Professional :: Changes Made In Symbol Does Not Show?
Feb 17, 2012
I recently started working with adjusting a template with flash 8. Everything went smoothly except for one thing. I changed one certain symbol in my libray and when i exported the movie (after changing) i dont see the changes in my website. Other buttons, symbols etc immediatly show there adjustments and this just keeps on remaining the same?
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I recently started working with adjusting a template with flash 8. Everything goed smoothly except for one thing. I changed one certain symbol in my libray and when i export the movie (after changing) i dont see the changes in my website. Other buttons, symbolt etc immediatly show there adjustments and this just keeps on remaining the same?
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that symbols dramatically reduce the document file size. But, what if only one instance of a graphic symbol is to be used? Can I just use pure bitmap graphics from the library and not symbols in that case?
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How can I rig the character in the image so the legs are attached to a wiast or hip area?
1st bone - Start a bone at the head, then drag to the neck.
2nd bone - Drag the bone from the neck to the waist.
3rd bone - From the waist to the hip.
4th bone - From the hips to the legs.
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Jan 20, 2010
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I can see how to do it one by one... but there must be a better way than that. selecting a herd of keyframes and pasting in the new symbol, ends up only effecting which ever one has the play head.
I also realize I should have put this final symbol in at the start but too late now. So how can I insert a new symbol in 250 keyframes all at once?
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Mar 10, 2010
Is there anything a graphic symbol can do, that a movie clip can't? So many tutorials I look at, use Movie Clips for so many things, including one frame objects, and buttons etc...So, is there any benefit to ever using a graphic symbol over a movie clip?
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Mar 22, 2010
I have a problem with making symbol when I try to convert several layers to a symbol the regularity of layers will chages.Here is the movie that I captured:
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May 24, 2010
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Anyway, there is one particular graphic object that, according to my library, is in use in 1 place in my project, but I can't for the life of me find where that is. Is there any way to locate instances of objects in the library? Or am I going to have to go through my entire project, piece by piece?
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Jun 8, 2010
I duplicated a "Contact" button, movie clip symbol.Trying to edit the text "contact" in the new button but the text tied to the old button keeps getting changed.I duplicated the text symbol that is tied to original "Contact" button.Tried changing the new button again but the link to the old button is the one being changed.I can't seem to find where to unlink the text symbol attached to the original button and then add the new text symbols the duplicated button.
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Jun 13, 2010
im making a flash animation in which i made a symbol called #_mc which is in a symbol called #_anim_mc withhin the sceane.the #_mc contain "#". the #_anim_mc contain motion tween of the the "#" coming in from the left to the right. now within the main timeline i duplicated the #_anim_mc 100 times and i need to switch them with numbers but not all togethor. one by one.for ex: the 1st after 20 frames the 2nd after 28 frames etc. now i dont know how to make changes in each one to time them when to switch to a number. the only think i can think about is to make 100 differnt symbol each one allready set to its own timing.
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Aug 28, 2010
I need to set the X axis 0 to the left of the stage, and I dont know how to do it.
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