it was decided to deploy the app on thumb drives. Other than creating the flash exe which I have done using flash cs4 are there any better tools available that does not include the File, View, Control, Help that I see in the cs4 flash created exes?
We would like to deploy Flash Player in our corporate environment.Users are NOT administrators of their local machines, so just installing it on the image and leaving it is not an option.Telling users not to click the large Adobe Flash Player has an update splash screen is also not an option.
I am creating an AIR application using flex3 and actionscript3. there, i need to display dir content of cd drive/usb drive entered by user. how can i get cd/dvd drive name by actionscript3
Using a bunch of the tutorials on this great site, I've been teaching myself AS, and inparticular the XML parse, etc. with the loop commands to load an ideterminate number of images, etc. attributed in an XML file.I've got the attached code to work before - and it works well here too, loading all the thumbnails in their correct location, and as per the XML file. BUT now it's part of this page, the 'current_thumb' seems stuck on the last thumbnail, and a rollOver of any thumbnail will cause only the last one to action. In addition, when I put the trace command in on the onRollOut function (trace(current_thumb_mc) I get "_level0.menu_mc.item3_mc" no matter which of the four tumbnails I rollOver.
//Initial P Value p = 0; //Project Information //Assigning Information[code]..........
Ive used the excellent tutorial to create a scrolling thumb panel ([URL]) It works brilliantly and I have movie thumbs linking to a flash player. It all works fine, what change the scrolling. At current it scrolls up and down according to where I have set the 'line', I would like it to scroll up and down near the top and the bottom, rather than all the time (effectively creating a dead zone in the middle). I cant figure out how to change the code to get this to behave as required.
i have made some web pages with flash and my problem is that i want to show a thumb picture in facebook wall when i post there my website in the news tab.
i only found this to add in the index.html (?) after the head :
< link rel="image_src" href="images/logocolor1.jpg"/> (without the space after the < and the picture is inside the images folder)
I'm wondering if you can take the stock Flash CS5 scrollbar component and modify it to use a graphics for the thumb and track. I see that you can modify the art of the component, but it seems to have the 9 slice thing going on so it scales nicely... but doesn't work right with a graphic. What I need is to have a scrole like that attached photo.
We are professional game developers working on our first game in the Flash format. As the game will be about 70 megabytes in size we would like to allow the player the option of saving the game to hard drive to avoid reloading in the future.
OK I have been racking my brain to get this resolved and unfortunately there isn't a lot of info on the web. Scenario: We are in a shared environment. Central file server (Mac OS X server) over gigabit enet. We open flash files over the network and then we "try" to publish the files back to the same server in which the .fla is stored. (I have read John at Adobe's comments on the practice but this DID work).
So we access the flash file at /Volumes/ServerName/JobFolder/~Flash/ and we "attempt to" publish the .swf to /Volumes/ServerName/JobFolder/htmlfolder/flash .... this was working previously in flash 6-7 but in 8-cs3 it has stopped working and we are kicking ourselves to get some answers. When we try to publish we get the following error: "Error creating Flash movie file. Be sure the destination is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long."
I'm using Flash HSlider component. I used a slider with several thumbs. I'd like to prevent the user from draging just the middle thumb, but can drag other thumbs. I don't know how to do it.
I'm all done working on my gallery for my website.I have one last question: Now that I have a working thumb gallery, when I look at my scene there is no main image that pops up until you click on one of the thumbs.Is there a simple action script I can add so that when the person opens or load the page the very first image of my thumbs can pop up automatically?
We have an Adobe Air application. Now we'll make DVD's an ship them to potential clients. How can I be certain that the client can open this .air file if they don't have adobe Air installed? Also I saw that Mac's often wanna open .air files in applescript(also if Air is installed).
I know that there are install badge. But I think they don't work with local .air files. Or is there a way to install a local .air with a badge?
I got a complete package of creative suite cs4. Even though I didnot want to install additional components such as Adobe Bridge, Adobe Drive, etc. They got installed with the package. Now I have CS5 available, and I don't want these to keep occupy the disk space, atleast not CS4.
How can I uninstall these components, I don't really use them too. I looked into my Control Panel, but there is no option to uninstall them. I am using Windows 7.
I created a Flex app in a Windows XP environment using Flex Builder 3.
From the menubar, I selected "Project->Export Build Release" and moved the files from /bin-release onto my local server (WAMP).
I have a PHP file that connects to a db and delivers some data via XML
Everything works right on my computer. Then I tried to move the app to a mac.
I installed MAMP with the default settings (localhost:8888)
I can connect to the PHP file and get the XML by hitting the appropriate URL on @ http://localhost:8888/...
Likewise, I can connect to the html template and the swf executes, but it doesn't seem to be getting the data back, and I don't get any debug info popping up.
Are there security settings enabled by default in Mac OS that would not allow a flex app to request data from a remote resource (i.e. http://localhost:8888/ in this case)?
Im kinda new to using class and papervision3d and FLARManager. I created a FLAR project using flash cs4 to complile the .as files What do I need to deploy this to a I need to move everything that is in the org folder on the server?
I've have flash cs3 installed on my computer at home and flash mx 2004 installed on my school pc. I like to take my projects home with me to work on, the only problem is when I take the fla back to school they won't work on mx. I cant update the school's flash since I dont have admin privileges to install programs and I can't make an mx fla at home.
My question is: Would it be possible to copy the entire 300mb flash cs3 onto a 8gb flash drive and run it on the school's computer or is it even possible to run a program that large and complicated from a flash drive?
I got a Windows Flash Projector (.exe) that I need to autorun from a USB drive. I just want the user to be able to plug in the USB drive to their machine and have it start running without any menus. I've been using the following with no luck:
[autorun] open=KSF_USB_main.exe
The project is composed of a number of .swf files that load into the "KSF_USB_main.swf" file. There are also PDF and FLV links within some of the movies. I have the "autorun.inf" file and all other files (including the .exe Projector file) on the USB drive. When I plug it in to a PC it brings up the "What Do You Want To Do?" window and doesn't autorun.
I have a computer and a flash drive that both have the same homework files. I take the flash drive to and from school to work on homework, and I have to manually update those files onto my computer. How can I automatically have the files on my flash drive update the files on my computer?
I'm considering making a Flex/AS3 based web application but worrying about some employers (i.e. potential customers) that don't have access to Flash plug in version 9 and up. Why? Maybe their corporate standard for browser is old; maybe they lock down employees computers which prevents users to download and install the plug-in or an alternate browser; maybe Flash's ubiquity goes away in the next 3 years given Adobe's recent announcements; etc.Anyway, my question is, would it be possible to insert a USB Flash drive into the client computer in question and run a Browser having flash (e.g. chrome) on the USB drive (assuming such a browser has already been installed on the USB drive), to access the web application with full functionality? I'm just trying to think of workarounds if my customer doesn't have flash plug-in and can't download to install it.
I'm building a page that uses an array to deploy a series of timers that do a variety of things. The problem is at any point the user needs to be able to navigate away from the page and when they do they get a timer tick error. To stop this, I have been trying to write a function that stops all the timers which I can do when I write all the timers out the long way, but I'm failing when trying to stop the timers created with the array. I'm getting the following error: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property 3 not found on flash.utils.Timer and there is no default value.
Here is the code: Code: var timerRepeats:Number = 1; var currentTimerLength:Array = [1500, 4500, 500, 1500, 1500]; var i:Number = 0; var timerCount:Number = 0; var totalTimers:Number = 3; [Code] .....
I assume that this relates to my attempt to use the variable to identify each of the various timers and stop them (apparently flash is not actually creating an instance name for each of the timers like it would for a movieclip).
I developed an application using flex+java+blazeds with tomcat that provide flex enviroment.I want to deploy my application using tomcat but I can't, how can I deploy my app?
I have coded my Flex / PHP project in a local machine. I have used AMFphp for remoting and I got to deploy and test this application in a remote server. How could I do this using Flashbuilder 4.5?
Is there a script that checks if the flash is loaded from a local drive?Example: Keric opens a flash file. The script then checks if the file is being played from a local drive. If it's not, ads will be displayed.Something like a domain lock. Uhm, local drive lock?
I have an swf wrapped with swfobject in html on a intranet: url...That swf tries to access a flv file on a network drive: \sub.mydomain.comd atamediamymovie.flvI get an NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound error when i try to load that flv file. The code works fine when accessing files on the same http domain and when locally on my hd.I've tried both with single and double backslash i the path so that it isnt broken.. cause I noticed that flash removes single backslahses.It actually seem as if I cant access any file on the netwrok drive. So therefore I cant load a policy file (crossdomain) from that netwrok as well.Ive added the network path to the Global Security settings panel, but that doesnt help.But it actually works in plugin version 10.1.. but not in 10.2 or 10.0.