I have created a small flash project with 6 Scenes(two scenes contain flv clips 2 minutes each(1560 frames)). If I test each scene separately it runs perfectly, but when I try to run the whole movie it runs for 10 minutes "Exporting SWF Movie" and then stops without any errors or warning and without running project or creating swf file. I am using Adobe Flash Professional cs5.5.
I have created an SWF that loads an XML file from [URL], but I get this error when running the movie using Test Movie in the Flash IDE.
Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: http://localhost/flash/Projects/MEL/Quiz/Quiz/bin/xml/quiz.xml at Main/loadConfig()[D:wwwwebrootflashProjectsMELQuizQuizsrcMain.as:126] at Main/configLoadError()[D:wwwwebrootflashProjectsMELQuizQuizsrcMain.as:143]
Trouble is running the SWF in a browser locally does work, it only throws these errors in the Flash IDE.
I have tried a adding wildcard crossdomain.xml file in my root web directory and setting the SWF publish properties for local playback security to Allow network only, but neither of these have solved my problem.
I know Windows 7 handles localhost name resolution differently compared to previous versions of Windows but I have even added localhost to my hosts file to no avail.
Since I started using CS3 I sometimes get the following error: Error creating Flash movie file. Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long. It doesn't happen all the time, and I haven't been able to figure out what causes it. I have been able to confirm that it's not anything to do with locked files/drives, permissions, or file name length.
It happens with files created elsewhere (by other developers) that I've modified, and it happens with files I start from scratch - I can create a new FLA on my desktop and it won't publish. Sometimes (but not always), publishing to a different directory than the one the FLA is in will work. This is becoming a big problem. I'm on OS X 10.4.9, 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro 17", running CS3 Web Premium package.
I have a movie which loads quiz questions from an XML file. This works perfectly, although editing the questions is a bit tricky. Whether it is possible to create an XML file from a flash movie.
I would like to create a simple template in which: - the user enters the question and answer data - the user chooses a filename for their data - this data is saved to the hard drive in the form of an XML file - this data can be accessed by a serarate quiz movie Is this possible?
Whenever I am trying to open a swf file (any swf file) or test a movie from the flash ide the internal player is blank and output has the msg error opening url "the path of the swf file here".This is not a problem that has to do with loading external files etc. It just refuses to open any swf file and ofc or test any movie cause it keeps saying error in opening url even in blank movies.
The simplest thing New File -> AS3 -> Test Movie -> Error in opening url I can publish the movie with no problem at all and I can run all the swf files outside of flash ide. I can debug movie from flash ide. I can html preview it from flash ide but i can't just hit cmd+enter to test the fraking movie.
Is there a solution, similar to img data:image/gif;base64..., that allows to embed an swf movie in a HTML page without having to create a new swf file and link it in the src attribute?
I am working through an audio player demonstration in the book "Foundation Actionscript 3.0". When I try to publish my AudioDemo_final.FLA file I get the following error, "Adobe Flash CS3 - Error creating flash movie file. Destination directory does not exist. Change your publish settings."The following is displayed in my output panel >> Error opening URL 'file:///C|/Sites/flashcoder.net/FAS3/Audio/AudioDemo%5Ffinal.swf'My file directory is set up like this:AudioDemo_final.flasong1.mp3com.fas3.smc (folder)Main.asSounds.as
While testing the movie within Flash,the Test Movie window randomly goes blank, showing the stage color. The movie is still running, there's no error, it's just blank. When I resize the Test Movie window,everything reappears... Until a few seconds later, when it snaps back to blank... so I resize, it reappears, it disappears, I resize, it reappears, it disappears... over and over.Resizing even just one pixel is enough to get it to come back. Sometimes it happens every few seconds.
This might be related to another issue: If I Test Movie with the Bandwidth Profiler on, Flash CS4 doesn't resize the window correctly to fit my entire movie in it, resulting in a big blank space underneath the Bandwidth Profiler, and that same amount of space being cutoff the bottom of my movie. I haven't seen anything like this in 10yrs of Flash development. This is a Mac Pro, 8-core. The graphics card is ATI Radeon HD XT 2600. 6GB RAM. 10.5.3-10.5.7
The same FLA works without any issues on CS4/XP. The FLA saved to CS3 works without any issues on CS3/OSX and CS3/XP (same machine).I have all but given up on CS4 for OSX. Between the crappy framerates, the crashing, and not being able to TEST MOVIE, I just avoid CS4 on OSX and use CS3 on OSX or CS4 on XP.
Flash CS4 frequently crashes after trying to test my movie. I have a MacBook Pro OS 10.5.8. I have updated Flash CS4 as well. Here are the problem details in the crash report.
Then I test my movie from inside flash 9 (ctrl+enter) the MC I just edited keeps in focus: When I test a game and press UP DOWN etc. The MC inside my fla is moving too, while the compiled swf is playing!
I made a AS3 web site. Made my own classes and am using quite a lot of media in this site. At least 10 mp3s/page for 3 pages and one site with 20 short .flv videos. All data is being loaded with an external XML. I also use a lot of tweening from the TweenMax package. The final .swf is only 600 KB big.
When I export the site everything loads beautifully. But when I do like a lot of site changing - I counted that arround 30-35 page changes - make my flash player and Flash CS5 crash. It will crash also when I click through the pages slowly.
I am loading contents of a text file into a variable in my flash movie (this is a hybrid director/flash app - the director loads the contents of a text file into a variable in the flash movie). How would I test that variable to see if it is empty? I want to write a chunk of code so that if the variable has nothing in it, the movie jumps to a certain marker. Here is what I have so far:
Am I on the right track? The textfield that is the variable sits at the root level, and I am testing it from a movie clip, so should i make it _root.variablename?
I'm working on a rather simple game and learning AS3 as I go along. I've come a pretty long way so far but now after adding some lines of code and changing a few - when testing my movie, Flash player starts and almost immediately crashes. I've went over the code I wrote, but all seems fine. Yet, being a complete newbie at AS3 and programming in general, it is very possible I'm missing the culprit.
I have a Flash slideshow that will only play in a browser if I click File > Open and open the .swf file locally and directly (not in a web page). It has never played in a webpage, remotely on the web server or locally on the Wamp server. It plays correctly in Flash when I test it.I have tried uploading the HTML page that Flash generates (without any changes), and it won't even play in that file. I have also tried using Dreamweaver's "Insert Flash" feature, and that was no good either.Here is the direct link to the .swf:
http:[url].....Here is the page that Flash generated:
I am making a flash site and there is a main SWF which loads and unloads all other SWFs into and from it. For example, there are links to pages Home, Biography, Gallery, etc. When you click the Gallery link, gallery.swf loads and it is added to the main SWF.
So here's my problem: when I test my movie, everything works perfectly, but when I open the SWF that was created by testing movie in a stand-alone Flash Player or a browser, those SWF's sometimes don't load. If I click Biography link, for example, it usually doesn't load biography.swf but if I click Gallery link, which may or may not load gallery.swf, and then Biography link, there's a greater chance that biography.swf will be loaded.
I'm new to using flash and actionscript, but i'm looking to learn how to make a video or a series of videos play using flash. Where the user has to click on a specific part of the screen to play the next video. I'm using Flash cs3 to do this and again i'm new to this so i don't know how to navigate very well. If anyone could provide me with a tutorial or walkthrough on this that'd be amazing.
Why am I getting this error message when I try to test a clients swf file from a fla file....Error creating SWF movie file Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive
How do I fix it? I've gotten this before and dont remember what causes it.
I basically need to scale an object up when the user rollsover the button which I have created dynamically already and I need to make sure the object is fully scaled up before I can allow the user to scale it back down again.Ive tried putting 2 tweens (x and yscale) into a function but not sure how to check if the tweens have finished. Im assuming if I check the function is complete it wont take into consideration the tweens may still be running.
OK I have been racking my brain to get this resolved and unfortunately there isn't a lot of info on the web. Scenario: We are in a shared environment. Central file server (Mac OS X server) over gigabit enet. We open flash files over the network and then we "try" to publish the files back to the same server in which the .fla is stored. (I have read John at Adobe's comments on the practice but this DID work).
So we access the flash file at /Volumes/ServerName/JobFolder/~Flash/ and we "attempt to" publish the .swf to /Volumes/ServerName/JobFolder/htmlfolder/flash .... this was working previously in flash 6-7 but in 8-cs3 it has stopped working and we are kicking ourselves to get some answers. When we try to publish we get the following error: "Error creating Flash movie file. Be sure the destination is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long."
In Flash 5.0 i could create a file with ios-settings and test it on my pc by choosing Control/Test movie/Test or by using Ctrl + Enter. A new window opened. Now I have upgraded Flash to 5.5 and when I do the above nothing happens. In a tutorial I could see the teacher testing his ios-file on his mac so it seems like it should work.
I have a static text box with headers in one color, text with other color, and in this text there is also bold text and normal text, some of which are hyperlinks.The problem is that, when i render the movie out, flash creates line spaces between paragraphs, when there aren any spaces, it put all the words in the same line with the same weight, when theres is two diferent weights, and theres a hyperlink that doens
What does this mean? I presume that it has something do do with the toplevel.as file and $(LocalDate)/Classes'. Where can these files be found and how to i correct this error message.
When I go to publish my file in html I get an error message: "Error creating SWF movie file. Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long" I've done all of the above and still get the error. I can export the SWF but I need a transparent background so I need the html.
I recently updated text in a page. Now, when I test the movie, random characters within the modified text are missing. Is this a bug or am I overlooking something? I am using Adobe Flash CS3 on Windows XP.
how to set flashvars when running a movie in CS4 using Control->Test Movie? Under ActionScript 2 I could just set _root.flashVar, what's the equivalent in AS3?
I want to know what the parent of my click button is. Reason is that I have two almost identical MCs, each with 5 buttons in them and they load different things, depending what the parent is.
Here is what I have:
function tickClick(e:MouseEvent):void { trace("tickClick " + e.currentTarget.name);
I can't get the ifStatement to trigger. What am I missing? case1FLVs is the instance name of he MC holding the buttons that trigger this function.
I followed this tutorial: [URL]but I work in CS4. I followed the tutorial to the letter, but apperantly there is something wrong... All I see when I test the movie is this:
Is there a way to test the _y of all movie clips and set a function that if there is a movie clip at _y = 75 that it is 'topMovie' and if another clip is at (topMovie + topMovie._height) THAT movie will be 'secondMovie' and so on ad infinitum?
I followed [URL] but I work in CS4.I followed the tutorial to the letter, but apperantly there is something wrong... All I see when I test the movie is this:
I tried to change the publish settings back and forth, but using Flashplayer 8,9 or 10 and actionscript 2.0 or 3.0 doesn't make any difference.
When I test the following code inside of Flash, everything works well. When I publish the movie, and see it, I find that one of the functions doesn't work the way it worked (highlighted in the code)....