ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling A Motion Guide With AC?
Jan 31, 2011
I have a simple problem, i have only the basic knowledge of AC3 like making simple tweens and doing some if else.
But as you can see, i have a triangle and a motion path. And lets say i need it to tween with an easeIn to the x location of my mouse, so the y location remains on the path, how would i do that?
i am using CS4 on a PC, and I have created my motion guide layers as I normally do, created a path, but when I scrub the playhead, the symbol just goes from point A to point B without follwing my guide. Also they are not snapping to the guide. I have not done a motion guide in a while, what am I missing here. Also where is the pallete to turn on object orienting?
I'm a beginner in Flash-AS, and I have been spending a lot of time on a (simple?) problem, still I didn't find anything that helps me. Here it is: I would like to place (via ActionScript) an object (let's say a ball) along a curve (free-shaped). The position of the ball is defined by a percentage in relation to the length of the curve : for example, 0% or 100% put the ball at the start or the end of the curve, 50% put the ball exactly at the middle of the curve... I don't need any animation, I just want to place the ball at the initialisation.
Using actionscript I'm drawing a line. For the record let's assume it's shape is completely random. Can I use the line as a motion guide for another graphic? If so how? Can I convert the line to an array of Points somehow?
How do I move a graphic symbol along a motion guide dynamically. The guide is on a lyer of an mc residing on the _root. The graphic symbol is just below on another layer. The effect is to have the graphic symbol (a ball) appear to move randomly from the start of the motion guide a random distance along the motion guide and then change directions randomly. So the symbol would move a random number of points in one direction along the path then change direction and move a random number of points in the other direction while never actually leaving the stage.
The motion guide is NOT to be removed or drawn dynamically as it is the exact shape of the landscape in an image I use in the background of the overall animation so either the timeline needs to be manipulated for that mc or the symbol that is moving along the motion guide needs to be directed along the path dynamically.I tried the following code which I placed in the first frame of an action layer of the mc (mc resides _root) just above motion guide layer and it did not solve
_root.dot_ball_main_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { var myVar:Number = Math.random()*(1-30)+30; if (_root.dot_ball_main_mc._currentframe == myVar){
So I am dynamically drawing lines. Pretend you run your flash movie, and click your mouse down, and move it around on the screen. It might have a curve, it might do anything, and once you release, the line is completely drawn. That part I can do no problem. I now want say, press a button and to have an MC appear on that dynamic line I drew, just like a motion path or guide, and then follow it until it comes to the end.
Hopefully someone can give me a hand with this.I'm trying to create motion using scripting instead of a guide path or tweening event which should occur like this:Stage default size (550x400)Instance of a ball (in a movie)Ball starts on top left corner of stage then travels to top right, then travels to lower right, then travels to lower left, then travels to top left, then repeats.Basically the ball should just travel clockwise around the inside border of the stage.The script I'm trying to setup is based on three frames.
First frame:
_x=30; _y=30; xspeed=20; yspeed=20;
After this I seem to just run into problems. Each time I try and set the logic for the ball to change direction and head back to the left once it reaches the bottom of the stage it either just stops, or bounces slightly back and forth in the lower right hand corner.
Is there seriously no way to convert a vector graphic into a motion guide for Flash? Are the Pen and Pencil tools really the only way to define the path for a motion tween? I have CS3 (Flash, Illustrator, PhotoShop). I just got the trial version of CS5. I have a subscription to[url]... I have searched these forums and the internet in general for hours.
All I want to do is move a symbol around in a circle, but my pen/pencil skills are not sufficient to create a circle. Editing the CS5 motion path has proved exceedingly tedious and not round. There's a perfectly good circle tool in all four applications...
I'm trying to move an object along circlular motion guide dynamically using two buttons -- a left button, when pressed down, will move the object counter clockwise, and the right button clockwise.
Is it possible to draw motion guide/path for a mouse position based movement?
For example if I have path the is like letter H. I would need to write many clauses/conditions for the borders of the movement. It would be a LOT easier if there would be some solution that makes the object always to stay on the defined path when moving..
I am wanting to create a button that, when pressed, will make an image move along the X axis. However, I want several other buttons to move that object along the X-axis to other locations regardless of where it is currently.
I want the object to move from one spot to a second spot, stop, and then move from that new location to either its previous spot or a new spot.
Basically having multiple buttons controlling where 1 or more image goes. I have seen banners that will scroll horizontally when you click different Menu buttons. The banner slides along the X-axis and stops to reveal the name of the new page on the banner (i.e. Home, About Us, Contact Us, etc.). When another menu button is pressed, the banner slides again to reveal the new title page name (ie. Home, etc).
(1) Is it possible to attach a more complex shaped body as one of the links, and still be able to control it as a line in circular motion? (for a clearer idea see URL...
(2) When you try to change the connector or follower lengths, the line lengths do not changed, even though they have been scaled to the distance between the points.
I have a movie running @ 24 fps. I particularly need to control a motion tween to run slower than the movie fps. How do i control frame rate of a particular motion tween.
I want to align some text to a path but I want it so that the each letter in the text follows the path and goes around curves and stuff. I don't just want a block of text following the path. This is what I am getting no
I have a bouncing ball movie clip that is being controlled by a guide layer. As the ball bounces I am rotating both the guide layer movieclip and the ball movieclip.
I need to find out where the ball is in relation to the stage. When I look at the balls x and y values they are in relation to the guide layer movieclip.
Is there a way to relate the location of the ball to stage coordinates as it rotates?
I received a Flash project from an outside source. In it I found that some library items had these grey, dashed guide lines. It seems like they are used for assigning resize boundaries or something. Anyways, i can't reproduce them in my own library elements nor can I find any information on them.
I'm trying to get a movie clip to follow a guide layer using action script. One thing that I have to do is "Create a movieclip and put it on a guide layer. Have it go along the path."
I know there are a ton of AS masters around, and am wondering if you ever used this book, did it help?I can't wait until I get it... my AS up until now has been half assed and improper.
New to actionscripting, have focused on the graphic end of things until now so apologies for the noobish question...I have a star that runs along a guide layer to draw a shape, I would love to duplicate the movie of the star so that it trails along the guide layer to leave a trail of stars along that path.
I'm trying to get a movie clip to follow a guide layer using action thing that i have to do is "Create a movieclip and put it on a guide layer. Have it go along the path."
If I perform a motion tween along a curved path, Flash CS4 does not allow to change the curves to "corner point" or "linear" in the motion editor. URL...
I have been searching far and wide for a solution on how to offer slow motion and fast motion options for users that upload video to my webstie. There is an implementation on Google Video that has exactly what I am looking for: the option to speed up or slow down the video and continue to play the audio. The screenshot is below. I know that Flowplayer has an option to slow down or speed up video when implemented with Wowza server. However, when using that approach, there is no sound.
I have also seen the option from Enounce called MySpeed that allows video to be slowed or quickened, but this requires a browser plugin which is too much of a barrier for our users. How does Google do it? How can you add an option to a flash player to slow down or speed up video?Here is a screen shot. You can see the option to change the speed of the video to 1.5x. It also has options to go to 0.5x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, 2.0x, 2.5x, and 3.0x.