ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Desktop Application With Database?
Nov 2, 2010
I want to know if I can make a flash desktop application Depends on mySQL database or any database , but without need to php code or server , I want the application to work as a desktop application.
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protected function logout():void {
FacebookDesktop.logout(handleLogout, APP_ORIGIN);
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import flash.desktop.DragActions;
import flash.desktop.TransferableData;
import flash.desktop.TransferableFormats;
import flash.desktop.DragManager;
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Flex app posts login details (email, password) to a login action.The login action uses Zend Auth to check if the details are valid.The login action creates a unique hash (and stores it in the db somewhere along with the user's id) and returns a json object containing the hash along with the user's id to the flex app.Whenever the flex app makes requests to any action in the web app, it also sends along the user's id and the unique hash so the web app can verify the user.
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Apr 16, 2012
So, here is the question. I have a small flash application that sends some variables to a php script (via POST), and that php script sends them to a mySQL database.
This works fine when I'm testing my flash offline, I go to phpmyadmin, and the registry is done. When I upload the swf to a online html, this stops working. It no longer creates another registry in the database. I have no ideia why this happens.
I read a bit about it and found out about cross domain policy, and thought it might be the problem. Thus I made a small .xml file and uploaded it to both servers (the one the swf is on, and the one that has the database), and its still not working.
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Jul 1, 2010
I want to get data from a database of my site. In the setting of the project point out Root URL: http://...:** But what to set in Root folder?
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Nov 13, 2008
How do I script to connect /send a signal to the COM port of the PC from a Desktop Flash application. The Signals can be variables such as "1/2/3/4" . The signals will be send on a corresponding click in the flash application. For eg: if I click button "A" in the Flash application, it sends a signal "1" to the COM Port. If I click the Button"B", it send the signal"2" to the COM Port.
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Mar 1, 2012
I need a back button functionality in my Desktop application in flash, in my app there is lots of page including home page, I am able to go back at one level but how can I do this at number of level, What logic I should implement to maintain the back page at number of level.
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Jan 31, 2010
I am going to be utilizing a flash/jquery powered gallery on a webpage that is maintained and updated with an xml document. The xml data is used to add and sort images into a grid of small thumbnail images. i will customize this component so that when the user rolls over a thumbnail it will trigger jquery to replace a div using hide/show. My employer would like to try to create an adobe air desktop widget that will mirror the content of this gallery so that as entries are added to the site users can access the content automatically via the desktop. I was thinking there may be a way to utilize the same xml document to maintain the app as well as the gallery. As there is a fairly tight turn around on this project, i was wondering if anyone could confirm that adobe air apps can be maintained in this way, or how to approach this particular client request.
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Nov 7, 2011
I have a mx:html component in a AIR Desktop Application that load an external webpage into it...this webpage has an iframe in it and the iframe load (obviously) another page...I can't figure out how to get the code of the iframe...If I try to get the webpage content I only retrive the start page like:
File webpage.html
<iframe src="http://host/framepage.html">content default</iframe>
It's like as the second page is not loaded, but it's actually be loaded and rendered in the browser window (i tried also using a button so I can delay the search for the iframe content.
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