Professional :: Macromedia (flash 8) Shockwave Movie Won't Play

Apr 8, 2010

I bought Macromedia Flash because I took course in Flash about 8 years ago.  So,when I was asked by my company's CEO to take a presentation and turn it into a "flash movie" I said, "sure I can do that". Well, I did do it, and it plays fine on the workstation that I created it on with "Macromedia Flash Player 8.  However, no one else can get it to play except by opening it with a browser, which is not really ideal for our proposed usage.  Is there some sort of desktop player still available that would allow someone (like a sales guy) to just double click on an icon and play this movie?  Or is there some sort of way that i can update the movie so there is a desktop player to launch it? 

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[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external '__stdcall Shockwaveflashobjects_tlb::IDispatchEx::GetDispID(wchar_t *, unsigned long, long *)' referenced from F:个人é‡è¦èµ„æ–™(勿删)ADMINISTRATORæ¡Œé¢DEBUGSHOCKWAVEFLASHOBJECTS_OCX.OBJ


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SecurityError: Error #2148: SWF file wf cannot access local resource D:UsersMatthewMy DocumentsMS Data Systemswings-of-lhe-zodiac-code.flv. Only local-with-filesystem and trusted local SWF files may access local resources.



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Mar 30, 2011

Im working between Dreamweaver & Flash cs4
Now i have a FLV video clip that i want play on a webpage with a full screen option so this is what im doing:
File > Import > Video
On my computer > Browse > (Found my file 17.8mb) > Load external video with playback component  > continue
Skin: SkinOverPlayStopSeekFullVol.swf   
Now its been imported i export it into my directory that im upload to my server (the swf file is now 59kb)
In dreamweaver drag the file onto my webpage and upload.  When i view the page online it gives me an empty white box.  Meaning its not playing.

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View Macromedia Flash Sites?

Sep 28, 2009

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