ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Filtering XML With Multiple Conditions

Jul 7, 2010

I am trying to filter xml data based on a varying amount of factors, both category and range (code below). Is it even possible to put more than one conditional statement in an XML filter?

var l_results:XMLList = xml.products.product;
// testing
currentRanges = ["floss", "envy", "cool", "moon"];//


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PHP Code:[code].....

now i want it so that if one condition is met the mc will goto frame 2, if 2 conditions are met, frame 3 and if 3 conditions are met, frame 4.i know i could do this with a lot of if statements but i have a lot of movie clips to use this code on, so is there any way to write an if statement that will trigger different options if multiple conditions are met?

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if (origX == this._x && delay == 1)


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if (mp1._y != 555) {
new Tween(mp1, "_y", Strong.easeOut, 650, 555, .5, true);

how/where can I ad a second condition like


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trace("woah, this worked!");

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on (release) {
if (_root.busMove.bus == 2) {
_root.busMove.gotoAndStop ("A2beg");
_root.busMove.gotoAndPlay ("Bbeg") ;

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For example, I am trying to attach images 1-6 to a specific movieclip, and images 7-12 to another and so on.

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for (i=1; i<=6; i++) {
container.attachMovie("thumb"+i,"thumb"+i+"_mc",i) ;
for (i=1: i>6 && i<13; i++) {
container2.attachMovie("thumb"+i,"thumb"+i+"_mc",i );

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Jul 22, 2010

I am new here at Kirupa. I have read the xml tutorial by kirupa but I have problem with filtering my xml. Following is the situation. I have an XMLList : list =


So If there is more than one result no problem! Problem comes only when I have only one result.

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {


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Flex - Filtering XMLListCollection?

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story.attributes.year == "2005"

in the code below, so that only the nodes marked "2005" are displayed? Files are attached.

//Create textfield
this.createTextField("content_txt", 10, 0, 0, 390, 0);
//Create and load styles


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3 MovieClips - Using IF Function With Two Conditions

Feb 2, 2011

I ve used next script:
onClipEvent (load) {
if((_root. mc1._visible=true) and (_root.mc2=true)) {

To achieve next: mc3 is visible only when mc1 and mc2 are visible else its hidden, but this dont work, with this script on load all clips are visible on stage mc1, mc2, mc3, inspite there is a script which is hiding mc1, and mc2...(they should appear on stage on mouse event and this was ok before a inserted script from beginning of post, now they are always visible). How should I write this to make mc3 visible only when mc1 and mc2 are both visible on stage.

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Apr 21, 2011

Example of my XML list:

<nodeA id="1">
<nodeB id="1" />


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Sep 26, 2006

if(description_1 = "HELLO" && date_1 = 1981){
do Crap()


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Jul 3, 2011

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Having something like this in my XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<name day="monday">AAA</name>


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ActionScript3 :: Filtering Xml-attributes That Contain Dashes?

Dec 22, 2009

There are dashes in attributes of an xml, and I don't know how to filter them: Here you can see a simple example of the xml:

<photo-url max-width="1280"></photo-url>

Because also the photo-url-tag has a dash, I needed to parse it with ...child("photo-url"). This worked fine, but if I want to filter these tags(photo-url), in order to receive all photo-url's with the same attribute: "max-widht='1280'", I couldn't manage to do so. I tried this approach:

var photoUrl:XMLList ="photo-url").(@max-width==1280);

I get this error:

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable @max is not defined.

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