Flash :: Professional - Movie Won't Play In FireFox Or IE

Sep 2, 2011

So I haven't done much in flash in a while. However, I imported a new movie and then published the movie from flash and made an html page as well. For some reason I can not see the movie when I go to the page.


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Play A Flash Movie With JavaScript In Firefox?

Jan 12, 2012

I have found a way to send a play(); command to my Flash movie in IE9 but I can't figure it out in Firefox9. Here is the code I am using that works in IE:

<script language="JavaScript">


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Professional :: CS5 .swf File Won't Play In Firefox?

Feb 8, 2011

On the homepage [URL] I had a previously installed .swf that works fine on IE, Firefox etc...I added a new .swf "testimonials" on the page on right hand side but it will only work in IE?


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Professional :: Swf Gallery Won't Play In Safari Or IE Only FireFox?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a flash gallery I created using Flash CS4 and Actionscript 3. It plays perfectly in FireFox, but in IE and Safari it just shows me a blank space on the page where the gallery should be. As a test I uninstalled Flash Player, and FireFox and Safari showed me the message that a newer version of Flash was needed along with a link to get it, but IE showed nothing. Now that Flash is re-installed, only FireFox actually loads/plays the gallery. With IE it doesn' tmatter if I use the 32-bit or 64-bit, or if compatibility mode is on or off. I tried republishing with Flash 9 set instead of Flash 10, but that made no difference. It fails with the HTML file generated out of Flash, as well as the page I created in Dreamweaver and used the Insert Media command to insert the .swf:


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Professional :: Embeded FLV Wont Play In Firefox?

Jun 29, 2011

The project i'm working on contains many flv's which are dynamically loaded into our custom media player, and then again loaded into our flex application. We are having an issue with these flv's. Well i should say some of them. Our problem is based on browsers. In IE everything runs fine. In firefox, some work, some dont. We run different courses though our application. In 1 loaded course, the flv's play perfectly fine. No loading issues or delaying or freezing. But on this one course all of the flv's contained within it will not load. Like i said before, when we test this on IE they work. Only firefox is causing the issue. I have researched this issue and have came up empty handed.

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Professional :: Macromedia (flash 8) Shockwave Movie Won't Play

Apr 8, 2010

I bought Macromedia Flash because I took course in Flash about 8 years ago.  So,when I was asked by my company's CEO to take a presentation and turn it into a "flash movie" I said, "sure I can do that". Well, I did do it, and it plays fine on the workstation that I created it on with "Macromedia Flash Player 8.  However, no one else can get it to play except by opening it with a browser, which is not really ideal for our proposed usage.  Is there some sort of desktop player still available that would allow someone (like a sales guy) to just double click on an icon and play this movie?  Or is there some sort of way that i can update the movie so there is a desktop player to launch it? 

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Nov 15, 2010

I am migrating from Flash MX to Flash CS5 Pro. Is there a way to load a movie into the flash player and play it to a viewer without installing the adobe server software and the price that goes with it? Is there a way to just have the movie file stored on the server and just get the flash player to call the file and buffer it?

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Flash :: Professional - Cs4 Wont Play Movie Files

May 6, 2011

basically ive made a movie file and every time i publish it or publish preview i just get the first frame, i can scroll through the animation frame by frame but it wont play and it wont start! are there some settings i need to fiddle with or is something turned off? its really annoying me now because i cant for the life of me find whats wrong or even google an awncer. there's no error message, it just acts as if i didnt animate anything, ive tried going to propertys and putting the first frame to play but nothing ive tried worked!

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Flash :: Professional :: Create A Movie That Has The Classic "Click To Play" Over A Thumbanil Of Frame From The Movie

Apr 7, 2010

I am new to Flash and want to create a movie that has the classic "Click to Play" over a thumbanil of frame from the movie.

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Flash :: MP3, Firefox, Email, Javascript, Jplayer Wont Play?

Nov 21, 2011

i want to play audio 2 ways

Through my website (easier, as i can detect the browser)

sending an email which will have a player to stream the audio


1. Firefox wont play MP3

2. Iphone/ipad wont play flash

3. Iphone/ipad wont play ogg

4. Emails have trouble with javascript -jplayer (potential of ending in the trash)

problem. if i send via an email, i cant detect the browser, so cant choose ogg, flash, etc.

Solutions - 1. Use HTML 5 and embed a player stream mp3... works in iphone, ie8, chrome....not in firefox (mp3 issue) and older ie browsers (html5 issue).

use jplayer.... i expect the email to dislike the javascript and throw into the trash, plus will firefox play the mp3 audio? use flash.... i expect iphone/ipad not to work, also will it play from an email?

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Professional :: Sound Won't Play When SWF File Is Inserted In HTML Page--plays Fine In Flash Test Movie?

Dec 1, 2010

I have created a SWF file that plays/stops sound. The SWF file works great when previewed in Flash CS4, but does not work when inserted in the HTML file.Here are the 2 files that are automatically generated when I INSERT>MEDIA>SWF in Dreamweaver CS4:

Here is the ActionScript3 that I am using in the Flash file:


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Professional :: Flash Not Working With Firefox?

Aug 27, 2010

I downloaded flash to my new computer and videos will work using IE but when I try with firefox it acts as if I don't have it installed  (says "download flash here,etc. ) and videos wont play.

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Professional :: Flash File Out Of Container In Firefox

Feb 6, 2010

Firefox throws the flash file out of it's container? The page behaves correctly in IE8 (32bit). I posted in DW forums who suggested it was a flash issue and not DW. [URL]

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Professional :: Firefox And Flash Stage Sizing?

Jun 4, 2010

I just did two 100% Flash sites.  I always size my sites 1024 by 768 or a bit smaller.  I have never had a problem with it not fitting in the browser.   I exported with Flash HTML at 100%, no scale.I tested these sites on Safari and IE on different monitor sizes.  They looked great.
Both of my clients are using Firefox said it cuts the bottom off by about and inch or so.  I did some research and this seems Firefox does this.  I read this article below and wanted to know the following:[URL]
1 - Is this the best way to fix it?  Or have I developed these sites too big for FF.

2 - Is there something else I could do (i.e. export the HTML a different way?).

3 - Should I size differently in the future?I would like to prevent me having to resize the stage and change all the objects.

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Professional :: Installing Flash With Vista 64 Bit And Firefox

Jan 13, 2012

Please can someone help thsi old guy who needs to get flash working on his computer.I have Vista 64 bit and run Firefox as my browser.Should I uninstall Flash and try an older version - but which one?

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Firefox Is Compressing My Flash Movie, But On Safari?

Nov 19, 2009

when i view my flash file in firefox 3.5.5, it compresses my flash movie smaller and quality looks pretty bad. In Safari, it is fine. I tried publishing as "exact pixels" instead of match movie and set scale at exact fit.
update: now firefox is cropping my flash movie....but safari looks fine

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IDE :: Content Under Flash Movie Not Active Under FireFox?

Feb 26, 2009

I have a Flash movie and a list of links. The links display underneath the Flash movie. It works in IE but not FireFox:http:[url]..........Here are the layers: layer 1 is flash content, layer 2 is the links:

#Layer1 {
position: absolute;

The Flash movie is simply a graphic with a transparent spot in the middle.I've attached the fla, swf, and html files as well. I'm using swfObject for the embedding of the Flash content.

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Flash Movie .swf File Doesn't Load In IE Or Firefox

Nov 16, 2009

I have a basic site for an old age home. Recently I decided to put a Flash Movie on the Homepage but even though all files are loaded and links correct it won't show in either IE or Firefox...

The movie should be loading here (...bellvilleseniorsentrum.com/engels/home.html)

There is a white space where the movie should be loading... But it doesn't...

I've done lots of sites with the same kind of movies and they all work fine... But this ons just doesn't work. It views fine when I test it on my computer but as soon as I load it - nothing...

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Flash :: Movie In Firefox Intermittently Load XML With URLLoader?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a Flash movie that behaves as follows:Movie loads > tries to load an XML file using URLLoader.load() > uses the data in the XML to load some images into the movie.The requirement was for updates to the XML file to be picked up within 10 minutes, so I have added a querystring parameter to the XML URL which is a timestamp to the nearest ten minutes, e.g.1-40**This all works for me as expected in IE and Chrome, and it works locally for me in Firefox. However, on our production server (IIS) in Firefox, the following behaviour occurs (by observing Firebug):First load:SWF loads > XML Requested and loads > images requested and loadSubsequent page loads:SWF Loads > no request for the XML (no request shown in Firebug)Firebug shows the following information about the XML file from the first successful request:

Response Headers
Cache-Control max-age=31536000
Content-Length 640


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash/Firefox Bug GetURL Loads Old Movie?

Mar 14, 2006

I have an interesting (and rather embarrasing) error occuring only in Firefox on http://www.northwestu.edu/report/06/. If you watch the presentation in Explorer, this is the proper chain of events:[URL]..I oversee this site and unfortunately we did not find this bug until after linking up this content to our home page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Website Not Working On Firefox On PC But Works Fine On FireFox On MAC?

Jul 21, 2009

works perfect on my macbook pro (safari, firefox, and opera) but when I view the site on Vmare Fusion Windows XP and use IE and FireFox the pages don't load... I don't know what to make of this. Has anyone hear or seen anything like this happen before? BTW the website was created in Adobe Flash CS4/ AS 3.0 and published using Flash Player 10.

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Professional :: Project Created In Flash CS3 & Flash CS5 Crashes Both Safari & Firefox

Jan 24, 2011

I have a user with a brand new image including Snow Leopard 10.6.6 and the Adobe CS5. When creating a project in Flash CS5 and then trying to view it in Safari & Firefox the plug-in crashes which then brings down the browser with it.I went and installed Flash CS3 (as this is what he is used to using) and the problem still persists.

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Professional :: Made A Pretty Face In Flash That Shows In FireFox But Nowhere Else?

Feb 25, 2011

Built a nice Flash page and exported it to use as a web page (didn't export to HTML just exported image to SWF). Plunck it into DW CS5 and test in FF & it looks great. Try it in IE8, only get a white page, same in Chrome & Opera. What gives?

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Jquery :: Firefox Restarts Flash Movie If Enclosing DIV Class Changes?

Jun 25, 2011

I have a flash movie (simple video player) that is nested within a DIV, which is itself nested in a jQueryUI-Draggable DIV. Thus flash-object < div < div.ui-draggable

Now when I dynamically add/remove a class to the draggable DIV (in this case minimized which gives it a smaller size), Firefox (both 3.6 and 4 Win & Mac) will always restart the flash movie, which also restarts the video playing in that movie.

Webkit, Opera and even IE (Trident) don't give me that issue.

To clarify: I embed the flash object with the jQuery SWFObject plugin, wmode is opaque, and all the CSS declarations use absolute pixel dimensions, no % or ems involved.

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Professional :: Can't Play Pogo's New Daily Hot Shots Game But Other Flash Games Play Fine?

Jan 22, 2011

I play games on Pogo and have never had a problem with their Flash Games until released Daily Hot Shots.  It doesn't load fully and I've done EVERYTHING I know to do to get it to play.  No errors show up.  I can play ALL the other flash games but this one.  When I right click, the name of the site's owners do not show up....I have the settings showing though Not all of the game loads and that's the problem.  I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling....tried a different browser and have the same exact problem.  THIS GAME WILL NOT PLAY.

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Php :: Mp3 Player Does Not Play File In Firefox?

Feb 22, 2012

The player is meant to retrieve the mp3 file from the server through the path address that is stored in MySQL. It does this in Explorer but not in Firefox. By the way the swf file of the player and the database is stored on the same server so there should be no problem with that.

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="165" height="37" id="niftyPlayer1" align="">


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Professional :: Why Do Links Inside My Flash Site Not Work Properly In Firefox 3.6.1 And Safari 5.0.2?

Nov 17, 2010

The latest versions of firefox and Safari both cannot display email links. For some reason they don't parse ou the "mailto:".

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Professional :: Play Pause Movie Controls

Feb 11, 2010

I would like to create play/pause movie controls that for different flv files.I do not want to use skins but have the controls as part of the movie/video.Can anyone point me to a tutorial source that will help me design these?

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Professional :: Play A Movie Clip On Mouseover?

Mar 24, 2010

I just created a new site that hasnt launched yet. The scene is a city scape with water beneathe. In the water I want to have a fish that bobs up and down slightly on mouseover. I have the movie created
I know I have to make a button and i just copied the initial stage of the movie and converted that into a button.
What Im trying to create is called a tell target.

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Professional :: Error When Trying To Play Embedded Movie?

Apr 20, 2010

SecurityError: Error #2148: SWF file wf cannot access local resource D:UsersMatthewMy DocumentsMS Data Systemswings-of-lhe-zodiac-code.flv. Only local-with-filesystem and trusted local SWF files may access local resources.

at flash.net::NetStream/play()
at fl.video::VideoPlayer/http://www.adobe.com/2007/flash/flvplayback/internal::_play()


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