Professional :: Purpose Of Motion Tweens + Movie Clip Symbols?

Dec 22, 2011

I've been going over several tutorials and whatnot and I'm confused on the point of movie clip symbols and motion tweens. To me using the other tweens and symbols are "easier". Can someone explain to me why they're so beneficial to have been added to CS4/CS5? Except I understand that movie clip symbols can be adjusted using the 3D tools but is that the only difference?

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Professional :: Scaling Symbols And Motion Tweens?

Jun 30, 2011

I created an animation with various symbols and motion tweens, mostly on outer level timeline.  At the end, I realized the resolution was too low for a quality quicktime export.  After scaling the canvas from 550x400 to 1650x1200, I tried scaling the rest of the objects using the "edit multiple frames" brackets, but every scene I try to do this to, only a few of the frames are scaled.  They start scaling and moving around all over the place fluctuating between the original and new positions.  So i have to go back and manually scale/reposition the tween spans.  Am I doing something wrong with the edit multiple frames thing or something?  Or is there an easier way to do this I haven't seen? 

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Professional :: Converted To Movie Clip Symbols?

Feb 23, 2012

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Professional :: Get Shape Tweens To Symbols To Show Up When At The Top Of Its Hierarchy?

Mar 29, 2012

I am trying to animate using a heirarchy of symbols and motion/shape tweens for the first time. I have my character built using symbols and groups of them are already in subgroups (I click on one symbol and I can go into that one and there's more inside that). When I go into my character's eye symbol and click the upper eyelid, I can shape tween a blink. It works fine when I scrub through the timeline while still in the character's eye symbol and it still shows up when I publish a preview. But when I go out of that symbol to the top of the hierarchy and play the animation in the frame, I can't see the blink. I don't know why it's happening, but I can't edit all my shapes without knowing where the ones I've already moved are.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Slider To Move After A Movie Clip Symbols Instead Of Button Symbols?

Oct 29, 2008

I used this tut to create a menu. [URL] And my question is; Can I make the slider to move after a movie clip symbols instead of button symbols? That way my menu would be animated.

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Professional :: Motion Tweens That Don't Stretch The Object

Jul 29, 2010

I am still making some language flashcards. there are about 20 on the page. when i click the card it is supposed to 'flip' so you can see the translation. the first card does pretty well but then as I continue to the next cards, the tween becomes worse and worse. for some reason as the card flips, its dimensions get thrown off and it becomes really wide or really tall. I want the flip to be a strictly horizontal flip over the y axis. What am I doing wrong?

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Professional :: Button Controlling Motion Tweens

Oct 4, 2011

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I want the object to move from one spot to a second spot, stop, and then move from that new location to either its previous spot or a new spot.
Basically having multiple buttons controlling where 1 or more image goes.  I have seen banners that will scroll horizontally when you click different Menu buttons.  The banner slides along the X-axis and stops to reveal the name of the new page on the banner (i.e. Home, About Us, Contact Us, etc.).  When another menu button is pressed, the banner slides again to reveal the new title page name (ie. Home, etc).

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Professional :: Symbols Not Following Motion Guide?

Mar 2, 2011

i am using CS4 on a PC, and I have created my motion guide layers as I normally do, created a path, but when I scrub the playhead, the symbol just goes from point A to point B without follwing my guide. Also they are not snapping to the guide. I have not done a motion guide in a while, what am I missing here. Also where is the pallete to turn on object orienting?

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Motion Tweens - Any Way To Make Layer Into Movie?

May 25, 2010

I have a shape on a layer and I have used a bunch of motion tweens on it. I need to dynamically move that shape but I can not figure out a way to accomplish this. Have I painted myself into a corner with this one?

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IDE :: Targeting Multiple Movie Clips In Motion Tweens?

Apr 2, 2009

I am trying to target multiple tweens, trying to turn their visibility false/true. I have named each tween in the tween properties box, and I have targeted them like this: plane.plane2.tween1._visible=false (and so on), but no go! Only the first of the seven is actually affected--the others are not.

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Oct 8, 2010

I've made 3 different symbols of a running Super Mario -- the first one is his first running frame in the Super Mario Bros. video game, the second one is his second running frame, etc. I would like to create a motion tween of these 3 symbols, so it looks like he's running from one point of the screen to the other. I'm unsure of how I would go ahead to accomplish this.

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Professional :: Make Each Object A Movie Clip Before Set It Motion Tween?

Jun 18, 2010

I have 10 objects in 10 layers to make a single logo. I have created them using flash drawing objects. Now I would like each object to come one by one on stage using motion tween. How can I go further? Do I need to make each object a movie clip before set it motion tween? Or do I need to make a single movie with all 10 objects as combined? Please note that I need each object to come on stage one by one (not a whole logo on once). Please provide help or any example tutorial link.

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Professional :: CS5.5 JSFL: Timeline.convertToKeyframes() Doesn't Work With Motion Tweens

Oct 26, 2011

I'm writing a JSFL script to export animations from Flash. I iterate through every frame in the timeline, and for each frame I go through every element in every layer, and write each Element's symbol name and matrix values out to a file. The problem is, if you've created animation using a motion tween, the exporter steps through every frame but sees the same matrix values for each Element in every frame. This is where I hit the first problem: Iterating through the timeline in this way doesn't seem to work. I can't see any way of getting the right information out for each frame.

There is a workaround: Namely, selecting all the animated layers on the timeline, and selecting "Convert to Frame by Frame animation" from the context menu. Then you run the exporter, and then you have to undo the "Convert to Frame by Frame" animation in order to continue working on the file. That's pretty messy, so I tried to automate the process, by having the export script perform the convert to frame by frame. When you perform the action, and look it up in the History window, Flash tells you that the JSFL command it used was the following:


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Professional :: Start Stop Motion Tweens With Keyboard Event (powerpoint Style)?

Jul 10, 2011

i've been looking around for answers to my problem to no avail. What I want to do is create a powerpoint style presentation. But rather than change slides, I have one large "graphic" that I am moving around and zooming into by "motion tweening" Now all I need to do is: (with a keyboard event) start the motion tween and then let it play out then start the next motion tween and let it play out and so on. all i have is this, which allows me to start and stop it when it is tweening, but isn't as effective as it stopping at then end of a motion tween, then allowing me to push a key and for it to go to the next "slide"


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Professional :: Animation Inside Movie Clip Symbols In "header" Part Of Website

Aug 15, 2011

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Professional :: "Create Motion Tweens" Not Working?

Aug 2, 2010

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Professional :: Moving A Mask Frame By Frame With Motion Tweens?

Jul 26, 2011

I making an animation for a preloader.In the animation, a 'line' draws a picuture.There are many lines,and I would like a mask to follow the lines so that it appears that they are being drawn.There are so many that it would be difficult to do this manually by moving a mask frame by frame with motion tweens.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tweens Don't Happen After Resizing A Movie Clip?

Aug 1, 2007

download the .fla (file updated for flash8) file, run it and you'll see the problem.

when i do this:

PHP Code:


ist seems that the motion tweens don't work any more.

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IDE :: Movie Clip Tweens Stop Working When Publishing For AIR?

May 11, 2009

I have a project that works perfectly when I publish it for Flash Player. However, when I publish it in AIR (which the final project needs to be published in), selective MovieClip symbols lose their tweens. One contains a dynamic text box field thats updated with data input from the user, the other just contains static text. Other movie clip symbols have tweens that still work just fine, and other symbols like buttons are tweening fine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Places A Movie Clip On The Stage And Tweens

Feb 17, 2010

I'm using AS3 to create some motion tweens in a game that I'm creating, though they have been pretty temperamental so far... Here's some code that places a movie clip on the stage and tweens it:


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Movie Clip Alpha Tweens Stop Working When Published?

Nov 20, 2009

I have 3 mc's that I have placed a tween on that fades them from 0% - 100% Alpha (simple fade-in effect). The animations are fine if I test the movie within Flash. However, after publishing, I lose all those tweens in my swf, and all I see are abrupt changes from 0% - 100% alpha. What could I be doing wrong?

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Use Movie Clip Or Graphic Symbols For Character Animation?

Mar 12, 2008

Should I use Movie Clip or Graphic Symbols for Character Animation? What do people who make TV shows use. If I'm not planning on manipulating any symbols with ActionScript and I'm not using a symbol that requires it's own time line like a walk cycle, is there any reason to use movie clips symbols? If I put my animation on the web will it download noticeably faster if I use graphic symbols instead of movie clip symbols?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying Movie Clip Symbols On A Timer?

Nov 15, 2010

I have 7 movie clip symbols which i would like to become visible using a timer.I would like to be able to make them appear one at a time, to a time of my choice after a 'start button' has been pressed.When the start button is pressed another movie clip already plays as a back ground. 

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Gallery - The Placeholder Movie Clip Automatically Tweens To Adjust To The Image's Dimensions

Sep 15, 2004

i've got 5 images. i want the following things to happen:

1. the placeholder movie clip automatically tweens to adjust to the image's dimensions.

2. the transition between each image is a la: [URL] -- front page when you enter

3. the images stay on the screen for approx. 5 seconds each.

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CS4 / New Tweens / Motion Editor

Apr 28, 2010

I'm struggling through trying to learn the new tween system. Is it just me or did they completely NUKE workflow with this new system? Is there any way to copy and paste the property keyframes?I often have animations where things loop, so the last frame of the motion tween needs to be the same as the first frame. In the old days I would just select and copy multiple keyframes from frame 1 and paste them at the end. Done in 5 seconds. The only way I can find to do this now is to hand set every freaking property on every freaking keyframe of every freaking object.

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Cs4 :: Add A Pause Between Motion Tweens?

Nov 12, 2009

I have scoured the web reading tutorials and lots of them discuss getting an object from point a to b.I simply want to move an object from left to right (no problem) pause for 20 frames, and then drop down.

I can accomplish it a few ways but it seems to involve way too many cryptic steps. One solution is fairly easy to implement but the resulting timeline visualization is really poor.[code]...

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IDE :: Motion Tweens Look So Jagged?

Apr 15, 2009

I have been working on this banner ad using motion tweens (with scaling) for four objects, three road signs and a background. Sometimes it runs very smoothly, but most of the time, the four objects run in a very jagged way? Does it have to do with four motion tweens happening at the same time?

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IDE :: Bug In Editing Motion Tweens?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm brand new to Flash (started last week). Playing with motion tween editing and thought I understood the difference between using the selection versus sub-selection tools.BUT...... Under certain circumstances (and I haven't been able to get a "handle" on what those circumstances might be), I seem to get a control point on EVERY frame, whether a key-frame exists at that point or NOT on the TL (also, whether I got the sel or sub-sel tool selected makes no difference).

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Fascinating Discovery The New Motion Tweens?

Aug 20, 2009

When I first started playing with the new motion tweens I realized that you cannot copy keyframe "properties" on multiple layers at once. You have to copy them one at a time. But I just found out that if you select the multiple property keyframes you can hold Alt and drag to duplicate them all at once.

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Motion Tweens And Changing Color?

Dec 12, 2009

so i watched the tut on motion tweens on how to change the color of stuff, but i guess im doing something wrong because its not working.are there  step by step directions i can follow? also how would one change the color of a gradiant over time?

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