Professional :: Symbols Not Following Motion Guide?

Mar 2, 2011

i am using CS4 on a PC, and I have created my motion guide layers as I normally do, created a path, but when I scrub the playhead, the symbol just goes from point A to point B without follwing my guide. Also they are not snapping to the guide. I have not done a motion guide in a while, what am I missing here. Also where is the pallete to turn on object orienting?

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Professional :: Convert A Vector Graphic Into A Motion Guide For Flash?

Dec 22, 2010

Is there seriously no way to convert a vector graphic into a motion guide for Flash? Are the Pen and Pencil tools really the only way to define the path for a motion tween? I have CS3 (Flash, Illustrator, PhotoShop). I just got the trial version of CS5. I have a subscription to[url]... I have searched these forums and the internet in general for hours.

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Jun 30, 2011

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Dec 22, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling A Motion Guide With AC?

Jan 31, 2011

I have a simple problem, i have only the basic knowledge of AC3 like making simple tweens and doing some if else.

But as you can see, i have a triangle and a motion path. And lets say i need it to tween with an easeIn to the x location of my mouse, so the y location remains on the path, how would i do that?

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I'm a beginner in Flash-AS, and I have been spending a lot of time on a (simple?) problem, still I didn't find anything that helps me. Here it is: I would like to place (via ActionScript) an object (let's say a ball) along a curve (free-shaped). The position of the ball is defined by a percentage in relation to the length of the curve : for example, 0% or 100% put the ball at the start or the end of the curve, 50% put the ball exactly at the middle of the curve... I don't need any animation, I just want to place the ball at the initialisation.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Moving Along Motion Guide?

May 12, 2006

How do I move a graphic symbol along a motion guide dynamically. The guide is on a lyer of an mc residing on the _root. The graphic symbol is just below on another layer. The effect is to have the graphic symbol (a ball) appear to move randomly from the start of the motion guide a random distance along the motion guide and then change directions randomly. So the symbol would move a random number of points in one direction along the path then change direction and move a random number of points in the other direction while never actually leaving the stage.

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_root.dot_ball_main_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
var myVar:Number = Math.random()*(1-30)+30;
if (_root.dot_ball_main_mc._currentframe == myVar){


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Nov 17, 2004

Hopefully someone can give me a hand with this.I'm trying to create motion using scripting instead of a guide path or tweening event which should occur like this:Stage default size (550x400)Instance of a ball (in a movie)Ball starts on top left corner of stage then travels to top right, then travels to lower right, then travels to lower left, then travels to top left, then repeats.Basically the ball should just travel clockwise around the inside border of the stage.The script I'm trying to setup is based on three frames.

First frame:



After this I seem to just run into problems. Each time I try and set the logic for the ball to change direction and head back to the left once it reaches the bottom of the stage it either just stops, or bounces slightly back and forth in the lower right hand corner.

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making characters at the following link:
The animator said that he has created two symbols: one for the body, and another symbol inside the body symbol for the head.What I don't understand is how he translated the layers over into the head symbol.  When I click on the head symbol, all of the layers disappear and I cannot edit an object individually within a layer.

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Oct 9, 2010

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1. Change the Timeline to display in seconds instead of frames?
2. Specify how long something should appear prior to the next symbol showing up in the Timeline?

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Dec 19, 2010

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Sep 20, 2011

Is there a way to search for symbols by the class they are using? I have a large projectand at times (specifically when refactoring)

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Oct 28, 2011

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Oct 30, 2011

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Jan 2, 2012

I have few button symbols designed in my flash movie. My flash movie is displayed in 9 regional languages and hence I have used TLF text for Flash Movie which easily displays Unicode text.SWF displays text properly when i publish it. but once i view the same SWF in Internet Explorer or any other browser it does not display text in those buttons.

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Professional :: Symbols - Can Not Review It In Library Window?

Mar 21, 2010

When I create a symbol:

1.I can not review it in library window

2.I can not drag the shape that I want to the screen

3.When I drag it to screen , Previous symbol is not a symbol anymore

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