Flex :: Osx - Deploy App To MAMP Server
Jan 13, 2011
I created a Flex app in a Windows XP environment using Flex Builder 3.
From the menubar, I selected "Project->Export Build Release" and moved the files from /bin-release onto my local server (WAMP).
I have a PHP file that connects to a db and delivers some data via XML
Everything works right on my computer. Then I tried to move the app to a mac.
I installed MAMP with the default settings (localhost:8888)
I can connect to the PHP file and get the XML by hitting the appropriate URL on @ http://localhost:8888/...
Likewise, I can connect to the html template and the swf executes, but it doesn't seem to be getting the data back, and I don't get any debug info popping up.
Are there security settings enabled by default in Mac OS that would not allow a flex app to request data from a remote resource (i.e. http://localhost:8888/ in this case)?
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[Code] .....
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editCode sample taken from other post. Warning: it's a huuuge chunk o'code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
xmlns:MyComp="client.components.*" layout="absolute" height="554" width="817"
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