ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Have At Least Two Action Layers To Separate Global And Local Actions?

Sep 27, 2008

I wonder if a keyframe on an actions layer that has an action in it will work like a keyframe on other layers, meaning it will make all actions on the previous action frame inactive and only the actions on its corresponding action sheet available.If that is the case, is it possible to have at least two action layers to separate global and local actions?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Apply Separate Actions To Separate Keyframes?

Aug 19, 2009

If I create a new flash AS3 file and create two blank keyframes in my actions layer I can add actions to each keyframe separately no problem. I can then easily switch between the actions frames from the menu bar on the left of the actions input panel. However if I try and do this on any of my projects i've been working on for a while when I create a new blank keyframe in the actions layer and try to add actions to it, I get sent straight back to my first actions keyframe and not a nice blank page. Can I even apply seperate actions to seperate keyframes?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Action Scripted Layers Always Act As Top Layers?

Sep 10, 2005

the snow effect always acts like the top layer, ok what i mean is, i have 3 layers, (1)toplayer= a car, (2)middle= snow, (3)low= background.I want to make the snow to be seen behind the car...i hope you understand what i mean , whenever i put the code from the link above it acts as the top layer and appears in front of everything.

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Importing Layers From Illustrator - How To Separate Them

May 17, 2009

I've created the artwork for my first Flash site as a .ai file, separated into layers that represent each page of the site. I imported the .ai file into Flash - all the layers looked separate in the import dialog box. However, when the file imported to stage, the timeline only contains each page, not the layers within - and I can't twirl open the layers on the timeline. So there are ony four layers on the timeline. In the library, each layer is separated out. Am I supposed to do something else to give each indiviual layer it's own timeline? When I imported the file, I choose to import to 'Flash Layers'

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Have Movieclips On Two Separate Layers?

Jan 5, 2004

Is it possible to have movieclips, on two seperate layers, both located on the first frame of their layer, to have an AS where when MovieClip1 reached frame 5 of the movieclip MovieClip2 goes to frame 5 of its movieclip but MovieClip1 continues to play even though the AS was triggered?

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Splitting Animated Shapes Onto Separate Layers?

Dec 1, 2010

Here's what I'm trying to do:

I'm doing some animated characters (I'm on CS5), and I'm trying to optimize the animation/rigging process to save time and manpower (there is very little of both).

The characters all have multiple animations, which are stored each in their own movieclip, which in turn is placed on a main movieclip where each animation verb (states) is stored on a frame, so we can switch between animations (the usual game character setup)

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Some objects that need to be moved onto movieclips are sharing layers with other objects that don't, despite my best efforts to plan ahead and prevent that (hence the 20 layers, which obviously weren't enough).

So my question is:

Is it at all possible to select shapes across all frames of a layer? I know you can edit multiple frames, but I haven't found a way to select a specific shape across all frames.

For a better unerstanding of the situation, imagine that a layer might contain the shaped for an arm. They're all at shape level, and the only separation between the different arm sections are the different colors each has, which makes it possible to select a single shape on a single frame just by clicking it (which will 'flood fill' the selection).

Now, with edit multiple frames on, clicking a shape will only select it on a single frame, and drag selecting will select a rectangular area across all frames.

What I'm looking for is a way to 'flood select' a shape across all frames, so I can select, say, the upper part of the arm across all frames, and then delete it, leaving me with a layer that only has the lower part (and a previously coped layer that can have the lower part removed, effectively separating them).

Shift/Alt/Ctrl/Right clicking won't work here... there doesn't seem to be one of Adobe's obscure shortcuts for this..

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Professional :: Turn Off Music On Separate Layers?

Nov 16, 2011

I have a number of different music selections on each on their own layer. Is there a way to simply turn off the sound in a layer so I can test different music tracks without having to delete the layer and drag a new sound in? In short when I preview my movie all of the sounds play at once but is there a way to simply turn off the sounds in each layer to test each music track separately.

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Actionscript 3 :: Professional - Can Have More Than One Actions Layers To Write

Jun 23, 2010

I have one top layer called Actions for writing actionscript 3 for loading external .swf files. I have one more layer which needs script to stop an image file once it reaches to the middle of the stage from top right of the stage. Where shall I write stop code for this image. On the same image layer? or on existing Actions layer which is loading external swf files or new layer for Actions.

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IDE :: Copying Scenes Layers And Actions From One .fla File To Another?

Sep 26, 2011

I have four games that are very similar with certain names, colours and fonts changing in each. To design these, I built the first and changed the rest - updating what was needed. I then had to go back and add a few scenes to each - which were all the same save for a few word, colour and font changes. I updated game 1, but can't find an easy way to transfer the new scenes to my other .fla files.

I understand that you can select all frames and then copy these for pasting in a separate .fla file. However, this merges all contents to one layer and does not copy the actions for that scene. I also understand that you can embed a .swf of these new scenes within the other games - but this would not allow for changes.

I was hoping that someone could tell me how to copy a scene from one .fla to another - keeping all layers and actions intact.

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CS4 :: Select Multiple Anchor Points Across Separate Layers?

Jan 21, 2010

I can can select the anchor points as "white" quickly, but I can't get them to be "black" without doing it layer by layer, which is tedious. What I want is way to select lines that are in different layers and get the points I selected in a way similar to the regular selection tool or free transform tool.

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Flash :: Drag Two Movieclips (on Separate Layers) Simultaneously

Jun 28, 2011

My goal is to have a map that I can drag around within the frame of a webpage. Finding the right code to move the map in a restricted frame wasn't too easy but I managed to find that (which works like a charm):

zoom3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragArea);
zoom3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropArea);


Now the catch is that I'd like the map to be dragged simultaneously with a movieclip situated above, that contains names of regions, cities etc.. Both can't be on the same layer as I need to put a layer of texture in between.

Is there a simple way to link both layers and make them move at once?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put Actions In A Separate Scene

Feb 19, 2009

What I want to do is to have a button and display some action. I put these actions in a separate scene. The following is my code:


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Flash CS4 :: Select Multiple Anchor Points Across Separate Layers?

Jan 24, 2010

I am talking about anchor points on a line, not a keyframe. They are also called "handles". I can select the anchor points as "white" quickly, but I can't get them to be "solid"without doing it layer by layer, which is tedious. What I want is way to select lines that are in different layers and get the points I selected in a way similar to the regular selection tool or free transform tool. Here is an image of what I'm trying to do, but more easily. The lines are on separate layers, but when I select them with the subselection tool I have to go layer by layer selecting the points. I'm trying to look for a very quick way of doing it. When I do select all with the subselection tool on, the anchor points are only "white" and not "solid" as shown below.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Toggling Buttons With Separate Actions?

Feb 11, 2011

I have 4 buttons on the stage and each button is correlated to a seperate movieclip.
btn1 - mc1
btn2 - mc2
btn3 - mc3
btn4 - mc4
I want each mc to appear when it's corresponding btn is clicked but it has to be the only mc on the stage...meaning whatever mc was currently has to disappear. I've toyed with numerous was to get this to work but I know there's a more code efficient way to do this than the code I have below. And I don't want to use any timeline.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLV Cue Point Names With Separate Actions?

Oct 18, 2010

I am trying to find a way to have separate actions activated for differently named Cue Points, that have been baked into an FLV.My FLVPlayback Component is named "topic5_2_flv" and currently, with a single action for all Cue Points, my code looks like this:[code]But now I need to have two separate actions to happen depending on the name of the Cue Point.If the Cue Point named "CueSlide" is reached, the following should occur:[code]If the Cue Point named "CueBullet" is reached, the following should occur:[code]I know how to work this in AS2, but have had no luck achieving this in AS3.

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Professional :: 2 F4vs On Separate Layers And Different Places On Timeline Both Playing Same Time

May 19, 2011

Flash CS4, I have an f4v vid on one layer and another f4v vid on a second layer. the films do not overlap on the timeline. I have a button to goto the layer with the second f4v. All works fine however when I go to the second fv4 the first one continues to play which i obviously need to stop.

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Flash8 :: Add Variables To A MC From The Action Layers, Using The MC Instance Name

Sep 11, 2009

I've read on the net that actionscripting from the action layer will result in a more readable file once published, as apposed to attaching onClipEvent functions which slow down readability.

For this reason I am trying to add variables to a MovieClip I have on the stage with an Instance Name of Player. However I wish to assign the MovieClip variables from the actions layer using the MovieClips Instance Name.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Separate Actions To A DuplicateMovieClip Button(s)?

Dec 9, 2009

how to add seperate actions to a button group that is duplicated to create 2 buttons from one...this is the code which takes the movie to another frame - i have to load one of two movies depending on which button is clicked, but either button only goes to the same frame...:


import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


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ActionScript 3 :: Level Of MovieClip - Moving Action Layers?

Aug 9, 2011

When creating some extended MovieClip to the stage using AS on Actions of some frame, on which layer this MovieClip is created? On layer where Actions were? If I wanna move it down, for example, can I simply move the Actions layer? And by the way, one more question, what if I would not create Actions layer and write all the code on some used one?

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ActionScript 3 :: Finding And Linking Global Action

Mar 19, 2012

'm currently following this tutorial [URL] on setting up a AR video player using FLARManager, however I'm having trouble setting up the global actionscript folder that's supposed to contain the actual FLARManager components. In the tutorial that part gets brushed over(1min - 1min30 ish)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change A Movieclip From Local To Global?

Mar 27, 2009

I have a movie clip on my stage and it is named quest. Within quest, there are several frames representing the entire game (it's a text based adventure). Every once in a while, there will be an inventory item in one of those frames that has the ability to be dragged and dropped into the inventory box (which is a seperate movie clip on the main stage).

All of that works fine, however, since the movieclip that can be dragged was defined in the 'quest' movieclip, once the user needs to move on to the next frame in the quest panel, the inventory item disappears from the inventory box.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Global To Local Mouse Cordinates

Sep 15, 2011

in my Controller Class:[code]brick it's inside a container and its position in x axis is 200px.When the brick is moving, the x and y value are based on stage x and y mouse.The 0 in the stage should correspond to -200 inside my container.How can i use globalToLocal method?instead write:brick.x = (mouseX - mouseX%theGrid.getGridSize())-200;

View 16 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Local Variable Global?

Sep 7, 2011

I have a problem where I make a variable in one class and change it using the constructor method in another.Is there anyway that I can make that variable available in all methods in this class? Here is the code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Global Variable From A Button Action?

Dec 28, 2004

Background; I want to load a global variable from a button action, and use this global variable to point to a frame named with what I'm gonna set the variable to, for instance a global variable of 1 will trigger a movie clip with a to play to a frame named 1.

I've set _global.x = 1 from a button instance withing an on(rollOver) block, and it shows up fine through trace(_global.x) from within a separate movie clip instance (within the same scene/timeline), but when I tried to use it in gotoAndPlay using the syntax gotoAndPlay(_global.x) it doesn't work. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but I just don't know what.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Global To Local - Everything To Be Center On Stage Even After Resize?

Oct 19, 2009

I have this movie clip on a stage that I need everything to be center on stage even after resize.the clip structure is rootclip.child.child.the first time I click the button the tween works fine. If you click a second time the clips start start to drift away from center stage. And if I resize the stage everything seem to fall apart. the 203.5 is half the width of the MC that I'm trying to center. So it's total width is 407px.

ActionScript Code:
this.startButton.onRelease = function () {
var introHead_currentPos_x = _root.instructMc._x;[code]....

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Matrix3d Local To Global Coordinates For Rotation?

Feb 4, 2010

I made a cube with as3. I wanted it to rotate in the Y Axis according to the horizontal mouse movement. It works nice when this is all I want. But if I try to also make it rotate on the X axis with the vertical mouse movement, things get screwy.

This happens because the transformations are added in the global coordinates, not the local ones. So, for Example, if I wanted the cube to rotate 30 degrees along its Y axis, I have to find a way to translate that into the global coordinates, and then apply that to the matrix3D of each face. I need a local to global translator.


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Avoid The Trip To Global Security Panel To Access Local .swf?

Aug 28, 2006

i just want to ask if there's a way to avoid the trip to global security panel to access local .swf?

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Action Script That Plays Flv Files When Run It On Local Machine?

Apr 29, 2009

I have an action script that plays flv files when I run it on my local machine (no web) server then it playes well but if I run it on the server it does not

Code: Select allvar netConnection_:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var netStream_:NetStream = new NetStream(netConnection_);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Modifiy The Global Trace Function To Output The Current Time Of A Trace Action

Nov 9, 2011

I've been playing with prototype a bit and I've noticed that either it isn't as static as it should be or that some functions are protected from altering, or that in some cases the prototype actually extends a function. For example, I was trying to modifiy the global trace function to output the current time of a trace action, something like this :

Code:trace("lulu"); // output 12:48:17.286 lulu I DID achieve something close to it, but it seems that I haven't actually modified the global trace function, but rather it's "_root" counterpart,


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Actionscript 3 :: Convert Global Coordinates To Local Coordinates Of A UIComplenent In Flex Project?

Dec 19, 2011

I was trying to convert global coordinates to local coordinates of a UIComplenent in my flex project using below code using below code

var gp:Point = new Point(e.stageX,e.stageY); //global point
var lp:Point = uic.globalToLocal(gp); //local point

uic is UIComponent in which I have subclass of Sprite for drawing something I have set the sprite's mouseEnabled and mouseChildren to false to not interrupt the mouse event. above code is within uic's mousemove event where I was tracing the gp and lp gp was giving correct value and suprisingly lp was giving negetive values. when I move the move to the top left corner of uic i expect lp to be 0,0 but it is giving the -width of of uic. I broke my head for hours and ended up finding an alternate by using offsets. Infact my original code was much simpler like this which was same issue

var lp:Point = new Point(e.localX,e.localY);

I am not sure what exactly is causing this problem. the workaround had lot of issues and it creating a mess in my rest of the algorithms.Just now I found even more interesting thing (which is actually weird). for some reason I went and create a new lp2

var lp2:Point = new Point(e.localX,e.localY);

now surprisingly it was giving correct values as expected and I went back and changed the code as

var gp:Point = new Point(e.stageX,e.stageY); //global point
var lp:Point = uic.globalToLocal(gp); //local point
var lp2:Point = new Point(e.localX,e.localY);
var lp2:Point = uic.globalToLocal(gp);

now it is expected to have all the lp, lp2 and lp3 variables to be same but weiredly lp two is giving wrong value and lp2 and lp3 were giving correct. I am suspecting using the variable lp has something to do. I am not sure about that but above proves it so right now I am using lp2.

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