Flash :: Drag Two Movieclips (on Separate Layers) Simultaneously
Jun 28, 2011
My goal is to have a map that I can drag around within the frame of a webpage. Finding the right code to move the map in a restricted frame wasn't too easy but I managed to find that (which works like a charm):
zoom3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragArea);
zoom3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropArea);
Now the catch is that I'd like the map to be dragged simultaneously with a movieclip situated above, that contains names of regions, cities etc.. Both can't be on the same layer as I need to put a layer of texture in between.
Is there a simple way to link both layers and make them move at once?
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Jan 5, 2004
Is it possible to have movieclips, on two seperate layers, both located on the first frame of their layer, to have an AS where when MovieClip1 reached frame 5 of the movieclip MovieClip2 goes to frame 5 of its movieclip but MovieClip1 continues to play even though the AS was triggered?
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Nov 9, 2009
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Surely I don't have to manually move each element on each layer individually? I've been trying to select multiple layers and move the frame I want, hoping that the frames on other layers would also move by the same amount - but no luck.
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Jan 24, 2010
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Jan 30, 2012
I have two movieclips on the same frame but on different layers located within the movieclip. The first movieclip plays just fine. However, the second one isn't going ahead even a single frame. The code that I have mentioned below is located withing the second movieclip containing background image. And I think this code is causing the issue because when I remove this it plays perfectly fine. The function of this code is to automatically re-size background image with the browser dimensions. The whole code just worked fine on the main timeline.However, when I shifted it inside a movieclip its causing an issue.
//set stage for FBF
stage.align = "TL";
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
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May 17, 2009
I've created the artwork for my first Flash site as a .ai file, separated into layers that represent each page of the site. I imported the .ai file into Flash - all the layers looked separate in the import dialog box. However, when the file imported to stage, the timeline only contains each page, not the layers within - and I can't twirl open the layers on the timeline. So there are ony four layers on the timeline. In the library, each layer is separated out. Am I supposed to do something else to give each indiviual layer it's own timeline? When I imported the file, I choose to import to 'Flash Layers'
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Dec 1, 2010
Here's what I'm trying to do:
I'm doing some animated characters (I'm on CS5), and I'm trying to optimize the animation/rigging process to save time and manpower (there is very little of both).
The characters all have multiple animations, which are stored each in their own movieclip, which in turn is placed on a main movieclip where each animation verb (states) is stored on a frame, so we can switch between animations (the usual game character setup)
Each state movieclip has the entire animation on it's timeline. they have about 20 layers, each with as few objects as possible in them... The idea was that later, these layers could be moved onto movieclips of their own, to allow for character customization (changing colors and whatnot)... This seems like a pretty straightforward setup, but there is a snag.
Some objects that need to be moved onto movieclips are sharing layers with other objects that don't, despite my best efforts to plan ahead and prevent that (hence the 20 layers, which obviously weren't enough).
So my question is:
Is it at all possible to select shapes across all frames of a layer? I know you can edit multiple frames, but I haven't found a way to select a specific shape across all frames.
For a better unerstanding of the situation, imagine that a layer might contain the shaped for an arm. They're all at shape level, and the only separation between the different arm sections are the different colors each has, which makes it possible to select a single shape on a single frame just by clicking it (which will 'flood fill' the selection).
Now, with edit multiple frames on, clicking a shape will only select it on a single frame, and drag selecting will select a rectangular area across all frames.
What I'm looking for is a way to 'flood select' a shape across all frames, so I can select, say, the upper part of the arm across all frames, and then delete it, leaving me with a layer that only has the lower part (and a previously coped layer that can have the lower part removed, effectively separating them).
Shift/Alt/Ctrl/Right clicking won't work here... there doesn't seem to be one of Adobe's obscure shortcuts for this..
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Jan 21, 2010
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Oct 22, 2008
Is it possible to add layers, re-order layers, move movieclips from layer to layer or specify which layer a duplicate movieclip appears on at runtime with AS3?I am aware of the depth properties and the functions associated with that but it would be easier to have a concept of a layer because I am dealing with masks.I have a nasty feeling I'm gonna be told that layers don't really exist within an swf and that depths and setmask are all there is to work with.
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Mar 21, 2011
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May 19, 2011
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Apr 27, 2011
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Jun 11, 2009
For a Majour project school assignment i am trying to create an interactive map for a hypothetical theme park, and i'll cut to the chase, i need a script that allows the player to drag the content of two or three layers around the screen upon mouse click, similar to this example:
I will have a layer for buttons (probably called Buttons) and a layer for the map graphic (Probably called Map), similar to this tutorial:
If anyone could produce, or has a script lying around that could do this; i would really apreciate it.This assignment has a large impact on my UAI (universities admission index).
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Jun 20, 2010
I am having this problem where i have a movieclip and i want it to be able to be dragged, and clicked. two separate events. But the problem is when i startdrag the MC, then when I stopdrag it, the click event gets called up. here is the code:
outa.box.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, that);
outa.box.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, that2);
outa.box.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, that3);
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Dec 7, 2009
My main scene in only on 2 frames. On the second layers I have some buttons that activate my movie clips (on the third layer)... These buttons can be pressed 'randomly' and after the muvie clips are played my buttons (one by one) disappear to reveal what on the first layer. Here there's another button, but I want it to be active only after all my movie clips have been played. What kind of ActionScript should I use to tell flash to go to the second frame of my time line (where my button on the first layer is active) only after all the mcs have been played.
My file at the moment is in AS2... This should be a second part of a game. People who arrive at this stage should now which are the right buttons to press. If they press the right one a pop up opens and some buttons disappear to reveal the massage that's behind. When all the right buttons have been pressed I need to play the frame 'end' on my timeline... The attached fla is an example of mine animation the right buttons are the red ones.
example.swf (14.1 K)
example.fla.zip (269.8 K)
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Jun 20, 2003
I have a very limited knowledge in actionscripting so this might be a simple question for the normal people
how do you drag and drop separate multiple objects at once?
I know how to drag and drop one object but I am stumped on this one
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Jul 31, 2010
i have two seperate movie clips on two seperate layers on the front page of my template. (loaded dynamically) the layers are on top of one another.
the two movie clips work fine one their own on the template, but when i put them both on the template and I press their respective buttons the TOP movieclip's buttons control the BOTTOM movie clips actions. it's crazy. i've tried to move them around but then it's just the reversed - the bottom buttons control the top movieclip.
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Jan 19, 2010
Situation: I have a project I'm working on where I have buttons which make click sounds on their own, and also take you to other scenes where a sound will immediately play. There are also three movieclips involved, total my base movieclip and two independent ones that load on top of that. Problem: I want to include a Mute button so that you can turn off all sounds, but can't figure out how to do that..As I understand it, stopAllSounds won't work for me, because as soon as someone hits another button, a new sound will play.
View 5 Replies
Sep 22, 2010
I have several Movie Clips in the Library which I need to be able to load and bring up on the screen randomly.The code below shows how I can load one of these, but to get a proper control ideally I would like to load them all in to an array or numbered variables so that they can be called from a simple piece of code and actioned one at a time.
My movieclips can all be called something simple like mc1, mc2, mc3, mc4 etc to make things easier.These need to be referenced in to an array mcContainer[.....] or as mcContainer1, mcContainer2........ so that they can be called easily.I just need to know the simplest way to do this and how i reference them, I have tried several ways like ["mc"+i] etc and nothing seems to work.
var mc:mcLogo=new mcLogo();
View 4 Replies
Jul 31, 2010
i have two seperate movie clips on two seperate layers on the front page of my template. (loaded dynamically)
the layers are on top of one another.
the two movie clips work fine one their own on the template, but when i put them both on the template and I press their respective buttons the TOP movieclip's buttons control the BOTTOM movie clips actions. it's crazy.
i've tried to move them around but then it's just the reversed - the bottom buttons control the top movieclip.
View 7 Replies
Jul 31, 2010
i have two seperate movie clips on two seperate layers on the front page of my template.loaded dynamically)he layers are on top of one another.he two movie clips work fine one their own on the template, but when i put them both on the template and I press their respective buttons the TOP movieclip's buttons control the BOTTOM movie clips actions. it's crazy.'ve tried to move them around but then it's just the reversed - the bottom buttons control the top movieclip.
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Jun 1, 2006
Ok this probably has to be the stupidest question ever asked here on kirupa but I�m going to ask it anyways. You see I have 4 containers (mc�s). and according to the user it loads a different swf into it so what I wished to know is how to put a loader for each .The following steps explain it better-
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Aug 30, 2007
Is it possible to have two completely separate swfs to talk to each other, if they were both in the same folder and both open? For example one swf being an input text box, and the other swf being another text box which displays a list of the things typed in the input box of the other swf. I have this working all in one clip, I just want tho know if I can separate out the input box and the list box into two swf, and have them connected in some way, I'm sure I have seen this in some banner ads.
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May 16, 2010
I'm making a drag and drop wordgame, and I've encountered a rather irritating problem. Based on the words contained in an array, I create different movieclips with drag and drop functionality, so that they can be dragged on top of the corresponding correct translation of the word. Problem is that when I add a textfield to my buttons (using addchild), dragging and dropping becomes rather buggy, and dropping doesn't work properly, quite often. "Bug-free" version, no text on the MCs: [URL] This was done based on a tutorial that used pre-made movieclips containing shapes, maybe it was at kirupa, I don't remember where I read it I'm afraid. There are many tutorials out there on this subject, but I haven't found any that show you how to dynamically create movieclips which contain text and drag/drop functions. Here's the code:
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Aug 1, 2010
i have two seperate movie clips on two seperate layers on the front page of my template. (loaded dynamically) the layers are on top of one another. the two movie clips work fine one their own on the template, but when i put them both on the template and I press their respective buttons the TOP movieclip's buttons control the BOTTOM movie clips actions. it's crazy. i've tried to move them around but then it's just the reversed - the bottom buttons control the top movieclip.
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Sep 22, 2010
I have several Movie Clips in the Library which I need to be able to load and bring up on the screen randomly. The code below shows how I can load one of these, but to get a proper control ideally I would like to load them all in to an array or numbered variables so that they can be called from a simple piece of code and actioned one at a time.
My movieclips can all be called something simple like mc1, mc2, mc3, mc4 etc to make things easier. These need to be referenced in to an array mcContainer[.....] or as mcContainer1, mcContainer2........ so that they can be called easily. I just need to know the simplest way to do this and how i reference them, I have tried several ways like ["mc"+i] etc and nothing seems to work.
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Oct 29, 2010
I have one png image with few icons there. So now I need to load that image, to brake it apart and to use those icons as MC-s.
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Oct 30, 2010
I'm having some trouble with the attached file, I've tried lots of things but just can't seem to control the movie clip. On click on 'Detailing' from the landing page a new slide *slides onto the stage 'content3'. Within this I have added a separate graphic with a tween 'gr_detailcopytest'. I want it to start only when it lands within the main stage's masked area. I also want the tween to stop too after its played out. I have tried adding a stop action at the end of the tween but this stops the tween altogether - Furthermore, when I click on another menu item and go back to 'Detailing' I want the tween to start again.
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