Professional :: Turn Off Music On Separate Layers?

Nov 16, 2011

I have a number of different music selections on each on their own layer. Is there a way to simply turn off the sound in a layer so I can test different music tracks without having to delete the layer and drag a new sound in? In short when I preview my movie all of the sounds play at once but is there a way to simply turn off the sounds in each layer to test each music track separately.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Turn Music On / Off?

May 26, 2003

I know how to turn music on/off but I now want to find out how to do the following. On, you can select from a variety of songs, then play the one you wish. I want to know how to do that, with the buttons changing the songs, then being able to press play, and stop. Could someone tell me how to do this, or redirect me to a tutorial that will teach me. I have flash mx, so you could post a flash mx tutorial if you wish. Another example is shown on, but I dont need to know how to open the playlist option they have. Just a simple left and right button changing the songs, thena a play and a stop button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using One Button To Turn Music On / Off

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Is it possible to have one button the toggle my 'my_sound.setVolume();' between 0 and 100. I'm having a hard time getting the as correct, but here is my idea:


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Splitting Animated Shapes Onto Separate Layers?

Dec 1, 2010

Here's what I'm trying to do:

I'm doing some animated characters (I'm on CS5), and I'm trying to optimize the animation/rigging process to save time and manpower (there is very little of both).

The characters all have multiple animations, which are stored each in their own movieclip, which in turn is placed on a main movieclip where each animation verb (states) is stored on a frame, so we can switch between animations (the usual game character setup)

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Some objects that need to be moved onto movieclips are sharing layers with other objects that don't, despite my best efforts to plan ahead and prevent that (hence the 20 layers, which obviously weren't enough).

So my question is:

Is it at all possible to select shapes across all frames of a layer? I know you can edit multiple frames, but I haven't found a way to select a specific shape across all frames.

For a better unerstanding of the situation, imagine that a layer might contain the shaped for an arm. They're all at shape level, and the only separation between the different arm sections are the different colors each has, which makes it possible to select a single shape on a single frame just by clicking it (which will 'flood fill' the selection).

Now, with edit multiple frames on, clicking a shape will only select it on a single frame, and drag selecting will select a rectangular area across all frames.

What I'm looking for is a way to 'flood select' a shape across all frames, so I can select, say, the upper part of the arm across all frames, and then delete it, leaving me with a layer that only has the lower part (and a previously coped layer that can have the lower part removed, effectively separating them).

Shift/Alt/Ctrl/Right clicking won't work here... there doesn't seem to be one of Adobe's obscure shortcuts for this..

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CS4 :: Select Multiple Anchor Points Across Separate Layers?

Jan 21, 2010

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Flash :: Drag Two Movieclips (on Separate Layers) Simultaneously

Jun 28, 2011

My goal is to have a map that I can drag around within the frame of a webpage. Finding the right code to move the map in a restricted frame wasn't too easy but I managed to find that (which works like a charm):

zoom3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragArea);
zoom3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropArea);


Now the catch is that I'd like the map to be dragged simultaneously with a movieclip situated above, that contains names of regions, cities etc.. Both can't be on the same layer as I need to put a layer of texture in between.

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Flash CS4 :: Select Multiple Anchor Points Across Separate Layers?

Jan 24, 2010

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Professional :: Distribute To Layers Bug (CS4)?

Feb 1, 2010

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May 20, 2010

I know how to do this with html, but im trying to use fash catalyst program which doesn't let me edit the html. i found this video saying to go to file, html, change the window to transparent, then click publish & okay & your good to go! But, after I click publish i get a pop-up saying applications & installer settings & it asks for a code signing certificate?

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Professional :: MouseOver Change Layers?

Jan 8, 2010

I have been tasked to create banner that has four mouseover areas. The main body of the banner--which includes hyperlinks--and the background of the entire banner must change as the user mouses over the four areas. See the diagrams at the following link (it is not working properly):I attempted to complete this task as follows, but it really isn't behaving properly. I created a layer of buttons and text, and set the alpha levels to 0 for the "over" state of each button. I then created four separate layers containing the appropriate content. When the user mouses over a button on the left, the proper layer would be displayed. I planned to use Actionscript to accomplish this; pseudocode here:

IF button1.mouseover == true THEN { display layer1, hide layers 2, 3, and 4 }
IF button2.mouseover == true THEN { display layer2, hide layers 1, 3, and 4 }
IF button3.mouseover == true THEN { display layer3, hide layers 1, 2, and 4 }


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Professional :: Copying Layers From A Flash To Another?

Jan 28, 2010

I have two flash files, the one Im editing and the original. I want to copy two perfect layers from the original and past them on the one im editing, but each time I copy, it only copies the image, cant copy the entire layer with the animation.

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Professional :: Actionscript Stopping After 1st Of 4 Layers

Mar 18, 2010

I'm trying to create a type of news flash file with four panels, each with a different coloured background and diferent text (from xml file).  Each panel will show for say 4 seconds.  My flash file has four layers, each with a different coloured background, and following each other on timeline to create one movie.  The actionscript is stopping at the end of the 1st layer on the timeline, so only the first panel is showing text from the xml file, but not the other three.


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Professional :: Converting Several Layers To A Symbol?

Mar 22, 2010

I have a problem with making symbol when I try to convert several layers to a symbol the regularity of layers will chages.Here is the movie that I captured:

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Professional :: Copying Layers From One Movie To Another?

Apr 8, 2010

so I am trying to move the contents of my Flash movie to another, I want to keep thier file structures and tweens. I can keep the file structure but when i move the layer to a new movie clip or file, the tweens are shifted from their original place. how can i move them but keep their coordinates as well.

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Professional :: Copy Layers Into A New Movieclip ?

Jun 17, 2010

How does one select layers then bring them into a new MovieClip with their artwork and functionality etc intact.
I have a load of layers which together form a map with animations that run on it. A static key with a few buttons runs the animations on the map. I need to pan/zoom this map and as such need to package all these layers that form the map up into something that can be referred to in the coding for the pan and zoom functions.
I created a new layer in my timeline, called it MapPanZoom, then went Insert>new>movieClip.
I now need to remove the maps layers from the timeline and into the timeline for the movieClip I just created. How is this done ?
Leaves behind the static key that sits outside of the map, when a button in the key is clicked, I hope to see it run the animation on the map, and have a user able to zoom and pan the map whilst it runs.
I tried selecting the layers then edit>copy, then opening MapPanZoom movieClip from Library and edit>paste, nothing happened. Planned to delete the layers if it had worked out of the original scene1.

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Professional :: Bringing Layers Into Symbols?

Aug 18, 2010

making characters at the following link:
The animator said that he has created two symbols: one for the body, and another symbol inside the body symbol for the head.What I don't understand is how he translated the layers over into the head symbol.  When I click on the head symbol, all of the layers disappear and I cannot edit an object individually within a layer.

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Professional :: Mask One Layer Which Is Enough For Other Layers?

Dec 4, 2010

I want to know how can I mask an image on one layer which should enogh for other movie clips. Like the following ...
1) First layer ........................ Actionscript

2) Mask layer ....................... Rounded rectange with some design

2) Image layer ...................... Best image (as a background for all other movie clips)

3) Movie Clips layer .............. 10 Movie clips (which are like slides and will be act like one webpage each)   
What I want is the mask layer (Layer 2) should be enogh for all the movie clips in layer 3. No need to mask in each movie. I tried in the same sequence but it did not work for me.

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