Flash :: Professional - Error "creating Movie File Be Sure The Destination Is Not Locked Or On A Locked Drive"
Jul 22, 2008
OK I have been racking my brain to get this resolved and unfortunately there isn't a lot of info on the web. Scenario: We are in a shared environment. Central file server (Mac OS X server) over gigabit enet. We open flash files over the network and then we "try" to publish the files back to the same server in which the .fla is stored. (I have read John at Adobe's comments on the practice but this DID work).
So we access the flash file at /Volumes/ServerName/JobFolder/~Flash/ and we "attempt to" publish the .swf to /Volumes/ServerName/JobFolder/htmlfolder/flash .... this was working previously in flash 6-7 but in 8-cs3 it has stopped working and we are kicking ourselves to get some answers. When we try to publish we get the following error: "Error creating Flash movie file. Be sure the destination is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long."
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$session = curl_init(trim(urldecode($_GET['url']))); // Open the Curl session
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Mar 26, 2009
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Jan 13, 2012
I have created a small flash project with 6 Scenes(two scenes contain flv clips 2 minutes each(1560 frames)). If I test each scene separately it runs perfectly, but when I try to run the whole movie it runs for 10 minutes "Exporting SWF Movie" and then stops without any errors or warning and without running project or creating swf file. I am using Adobe Flash Professional cs5.5.
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Jan 26, 2007
I have a movie which loads quiz questions from an XML file. This works perfectly, although editing the questions is a bit tricky. Whether it is possible to create an XML file from a flash movie.
I would like to create a simple template in which:
- the user enters the question and answer data
- the user chooses a filename for their data
- this data is saved to the hard drive in the form of an XML file
- this data can be accessed by a serarate quiz movie
Is this possible?
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