ActionScript 3.0 :: FLV Cue Point Names With Separate Actions?

Oct 18, 2010

I am trying to find a way to have separate actions activated for differently named Cue Points, that have been baked into an FLV.My FLVPlayback Component is named "topic5_2_flv" and currently, with a single action for all Cue Points, my code looks like this:[code]But now I need to have two separate actions to happen depending on the name of the Cue Point.If the Cue Point named "CueSlide" is reached, the following should occur:[code]If the Cue Point named "CueBullet" is reached, the following should occur:[code]I know how to work this in AS2, but have had no luck achieving this in AS3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Apply Separate Actions To Separate Keyframes?

Aug 19, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put Actions In A Separate Scene

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btn2 - mc2
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I want each mc to appear when it's corresponding btn is clicked but it has to be the only mc on the stage...meaning whatever mc was currently has to disappear. I've toyed with numerous was to get this to work but I know there's a more code efficient way to do this than the code I have below. And I don't want to use any timeline.


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import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign 5 Separate Dynamic Text Fields To 5 Separate Buttons?

Apr 18, 2010

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Through tutorials I've found around the net I've been able to get most of the parts together... but i get lost because what they show you for AS2 they don't for AS3 and vice versa, at least that ive I guess my question is... would i need to set up 5 seperate dynamic text fields on the stage and then set each one of them to one of the corresponding button. If so what AS code would i need to use to do so.  And if not what would i need to do?
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading THREE Separate .swfs Into THREE Separate Tweens

Jan 17, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timeline Actions Ovverriding Actions In New Frame?

Jun 19, 2011

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When the middle frame is returned to, clicks no longer change anything. I believe that the actions of the 'left' frame are replacing the one's in the middle frame so then it is told to gotoAndStop to itself.

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3.I am curios if there is any way i could specify an alternative for the if statement like in this pseudocode:
if ( apple is not clean BUT is tasty)

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Professional :: Importing AI Layer Names As Movie Clip Names?

Aug 26, 2010

We've got an Illustrator file with something over 1,000 layers. We're trying to import this into Flash and keep the layer names intact, such that they become the names of the movie clips that are imported for each layer and can be used programmatically. (It is a diagram and arrows, boxes, etc all have callout names that will eventually allow them to link to a database.)As near as I can tell, the Import dialog will NOT pass this info across between the two parts of the dialog.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instance Names And Variable Names: It Goes Deeper

Mar 20, 2011

I started a thread about a reference to a symbol House, in the output window, which was: House_1. A lot of people said some useful things about that. All day I've been thinking about it, and I came to the conclusion that I don't understand things, at a very basic level.

Consider:I make a movieclip which I give the Symbol name Drawer. (I don't export it for AcitonScript.)On the stage I manually place two instances of this Symbol. The first one I give the Instance Name drawer (in the properties panel). The second one I leave nameless.Now if I trace the names of both these clips, by


the output window gives me


Now I know that the so-called "instance name" which I gave in the Properties Panel (drawer) is, in reality, a variable name which Flash gives my first instance behind the scenes. And instance2 is a name that Flash gives my second instance. What exactly the nature of that name is, I do not know.My point is: both names (drawer and instance2) are the .name property of these movieclips. Otherwise I could not have traced them through asking for the .name property, in the above. Yet only the first of these two can be manipulated:

drawer.x can be set;
instance2.x can (as we know) not be set.

But...why? What is the real difference between these two kinds of names? How can they both be the .name property of their underlying movieclip, yet be of such a different nature? What IS the nature of the instance2 name? If it's a String, how come the .name property of one movieclip can be a variable name, while the .name property of another (but identical) movieclip is a String?

I've searched every bit of web page on the net I could find. But it looks as if nobody addresses this issue. We all just work with it - but it makes no bloody sense. A name property = a name property, you'd think. Whether Flash set it or I set it should not make a difference. The x property of a clip, for example, does not change in nature according to who set it - me or Flash.So, again, just to emphasize the problem: how can a property (the name property) of a movieclip change in NATURE depending on who set it? After it's been set, shouldn't the name property of a clip be of exactly the same nature as the name property of another clip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pushing Point Locations Into An Array - Point(x,y) Conversion Faillure?

Dec 9, 2011

Im pushing Point locations into an array to Shift em out later. like this:

tempmoves.push([new Point(roundx,roundy)]);
ob.movestoplayer = tempmoves;[code]....

What am i doing wrong?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip To Move Along The X-axis To A Certain Point And Then Back To The Starting Point Again?

Apr 12, 2007

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Basically I'd like to do this:On the stage I have a movieclip and I'd like the movieclip to move along the x-axis to a certain point and then back to the starting point again. The moving speed of the movieclip should also be adjustable.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Distance From Point To Point And Referencing Other Instances Of The Same Class

Feb 8, 2009

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What I think I need is: A function for telling the distance between two (x,y) points.
A way of referencing the nearest other instance of the class. And a way of randomly selecting from all of the instances of the class.

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Flash :: Perspective Projection Formula - Convert 3d Point To 2d Point?

Mar 27, 2011

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But these formulae give me strange result when z are less than zero(z<0) I need build line from A(100,100,100) to B (100,100;-100) As you can see these equations give really strange result when I try to convert B point in 2D dimension

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Actionscript 3 :: Moving A Point With Rotation Doesn't Change The Point XY?

Jul 15, 2011

i have the follow issue :

I have a point which is setted at the border on a component, with changed transform point to the center of a component in order to match the component rotation.

the important part is when i try to get the point XY after rotation - they remains the same as before rotation.

how to get XY, after rotation ( changeing point.rotation property to specific degrees of rotaion )

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ActionScript 2.0 :: A Line From One Point Past Another Point And Whether It Hits An Object?

Aug 19, 2009

I am using AS2 with Flash 8 Professional So, my problem is that I currently have a man in the middle of the screen, who shoots a line towards the mouse when I click. However, when I use hitTest to see if the line collides with another object, Flash recognizes the line as a large box if it is diagonal, so the hitTest isn't very accurate. The line only satys there for one frame, so I can't have the usual moving-bullet-style. I am either looking for a way to create an imaginary line with AS from the starting point to the mouse and beyond, and tell whether or not this line intersects with an object... or some other way that I haven't thought of to fix my problem. Keep in mind that the line rotates from a center point towards anywhere around it for 360 degrees.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Egistration Point Compared To Its Top Left Point

Aug 20, 2009

if i have a movieclip or a sprite could i find (via code) where is its registration point compared to its top left point (no rotation included) ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Smooth Preload Bar - Appears To Jump From Point To Point

Apr 27, 2004

my preloader bar isn't growing smoothly. it appears to jump from point to point -- and i want to make it smooth. you can see the example here at: [URL] would anyone mind taking a quick look at the file i've attached,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Find An Angle From An Anchor Point And A Moving Point?

Feb 19, 2005

I know some basic trig. but how do i find an angle from an anchor point and a moving point?

adjecent = _root.anchor._x-_root._xmouse;
opposite = _root.anchor._y-_root._ymouse;
hypotenuse = ((adjacent ^ 2)+(opposite ^ 2)) ^ 0.5;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move A Point (or Circle) Slowly And The Point Let Behind A Line?

May 3, 2006

How can I move a point (or circle) slowly and the point let behind a line.When the point turn back the line will be erase.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Image Scroller That Just Scrolls Images From Point A To Point B On Load Horizontally In An Infinite Loop?

Mar 28, 2011

Hi I am trying to create an image scroller that just scrolls images from point a to point b on load horizontally in an infinite loop. I just used a code snippet to move it horizontally but don't how to get it to stop and at point b and loop again from a.

ActionScript Code:
game1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_AnimateHorizontally_3);
function fl_AnimateHorizontally_3(event:Event)
game1.x += 20;

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Flash :: Drawing A Line From Point To Point In ActionScript3.0?

Oct 27, 2011

Lets say I have two objects, and I want to use action script to draw a line connecting them, which will update automatically as they are moved/ dragged.Can anyone show me how to do that, and also how to control line's parameters like colour, weight etc?

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Actionscript 3 :: Calculating The Control Point Of Curve Using A Given Point

Jan 12, 2012

I am trying to develop a Quadratic Bezier Curve using the graphics.curveTo() method. Initially when i drag mouse to draw the shape, i use start point and end point of mouse to draw the curve line. I assume control point at any position below or up to the line. An draw the curve using this control point. some what like:-


Now i add a tip on this curve segment. I have x and y position of tip. I want to change the curve segment by dragging tip. but now i don't have the exact control point according to tip position. If i use tip coordinate as control point it reduce the height of curve and now tip does not lie on the curve segment. What i have to do is calculate the exact control point on the basis of tip coordinate. But i failed to get this point.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Object Move From Point A To Point B In An Arc?

Mar 27, 2008

how to use these in order to make an object move from point A to point B in an arc.Think of that classic game where you have to input the angle and power and try to hit your opponent.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding A Point Relative To A Center Point?

Nov 9, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to find a point relative to the center of an object, modified by its rotation. For example, in the attached swf, I've been messing around trying to draw trails to a bitmap, coming out of the thrusters. I didn't have a problem at first, but as the ship rotated, the lines that were being drawn wouldn't remain relative.


I'm sure this is because I have no idea what I'm doing, and I've just been sort of idioting my way through it. That aside, is there an easy way to find the point I'm looking for? For instance, say I want a point at Y -14 of my ship, but I want that to remain relative to the ship as it rotates.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing Api - The Curve Point Be The Same Point As The Mouse?

Nov 3, 2003

From the Robert Penner code given in this tutorial: [URL] i was wondering why controlx and controly has to be so complicated. I've tried changing it to just _root._xmouse but it messes up. I don't get this, shouldn't the curve point be the same point as the mouse?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw A Line From Point A To Point B And Then Code It?

Dec 30, 2003

how 2 sript: to draw a line ( 4 example ) frm point A to point B and then code it such that the viewer can see the line being drawn ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Smooth Movement From Point A To Point B?

Sep 2, 2010

i have this code i found that smoothly moves a box left or right on the screen based on using the left or right arrow keys. i want to use this smooth code but adjust it so on enterframe, the box would move from point a (say 0,120) to point b (0,240) and stop keys used, just working based on entering the to modify the code below?

Actionscript Code:
import flash.display.*;import*;import flash.ui.Keyboard;var velocity:Number = 0;var acceleration:Number = 0.2;var friction:Number = 0.90;var isRightKeyDown:Boolean =


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