ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Load Flv From Network Drive To Swf In Http

May 17, 2011

I have an swf wrapped with swfobject in html on a intranet: url...That swf tries to access a flv file on a network drive: \sub.mydomain.comd atamediamymovie.flvI get an NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound error when i try to load that flv file. The code works fine when accessing files on the same http domain and when locally on my hd.I've tried both with single and double backslash i the path so that it isnt broken.. cause I noticed that flash removes single backslahses.It actually seem as if I cant access any file on the netwrok drive. So therefore I cant load a policy file (crossdomain) from that netwrok as well.Ive added the network path to the Global Security settings panel, but that doesnt help.But it actually works in plugin version 10.1.. but not in 10.2 or 10.0.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading FLV From Network Drive To SWF In HTTP

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I have an swf wrapped with swfobject in html on a intranet: [URL]. That swf tries to access a flv file on a network drive:
I get an NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound error when I try to load that flv file. The code works fine when accessing files on the same http domain and when locally on my hd.

I've tried both with single and double backslash I the path so that it isnt broken.. cause I noticed that flash removes single backslahses. It actually seem as if I cant access any file on the network drive. So therefore I cant load a policy file (crossdomain) from that netwrok as well. I've added the network path to the Global Security settings panel, but that doesnt work. But it actually works in plugin version 10.1.. but not in 10.2 or 10.0. How is that for weird. I think it has something to do with security sandbox when accessing file over networks.

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This isse occurs in flash player 10.2 but not in 10.1. Im sorry if my rusty english is making this hard to understand. I have an issue that causes my hair to turn grey. I think it has something to do with security sandbox when accessing file over networks share from http. I have an swf wrapped with swfobject in html on a intranet: [URL] That swf tries to access/stream/load a flv file on a network share unc path:[URL] I get an NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound error when i try to load that flv file. I catn even load an image from that share. The code works fine when accessing files on the same http domain and when locally on my hd.

I've tried both with single and double backslash i the path so that it isnt broken.. cause I noticed that flash removes single back slashes. It actually seem as if I cant access any file on the netwrok drive. So therefore I cant load a policy file (crossdomain) from that network as well. I've added the network path to the Global Security settings panel, I can provide you with more info if you want to.

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Cd/dvd Drive Or Flash Drive Name By In AIR Application(in Windows)

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package com.utils.loaders {


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var gal_uno_uno="";
var gal_uno_unoth= "";
var gal_uno_dos="";
var gal_uno_do= "";
var gal_uno="";

but, I don't want to specify the url of the images. Instead I want to pick up these images from my hard drive.

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urlRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
urlRequest.contentType = "application/xml";

When I make the calls within the Flash IDE, I get HTTPStatusEvent.status = 400 (or whatever) when an error occurs. And the contains xml (or sometimes a string).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Images From Hard Drive?

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var gal_uno_uno="";
var gal_uno_unoth= "";
var gal_uno_dos="";


but, I don't want to specify the url of the images. Instead I want to pick up these images from my hard drive.

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I am in the middle of building a kind of image editing application.Basically the user uploads their picture and then can draw on it, (sounds silly I know!).I was toying around with allowing them to just upload their file onto my server where it would be saved and then they could edit it through flash, but I don't want the responsibility of ****, child **** cyber bullying etc going on on my webspace!!

So I'm trying just "loadMovie" with the local path of a file, but it is not loading when I put the swf on the web! It all works fine locally but not on the web?Is there some security bypass I can write into my actionscript that will allow this?

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Jul 23, 2005

I'm having with loading variables from a text file that is sitting on a Hard Drive rather than the server?

I would like each computer station to pull data from the server based on their individual Station IDs (which is defined in the text file on the hard drive).

The path to the text file is C:StationID.txt - I am having trouble with defining the PATH to the text file on the actual hard drive.

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Actionscript :: Load Some HTTP URL From A Xml File Into A Function?

Jun 10, 2009

im trying to load some HTTP URL from a xml file into a actionscript function..Its xml gallery i was successfull in loading the pics the description but im stuck at the url....The XML file is structured this way....

<Node myURL="images/cow.jpg" myTitle="Cow" myDesc=" libero sed dapibus aliquet, quam risus luctus lacus, vitae tincidunt dui diam dictum mauris. Morbi tempor,  Nunc eleifend sapien ut odio pharetra eu aliquet eros fermentum. Proin et nisi vel risus eleifend pulvinar. "myThumb="images/thumbs/cow_thumb.jpg" onlinelink=""offlinelink="projects/web.swf"/>
I need to place the on and offline links into a onclick button fuction in i imported the xml data it works fine for the title so i used the same code for the url
here it is...
allOnlinelink.push(element .@onlinelink);        allOfflinelink.push(element .@offlinelink);
the next function pulls the url of the current index
var currentWeb:String = allOnlinelink[currentIndex];    var currentCD:String = allOfflinelink[currentIndex];


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Images Outside The Host's HTTP Level?

Mar 11, 2009

Is it possible to load images outside the host's HTTP level?

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Flex :: Load The Swfs Through Http So That The Client Browser Can Cache Them?

Dec 25, 2009

The client-side application is a Flex application and communicate with server-side java application using blazeds.As you know,most browsers don't cache SWFs loaded over https,but i want load the swfs through http so that the client brower can cache them and communicate with the server-side over https ?

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Flash - Installing Air Application From DVD Drive

Nov 3, 2010

We have an Adobe Air application. Now we'll make DVD's an ship them to potential clients. How can I be certain that the client can open this .air file if they don't have adobe Air installed? Also I saw that Mac's often wanna open .air files in applescript(also if Air is installed).

I know that there are install badge. But I think they don't work with local .air files. Or is there a way to install a local .air with a badge?

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Flash 10 :: Uninstall CS4 Bridge, Drive, Etc?

Sep 5, 2010

I got a complete package of creative suite cs4. Even though I didnot want to install additional components such as Adobe Bridge, Adobe Drive, etc. They got installed with the package. Now I have CS5 available, and I don't want these to keep occupy the disk space, atleast not CS4.

How can I uninstall these components, I don't really use them too. I looked into my Control Panel, but there is no option to uninstall them. I am using Windows 7.

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Flash :: Use Network Services For FDT?

Apr 22, 2010

I've recently started using FDT, for a while I was using FlashDevelop, it had a really handy feature in Compiler options where you can set UseNetworkServices to false which would stop the compiled swf from connecting to the internet and became very useful for running standalone flash apps without security warnings when loading in an external xml file etc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Network Url From Within Flash?

Nov 18, 2005

Just created a banner for our intranet and I have a getURL inside the flash which should open an html file on the local network. The paths:\networkcompetworkfolderfile.htmlIt works from my computer but when we put it on the intranet it doesn't.

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Flash :: Run A Program That Large And Complicated From A Drive?

Jul 28, 2009

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My question is: Would it be possible to copy the entire 300mb flash cs3 onto a 8gb flash drive and run it on the school's computer or is it even possible to run a program that large and complicated from a flash drive?

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Professional :: Deploy Flash On Thumb Drive?

Aug 4, 2011

it was decided to deploy the app on thumb drives. Other than creating the flash exe which I have done using flash cs4 are there any better tools available that does not include the File, View, Control, Help that I see in the cs4 flash created exes?

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Flash :: Autorun A Projector (Windows) From A USB Drive?

Sep 21, 2011

I got a Windows Flash Projector (.exe) that I need to autorun from a USB drive. I just want the user to be able to plug in the USB drive to their machine and have it start running without any menus. I've been using the following with no luck:


The project is composed of a number of .swf files that load into the "KSF_USB_main.swf" file. There are also PDF and FLV links within some of the movies. I have the "autorun.inf" file and all other files (including the .exe Projector file) on the USB drive. When I plug it in to a PC it brings up the "What Do You Want To Do?" window and doesn't autorun.

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Keep Files Between Flash Drive And Computer In Sync?

Nov 23, 2011

I have a computer and a flash drive that both have the same homework files. I take the flash drive to and from school to work on homework, and I have to manually update those files onto my computer. How can I automatically have the files on my flash drive update the files on my computer?

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Run Browser From USB Flash Drive On Locked Down Computer?

Nov 16, 2011

I'm considering making a Flex/AS3 based web application but worrying about some employers (i.e. potential customers) that don't have access to Flash plug in version 9 and up. Why? Maybe their corporate standard for browser is old; maybe they lock down employees computers which prevents users to download and install the plug-in or an alternate browser; maybe Flash's ubiquity goes away in the next 3 years given Adobe's recent announcements; etc.Anyway, my question is, would it be possible to insert a USB Flash drive into the client computer in question and run a Browser having flash (e.g. chrome) on the USB drive (assuming such a browser has already been installed on the USB drive), to access the web application with full functionality? I'm just trying to think of workarounds if my customer doesn't have flash plug-in and can't download to install it.

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