields. I have all the target names correctly. It plays perfectly when I test it in flash, the scroll bars show up with the text. No errors. I uploaded it to my server to test it and the text shows up but I can't scroll it, the bar shows up but the slider inside doesn't. I don't get any error messages from my browser either.

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Professional :: Flash - Flip Shows Place Holder Only?

Oct 26, 2011

the place holder is the only thing i see when I check online i have folder with images and swf and xml list there is not express instal file and I dont know how to obtain it I do not know how to show my code here and I used dreamweaver to insert the swf

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Flash :: Text / Scroll Bar Doesn't Show Using CS3

Dec 13, 2009

I made text box, typed some text, converted it to a movie clip, named etc. Used a purchased and proven scroller component ... followed directions to the letter, including referencing/linking the files. However, when I tried to test the scroll bar .... the scroll bar appears, scrolls and works perfectly except the text does not appear. I have tried making a scroll bar with the UIscrollbar same thing happens. I made an other attempt and put pics along with the text in the movie clip ... this time the pics appeared and scrolled, but the text still would not appear.

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Flash :: Why Doesn't The Object Show Up In The Scene

Jan 14, 2010

I am using the following code to load .md2 model in a scene using Papervision3D 2.1.932.

_md2.load(MD2_FILE ,new BitmapFileMaterial("./assets/dragon.png"));

By looking at the trace log, the texture is successfully loaded and so is the mesh.

INFO: BitmapFileMaterial: Loading bitmap from ./assets/dragon.png
INFO: Parsed MD2: assets/dragon.md2
texture vertices:262
frames: 200

I can't understand why the object isn't visible in the scene.

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AS3 :: Flash - Nested Swf Doesn't Show In Html?

Oct 20, 2011

I'm using the following AS3 code to load an external swf (one with dimensions I don't like) into another swf. When I view the loader swf while embedded in a html page nothing is displayed even though the loader swf displays the nested swf without a problem in preview.

import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


If I substitute the name "loaderSwf" with the nested swf name it plays fine. It seems as though the local html page does not like the fact that I'm playing a swf through another swf.

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Professional :: Flash - Site Shows Infinite Loading Time?

Jun 23, 2010

I am having an issue with my recently created flash site.  I have loaded and tested this site on many different computers.  There is a preloader which shows percentage of site loaded and bytes loaded.  As far as I am concerned everything works great.  When the owner of the company I designed the site for goes to check out things he gets an infinite load percentage and the site never shows up, only the preloader screen with an "infinite" percentage.  The only difference between his setup and mine is he uses AOL online.?

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Professional :: Made A Pretty Face In Flash That Shows In FireFox But Nowhere Else?

Feb 25, 2011

Built a nice Flash page and exported it to use as a web page (didn't export to HTML just exported image to SWF). Plunck it into DW CS5 and test in FF & it looks great. Try it in IE8, only get a white page, same in Chrome & Opera. What gives?

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Show A Static Pic If The User Doesn't Have Flash Installed?

Oct 7, 2009

check out this website first for what I'm going for:


The header is a graphic of a guy's head and a car.

I want to design the same kind of page but my header graphic will have a cartoon head instead of that guy's head and it will animate.

Now If the user does not have flash installed I would like to have a static header image appear, like a .jpeg or a .gif, instead of the .swf header.

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IE6 Doesn't Show The Update Flash Player Message

Aug 26, 2009

I've been using CS4 to create flash 10 applications. It works well in other browsers, but IE 6 will not tell the users that they need to update their Flash Player. Instead, it will play the flash as if it's a video (keep looping from frame 1 to end) without allowing any interaction..

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Html :: Display Message If Flash Doesn't Show In IE8?

May 14, 2010

so apparently with the new update in IE8, it starts up with NO add-ons. Since I cannot program a code to turn on add-ons in a browser, I need to show a message when this occurs. Much like an image has alternative text in the event the image doesn't can I add a message that states:

You are using Internet Explorer 8+ and need to turn on your add-ins like FLASH Player. This site is optimized for Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Click On A Button Preloader Shows Up But Doesn't Stop To Load The Content?

Mar 4, 2006

I just tested out my site in Firefox and IE. Everything works the way I want it to in Firefox but in IE I'm having trouble. When I click on a button my preloader shows up but doesn't stop to load the content, it plays straight through and then my movie pops up. Does anyone know why this might be happening? I've never encountered this problem before.


Web Design, Illustration, Resume and Downloads are all I have working so far.

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Professional :: [Flash Website Template] Text Shows Correctly Locally, But Not On The Web?

Jul 19, 2010

I downloaded a XML based website flash template and made some modifications to it. With this template there was few fonts included in separate folder (I had to install them to view swf and edit fla correctly) after all my mods done I published it to swf file and opened local file with browser, everything was working perfectly at this moment. Then I asked my friend if it could upload it on his server to check if this website looks the same on the web. I noticed that text (which is written with custom font that was included) is either missing or misplaced

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Professional :: Buttons In Flash - Shows In Front Of The Image That Scrolling Over With The Mouse

Jun 1, 2011

For my college project I've created buttons were when you roll over images they are enlarged. The problem I have is when I roll over the images, the one next to the one I want shows in front of the image that I'm scrolling over with the mouse. I want it so that the image being rolled over is in front. For example when the magazine article on the far left is enlarged it goes behind the logos next to it instead of in front so you can see clearly what's being scrolled.

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Flash :: Pixel Fonts - Doesn't Show As Crispy As In Photoshop

Dec 26, 2007

I know there is an issue with Pixel fonts that you have to set their sizes in whole numbers but here i am not using pixel fonts. I am using normal fonts like Tahoma or Arial and when I publish my flash file it looks blurry or kinda broken. It doesn't show as crispy as in photoshop. Do I need to do something like break apart the font or anything else.

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Professional :: Flash CS4 - Change The Colors Of The Background Or Text That Shows Up In The Layers Section?

Mar 8, 2010

I am colorblind.I need to change either the color of the background or the color of the text on the layers section on the Timeline.I simply cannot read/see what is currently showing.It is a very light blue background with white text and white dots for seeing, locking, or setting the outline color.I need to either change the text color and dots to black so I can see them, or try to change the background color to a dark blue so I can read the white text.Changing the text color would really be my preference. Adobe hasn't been very concerned about colorblindness when developing these products. I can barely make out all the light grey/grey/dark grey/grey stuff.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Buffer Bar Doesn't Show Up Until Video Is Completely Loaded

Feb 27, 2011

Ok, so I have tried and tried to figure this out. Of course in the test environment everything works beautifully, but when I test my swf on my site, thats when the sh*t hits the fan.

The problem is my buffer bar wont show up until the video is completly loaded. In flash however, it loads across as the video is downloaded, like it's supposed to.

Go to my site to see what I am talking about. The loader bar appears uder the progress bar, exactly like on youtube.

Here is the code that controls it.

mcVideoControls.mcProgressFill.mcFillGrey.width = nsStream.bytesLoaded * 710 / nsStream.bytesTotal;

Of course that is wrapped in a timer funtion which, I add, works fine.

FLA is attatched as well as the code below so you can see how it works in flash.

Here is my full code:

const BUFFER_TIME:Number = 8;
const DEFAULT_VOLUME:Number = 0.6;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hyjix *groan* - Preloader Doesn't Show Up At The Start Of The Flash

Apr 12, 2004

so i have a loader.swf that loads in the main file, at the start of the loader there's a preloader, that, when done loads in plays the external swf. and i got another preloader on an swf that i load in, into a dummy MC 1st preloader doesn't show up at the start of the flash 2nd preloader doesn't show up at all and just shows half of the 2nd scene (where the actual movie is)


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