Professional :: Made A Pretty Face In Flash That Shows In FireFox But Nowhere Else?

Feb 25, 2011

Built a nice Flash page and exported it to use as a web page (didn't export to HTML just exported image to SWF). Plunck it into DW CS5 and test in FF & it looks great. Try it in IE8, only get a white page, same in Chrome & Opera. What gives?

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Jan 13, 2012

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Jul 19, 2010

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Apr 29, 2011

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Professional :: Buttons In Flash - Shows In Front Of The Image That Scrolling Over With The Mouse

Jun 1, 2011

For my college project I've created buttons were when you roll over images they are enlarged. The problem I have is when I roll over the images, the one next to the one I want shows in front of the image that I'm scrolling over with the mouse. I want it so that the image being rolled over is in front. For example when the magazine article on the far left is enlarged it goes behind the logos next to it instead of in front so you can see clearly what's being scrolled.

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Professional :: Flash CS4 - Change The Colors Of The Background Or Text That Shows Up In The Layers Section?

Mar 8, 2010

I am colorblind.I need to change either the color of the background or the color of the text on the layers section on the Timeline.I simply cannot read/see what is currently showing.It is a very light blue background with white text and white dots for seeing, locking, or setting the outline color.I need to either change the text color and dots to black so I can see them, or try to change the background color to a dark blue so I can read the white text.Changing the text color would really be my preference. Adobe hasn't been very concerned about colorblindness when developing these products. I can barely make out all the light grey/grey/dark grey/grey stuff.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Underlining Certain Fonts But Not Others (all Of Which Are Pretty Common)?

Apr 29, 2011

I have a simple question that hopefully has a simple answer (which mocks me with its elusiveness). In the code below (taken from Gary Rosenzweig's "ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University" (2nd ed.)), I am declaring a simple style sheet using all AS3 supported tags/attributes to underline an HTML link. My question is this: why won't AS3 underline the chosen font (Arial) but yet it will underline certain other fonts that I substitute it for (such as "Times New Roman" and "Garamond")?


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Professional :: Flash File Out Of Container In Firefox

Feb 6, 2010

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Professional :: Firefox And Flash Stage Sizing?

Jun 4, 2010

I just did two 100% Flash sites.  I always size my sites 1024 by 768 or a bit smaller.  I have never had a problem with it not fitting in the browser.   I exported with Flash HTML at 100%, no scale.I tested these sites on Safari and IE on different monitor sizes.  They looked great.
Both of my clients are using Firefox said it cuts the bottom off by about and inch or so.  I did some research and this seems Firefox does this.  I read this article below and wanted to know the following:[URL]
1 - Is this the best way to fix it?  Or have I developed these sites too big for FF.

2 - Is there something else I could do (i.e. export the HTML a different way?).

3 - Should I size differently in the future?I would like to prevent me having to resize the stage and change all the objects.

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Sep 2, 2011

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Professional :: Installing Flash With Vista 64 Bit And Firefox

Jan 13, 2012

Please can someone help thsi old guy who needs to get flash working on his computer.I have Vista 64 bit and run Firefox as my browser.Should I uninstall Flash and try an older version - but which one?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: If Pixel Calculations Are Made Swf Files And When They Are Made To Fullscreen

Apr 29, 2009

Anyone let me know wether if pixel calculations are made swf files and when they r made to fullscreen wether they will remain the same in any monitor size?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Website Not Working On Firefox On PC But Works Fine On FireFox On MAC?

Jul 21, 2009

works perfect on my macbook pro (safari, firefox, and opera) but when I view the site on Vmare Fusion Windows XP and use IE and FireFox the pages don't load... I don't know what to make of this. Has anyone hear or seen anything like this happen before? BTW the website was created in Adobe Flash CS4/ AS 3.0 and published using Flash Player 10.

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Professional :: Project Created In Flash CS3 & Flash CS5 Crashes Both Safari & Firefox

Jan 24, 2011

I have a user with a brand new image including Snow Leopard 10.6.6 and the Adobe CS5. When creating a project in Flash CS5 and then trying to view it in Safari & Firefox the plug-in crashes which then brings down the browser with it.I went and installed Flash CS3 (as this is what he is used to using) and the problem still persists.

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Professional :: Why Do Links Inside My Flash Site Not Work Properly In Firefox 3.6.1 And Safari 5.0.2?

Nov 17, 2010

The latest versions of firefox and Safari both cannot display email links. For some reason they don't parse ou the "mailto:".

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Professional :: Changes Made In Symbol Does Not Show?

Feb 17, 2012

I recently started working with adjusting a template with flash 8. Everything went smoothly except for one thing. I changed one certain symbol in my libray and when i exported the movie (after changing) i dont see the changes in my website. Other buttons, symbols etc immediatly show there adjustments and this just keeps on remaining the same?

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Professional :: Flash With Thin White Line On Left Side When Resize Window In Firefox

Jan 27, 2011

I have a flash movie that has a thin white line on the left side which comes and goes as you stretch a window. Does not show up in any other browser. [URL] Same thing occurs in another site [URL] The flash movie is the same width as container div.

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Professional :: Background Behind Swf Shows White?

May 21, 2010

When the page for thsi site [URL] loads the background behind the flash document is white.  Is there a way to change this so that it matches the page background?

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Professional :: Slideshow Shows Up On One Page, But Not Another

Jul 10, 2010

I am working on a site, and I have an issue that I cannot resolve.

Here is the link: [URL]

If you click on the "Issues" link, you will see a slideshow comes up.
If you click on the "Campaign" link, you will a page come up with links on the side, and a bare space to the left.

In the blank space, there is supposed to be a slideshow to come up. When I test the site on my computer, it comes up perfectly fine. But, when I load it to the server, it does not show up.
The ONLY difference in these pages is that the "Campaign" page is a scrollable page, where as the "Issues" page is not. I have tried to resize the scrollable page, and move it to the right side of the page, but it makes the text unreadable- even after resizing the box, and such. I have tried to change the slideshow into a symbol. I've tried a couple of other things, but to no avail.

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