Professional :: Hiding The Motion Guide That Appears Between Keyframes?
Oct 18, 2010How do you hide the lines that form on the stage with all of the dots that form as you move a symbol from one spot to another on the stage?
View 1 RepliesHow do you hide the lines that form on the stage with all of the dots that form as you move a symbol from one spot to another on the stage?
View 1 Repliesi am using CS4 on a PC, and I have created my motion guide layers as I normally do, created a path, but when I scrub the playhead, the symbol just goes from point A to point B without follwing my guide. Also they are not snapping to the guide. I have not done a motion guide in a while, what am I missing here. Also where is the pallete to turn on object orienting?
View 1 RepliesIs there seriously no way to convert a vector graphic into a motion guide for Flash? Are the Pen and Pencil tools really the only way to define the path for a motion tween? I have CS3 (Flash, Illustrator, PhotoShop). I just got the trial version of CS5. I have a subscription to[url]... I have searched these forums and the internet in general for hours.
All I want to do is move a symbol around in a circle, but my pen/pencil skills are not sufficient to create a circle. Editing the CS5 motion path has proved exceedingly tedious and not round. There's a perfectly good circle tool in all four applications...
In Flash CS5, after you've inserted a keyframe in a motion tween, how do you move that keyframe to another frame?
View 3 RepliesI feel like this should be pretty straightforward, but I can't figure out a way to easily move a single keyframe within a motion tween to adjust timing. I can't even figure out how to delete a single keyframe, for that matter. Everything I try ends up deleting all the keyframes within the tween or the entire tween.
View 2 RepliesI havve accidently created extra unneeded key frames in a layer, in the middle of motion tween. I was wondering how to change these keyframes, without deleting them so not to change the length?
View 3 RepliesI keep getting dashed lines between keyframes after I select "Motion Tween" in the properties. Even a bouncing ball won't give me a solid tweening line in the Timeline. I created symbols and all but no go.
View 5 RepliesI have a simple problem, i have only the basic knowledge of AC3 like making simple tweens and doing some if else.
But as you can see, i have a triangle and a motion path. And lets say i need it to tween with an easeIn to the x location of my mouse, so the y location remains on the path, how would i do that?
I'm a beginner in Flash-AS, and I have been spending a lot of time on a (simple?) problem, still I didn't find anything that helps me. Here it is: I would like to place (via ActionScript) an object (let's say a ball) along a curve (free-shaped). The position of the ball is defined by a percentage in relation to the length of the curve : for example, 0% or 100% put the ball at the start or the end of the curve, 50% put the ball exactly at the middle of the curve... I don't need any animation, I just want to place the ball at the initialisation.
View 1 RepliesUsing actionscript I'm drawing a line. For the record let's assume it's shape is completely random. Can I use the line as a motion guide for another graphic? If so how? Can I convert the line to an array of Points somehow?
View 2 RepliesHow do I move a graphic symbol along a motion guide dynamically. The guide is on a lyer of an mc residing on the _root. The graphic symbol is just below on another layer. The effect is to have the graphic symbol (a ball) appear to move randomly from the start of the motion guide a random distance along the motion guide and then change directions randomly. So the symbol would move a random number of points in one direction along the path then change direction and move a random number of points in the other direction while never actually leaving the stage.
The motion guide is NOT to be removed or drawn dynamically as it is the exact shape of the landscape in an image I use in the background of the overall animation so either the timeline needs to be manipulated for that mc or the symbol that is moving along the motion guide needs to be directed along the path dynamically.I tried the following code which I placed in the first frame of an action layer of the mc (mc resides _root) just above motion guide layer and it did not solve
_root.dot_ball_main_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
var myVar:Number = Math.random()*(1-30)+30;
if (_root.dot_ball_main_mc._currentframe == myVar){
So I am dynamically drawing lines. Pretend you run your flash movie, and click your mouse down, and move it around on the screen. It might have a curve, it might do anything, and once you release, the line is completely drawn. That part I can do no problem. I now want say, press a button and to have an MC appear on that dynamic line I drew, just like a motion path or guide, and then follow it until it comes to the end.
View 3 RepliesHopefully someone can give me a hand with this.I'm trying to create motion using scripting instead of a guide path or tweening event which should occur like this:Stage default size (550x400)Instance of a ball (in a movie)Ball starts on top left corner of stage then travels to top right, then travels to lower right, then travels to lower left, then travels to top left, then repeats.Basically the ball should just travel clockwise around the inside border of the stage.The script I'm trying to setup is based on three frames.
First frame:
After this I seem to just run into problems. Each time I try and set the logic for the ball to change direction and head back to the left once it reaches the bottom of the stage it either just stops, or bounces slightly back and forth in the lower right hand corner.
I'm trying to move an object along circlular motion guide dynamically using two buttons -- a left button, when pressed down, will move the object counter clockwise, and the right button clockwise.
View 2 RepliesIs it possible to draw motion guide/path for a mouse position based movement?
For example if I have path the is like letter H. I would need to write many clauses/conditions for the borders of the movement. It would be a LOT easier if there would be some solution that makes the object always to stay on the defined path when moving..
I'm trying to create a flash animation of a wing flapping using three keyframes. The first keyframe is at frame 1. I then created a second keyframe at frame 5 by pressing F6, and then I created another keyframe at frame 10 by pressing F6. At frame 5, I rotated the wing so that it is going up. Frame 10 is the same as frame 1.frame 1: frame 5: frame 10: I right clicked on a frame between frames 5 and 10 and then clicked the first optio , "Create Motion Tween"; I then performed the same action on a frame between frames 1 and 5. When I preview or test the movie, there is no transition between the frames. From frame 1 to 5, there is supposed to be a transition of the wing flapping up. From frame 5 to 10, there is supposed to be a transition of the wing flapping downwards to its initial position. Instead, when I test the movie, the wing remains still until frame 5 and instantly goes to its "wing up state" and when it gets to frame 10, instantly goes to its "wing down state". Here is what the timeline looks like after I've made the changes mentioned above:
I'm using Flash CS4 to make the animation but the tutorial I'm following is using Flash CS3. I know I can use other methods to create the motion tween but I want to know why the method I'm using isn't working.
i have the logo rolling but would like it to have an elastic effect sort of bounce at the end of my motion path. how to add extra keyframes on my motion tween to achieve this effect
View 1 RepliesIf I perform a motion tween along a curved path, Flash CS4 does not allow to change the curves to "corner point" or "linear" in the motion editor. URL...
View 2 RepliesI like to keep my timelines compact, so I often have several graphics in a single layer. Let's imagine that I have a series of five keyframes, with four shapes in each one. Over the course of those five keyframes, one of the four shapes changes into a different shape. Now, let's say that I realize that one of the static shapes needs to be something different. "Oh no! That circle shoudl be a triangle instead!".
I know how to use Edit Multiple Frames to drag a box around that shape and delete it across those keyframes, but there are a few problems with that.One is that if the keyframes are really long or I have more like 30 or 40 keyframes in which I want to make this change, I have to drag and scroll and drag and scroll the shaded part of the playhead to cover all the of the keyframes or be willing to do it in chunks. Also, if the thing I want to delete is sitting on top of something else,then I can't drag a box around it without selecting that other thing. I could click the object and delete it, but that only deletes it from the right-most keyframe. I then have to click and delete for every keyframe.
All of this is secondary to the fact that Edit Multiple Frames doesn't seem to allow you to paste something into all of those frames. At least, not any way I can tell. I suppose this is a sade-effect of not assigning every asset its own layer, but that would get almost unmanageable with some of the projects I work on.if there's a way to paste things into multiple/successive keyframes on the same layer?
I have completed a bunch of keyframes with 2 symbol on each moving around. Now I want to add another symbol that will be static. That is, at the same position in each keyframe.
How can I add the new symbol to 250 keyframes that are already set and already have 2 symbols in each?
I can see how to do it one by one... but there must be a better way than that. selecting a herd of keyframes and pasting in the new symbol, ends up only effecting which ever one has the play head.
I also realize I should have put this final symbol in at the start but too late now. So how can I insert a new symbol in 250 keyframes all at once?
I am creating a very simple file with 4 single frame scenes in Flash CS3. These are linked by simple arrow buttons. However, the movie doesn't stop on the keyframes even though I have put a stop script in each of the four. There is no other script involved so far. The stop script appears on the top of the actions panel on the actions layer. Please see JPEG screenshot attached. [URL].
View 4 RepliesA new glitch (amongst the millions I already have) in CS4, is that recently i will be unable to clear keyframes. I usualy do this by selecting the keyframes in the timeline, right clicking and selecting 'clear keyframes' but it's greyed out frequently, I can't work out why this is and I don't know of a cure/ work around for this? I tend to just go in and out of symbols until it works. this is sucbh a pain.
View 7 RepliesSo I created an animation with a guy swing his left arm back and forth. The problem is his arm is swinging too fast. Is there any way I can extend the whole action, rather than deleting all the keyframes and redoing it?
View 1 RepliesI want to know if its possible to move or stretch out a video as it moves along the timeline. For example, I would like to remove black bars from being shown on the stage in one part of the video, so by stretching it out the black bars wont show, and then I can just revert it back as those frames end. Can I do this with the playback component or embedding?
View 4 RepliesI am working freelance on an animated show for children, animating characters in flash, and I have a problem that is driving me crazy.
I will try to explain it so it won't be too confusing. This just happened on the file I am working on now, an animation of a character walking: The graphic symbol containing the legs had two keyframes in it (on frame 1 and 2) when I saved the file. When I reopened it, the legs had only keyframes on frame 1. When I check the swf I exported just before saving, the legs are fine.
Similar problems has happened many times now, sometimes keyframes are gone, other times they have turned blank, and on one occation graphic symbols had changed to empty movie clip symbols. The last swf exported has always been okay.
Maybe the title is not self explanatory but in most iphone games eg you click the correct example and you see a +100 points mc appear and rise and alpha out. I did this with a png done in photoshop BUT not all goes well - it doesn't work.
It seens perfct but I can't see it work. The funny thing is that the custom currentBubble - with a dot after you see the code hints but a dot after pb100 - you see no code hints. Well not normal.
I thought from other adobe products that the lock would protect any layer you put it onHowever, In a situation where layer 1 is a looping background.Once setup, I locked itNow working on layer 2 but I notice unless I'm very careful I'm still able to move the background (layer 1) while working on other symbols that go on top of background. (even though the lock is in place.So I thought well what good is that, so hide the layer
View 4 RepliesI created a site for a client and they are experiencing something weird with the top links in the base SWF. The links appear to be distorted or doubling up. I don't have anything extra in the MC. And what's worse is that I can't see this effect on any of the computers I have. They see it on their laptop.
I've attached a screenshot from them.
(120.5 K)
I have built a website in FLASH CS4 (version 10). The website runs perfectly on my MAC core 8 but when I view it on either of my laptops (both are also Macs couple months old) the main title of the site + the on/off for the music appears in a completely different font and one word of the title disappears.I have tried turning the title to a button and to a movie and kept it as text and nothing makes a difference..
View 4 RepliesThe site opens with a SWF file. This is my first attempt at Flash. He did not have the fla file so i used a decompiler to generate it and we were able to make most of the changes he wanted. We have one thing left and I am scratching my head trying to figure this out. There are 7 buttons, and when you place your mouse over each button an image appears in the top right of the screen. This image is different depending on what button you are over. He wants to update and change a couple of these images.
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