Professional :: Converting Several Layers To A Symbol?

Mar 22, 2010

I have a problem with making symbol when I try to convert several layers to a symbol the regularity of layers will chages.Here is the movie that I captured:

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IF button1.mouseover == true THEN { display layer1, hide layers 2, 3, and 4 }
IF button2.mouseover == true THEN { display layer2, hide layers 1, 3, and 4 }
IF button3.mouseover == true THEN { display layer3, hide layers 1, 2, and 4 }


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Mar 18, 2010

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Apr 8, 2010

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Professional :: Copy Layers Into A New Movieclip ?

Jun 17, 2010

How does one select layers then bring them into a new MovieClip with their artwork and functionality etc intact.
I have a load of layers which together form a map with animations that run on it. A static key with a few buttons runs the animations on the map. I need to pan/zoom this map and as such need to package all these layers that form the map up into something that can be referred to in the coding for the pan and zoom functions.
I created a new layer in my timeline, called it MapPanZoom, then went Insert>new>movieClip.
I now need to remove the maps layers from the timeline and into the timeline for the movieClip I just created. How is this done ?
Leaves behind the static key that sits outside of the map, when a button in the key is clicked, I hope to see it run the animation on the map, and have a user able to zoom and pan the map whilst it runs.
I tried selecting the layers then edit>copy, then opening MapPanZoom movieClip from Library and edit>paste, nothing happened. Planned to delete the layers if it had worked out of the original scene1.

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Aug 18, 2010

making characters at the following link:
The animator said that he has created two symbols: one for the body, and another symbol inside the body symbol for the head.What I don't understand is how he translated the layers over into the head symbol.  When I click on the head symbol, all of the layers disappear and I cannot edit an object individually within a layer.

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1) First layer ........................ Actionscript

2) Mask layer ....................... Rounded rectange with some design

2) Image layer ...................... Best image (as a background for all other movie clips)

3) Movie Clips layer .............. 10 Movie clips (which are like slides and will be act like one webpage each)   
What I want is the mask layer (Layer 2) should be enogh for all the movie clips in layer 3. No need to mask in each movie. I tried in the same sequence but it did not work for me.

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Professional :: All Layers Displayed In Outlines?

Apr 6, 2011

all the layers are displayed as outlines.I can assure you that outline mode is NOT switced on "globally" or for each layer.I have tried toggling the icons on and off to see if that would reset it, but it did not.Every new document is doing this, even after relaunching the program and rebooting the OS, Preview and Published display correctly, it is only in the the working environment that things aren't right.None of the other workstations are doing this, just this one.I did an update, but the issue persisted.

The weirdest part about it is, when I gave him a file created on my laptop to see what would happen, everything was displayed normally,New layers added to this document also displayed normally. We have iMac workstatios running Snow Leopard if that makes a difference.This is Flash CS5 by the way.Other than doing a re-install,

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Apr 20, 2011

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Jun 23, 2010

I have one top layer called Actions for writing actionscript 3 for loading external .swf files. I have one more layer which needs script to stop an image file once it reaches to the middle of the stage from top right of the stage. Where shall I write stop code for this image. On the same image layer? or on existing Actions layer which is loading external swf files or new layer for Actions.

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Professional :: Import Animation Layers Into Photoshop?

Sep 21, 2010

ive made a nice animation(tween)with a bubble ,but id like to import it into photoshop so the frames cane be on seperate there a way to do this?

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Professional :: Hide Other Button Layers In Flash?

Dec 7, 2010

I have a swf file that has numerous buttons on it, and when I hover over them images appears. But when my images appears, I have other buttons (whose layers are on top of this current button layer) also appear on top of my images. I tried merging all my buttons onto one layer, but that doesn't seem to work either.

How would I be able to not make those other buttons appear on my hover state without using ActionScript?

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Professional :: As Objects Change Position On Several Key Layers?

Feb 18, 2011

I have several objects, moveclip, graphics and shapes in several layers keys and want to change position, for example, a moveclip is in the position X: 218 Y:45 and so in other key layers,To change it to X: 240 Y: 50, I go to keyframe for keyframe touch the object and go to properties and change one by one is annoying.Is there any way to do this more quickly at one time in all key frames?

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Professional :: Buttons That Link To Layers Or Alternative?

Jul 27, 2011

I am trying to create a Flash website that with multiple pages. Each page has input text areas to collect a number of something. I would like to do the following :
Have multiple pages that keep the user's input data as they navigate back and forth between pages Allow the user to hit a simple "calculate" button to take the kept information on each page and show the end calculation of the entered data on each page on the main stage or page.
I would assume that to keep input information intact, the pages would all have to reside in FRAME 1 where the actionscript is kept and the main guts of the calculations occur. So, is there a way to make a multi-page website in Frame 1 only using only multiple layers where the page buttons simply only go to another layer rather than page. Or, can I create a multi-page website over many frames, keep the user entered data intact while navigating to each page and propigate/calculate that data when the user hits the "calculate" button on the main page?

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Jul 28, 2011

I'm using Flash CS5.5. I had some unfinished work on flash 8 and I'm running actionScript 2.0  In one of my scenes I had come up with a good button set up I wanted to use in all of my scenes. So I duplicated the scene, and proceeded to re-name my layers on the new scene according to the new content in the form of bitmaps. Well, on the output I got warnings such as: "duplicated label on layers". My SWF is still showing normally but I don't know what to do with the warnings. Is there something I should have done other than double clicking directly on the old labels on the layers and chaging their name?

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Professional :: Turn Off Music On Separate Layers?

Nov 16, 2011

I have a number of different music selections on each on their own layer. Is there a way to simply turn off the sound in a layer so I can test different music tracks without having to delete the layer and drag a new sound in? In short when I preview my movie all of the sounds play at once but is there a way to simply turn off the sounds in each layer to test each music track separately.

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