Professional :: Symbol Characters In Flash?
Jun 9, 2006
I am developing a flash movie for a college professor whouses a lot of equations in her presentations. I was wondering ifthere was an easy way to add greek letters and other math symbolsto a normal flash text box, or if it was possible to do anythingremotely similar to this.
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myText.html = true;
myText.embedFonts = true;
myText.multiline = true;
myText.wordWrap = true;
var myVars:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
What should I do to also embed special characters? I thought importing font symbols should take care of that?
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Nov 22, 2011
I have a project in Flash Professional CS5 and ActionScript 3.
I have a movieclip symbol (referred herein as "background" with scripts on various keyframes inside of that symbol. I need to hide or show another symbol (referred herein as "object") sharing a stage with "background".
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txt_incorrect_number.text = "Please type a number from 1 to 12."
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Jul 26, 2010
I basically need to store a string of characters from an input text box and have them displayed at the last frame of the quiz. I declared the variable holding the input text as _global.player in the first frame, and upon clicking the start button the code is:
on (release) { _global.player=player.text; gotoAndStop (2); }
These variables are not referenced again until the last frame of the quiz, which reads thus:
stop();playerdisplay.text=_global.player;score.text=_global.correct;'Endng Comments Generator'if (_global.correct<=3) { phrase="Try a little harder next time";}if (_global.correct>3 + _global.correct<7) { }comment.text=phrase;
Yes, I know the global.correct coments are not yet complete, but i dont think that should be causing any issue with the playerdisplay.text (the dynamic text box to display the player name). If anyone could give me a hand that would be great. Nothing appears in the dynamic text box when the final frame of the movie loads.
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Jul 25, 2011
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Aug 17, 2009
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Aug 23, 2010
1) Each field in the form only allows 3 characters and no special characters such as @ _ ! . , etc... 2) When the user goes to the next field in the form, the previous field appears blank but the when clicking on that again, the original text appears. 3) When submitting the form, it just keeps saying "in progress" and never shows the confirmation text nor does the email get sent. There is an HTML file included with this form but I am not sure if I need to put that in as I have embedded this form into an SWF file so I don't think I need that code but let me know if I am wrong about this. I am posting both the AS code and PHP code below..
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Scene 1, Layer 'PreLoader', Frame 1, Line 11087: Syntax Error: extra characters found after end of program
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { loading = _parent.getBytesLoaded(); total = _parent.getBytesTotal(); if (percent == undefined) percent = 0; percent -= (percent-
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Sep 1, 2010
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Nov 30, 2010
I have a dynamic text field that is not displaying foreign characters properly. They appear as boxes.
Here's what I've tried.
Under properties for the text field, I clicked on the embed characters button. In there, I pasted all the special characters I would need and clicked okay. Shouldn't this be enough for the text to display properly?
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Jun 30, 2011
I am developing an ios app, and it is a simple platformer game. I have a 2dimensional sprite that sits in the center of the stage, and never moves.. When the accelorometer is tilted, the stage moves around the main Character, but only horizontally.. How can I get the accelorometer to simply flip the main characters image, so that he faces where he appears to be heading? Again, this game is for the iPhone/iPod platform, so anybody with knolege of coding is greatly needed to explain this to me. This is a simple code I used for moving the stage around the Character
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Jul 27, 2009
I created an illustration in Illustrator, imported it into Flash, and converted it to a movie clip symbol. I added a keyframe at frame 20 and stretched its shape a bit. Then I created a classic tween from keyframe 1 to keyframe 2, and the resulting animation doesn't animate at all; it sits there from frames 1 to 19, and then jumps to the new position at frame 20.
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Jul 29, 2010
that symbols dramatically reduce the document file size. But, what if only one instance of a graphic symbol is to be used? Can I just use pure bitmap graphics from the library and not symbols in that case?
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Mar 8, 2011
I had made a space background and spinning moon with Flash cs5 for a science project, but after I made the moon spin I tried to drag it in the frame and it won't appear! It just shows a clear symbol box.
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May 5, 2011
I have a head drawn in Adobe Flash CS5. I've converted it to a symbol. I want to be able to draw a mouth, add a frame, erase the mouth (without erasing the head), and draw a new mouth, and repeat. However, when I convert the head to a symbol the mouths I draw ontop of it do not show up, and appear behind the head. I know converting the mouths into symbols will fix this, but that would take too long, defeating the purpose of what I'm trying to do.Is there any way to draw on a symbol?
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Nov 2, 2011
I can't seem to add more than one bone to a "Symbol" but I need to. For example I have the "body" symbol and I need to start the bone at the neck and then drag it to the waist/hip area, but when I drag the bone from the neck area to the waist it won't let me attach the boneto the waist hip area of the same symbol. Why is this? I've seen this done in a tutorial but I don't know how to do it.
How can I rig the character in the image so the legs are attached to a wiast or hip area?
1st bone - Start a bone at the head, then drag to the neck.
2nd bone - Drag the bone from the neck to the waist.
3rd bone - From the waist to the hip.
4th bone - From the hips to the legs.
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