ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash With Ternary Operator And Break

Jul 6, 2011

Flash with ternary operator and break I ran into a problem where the following works fine...


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(targetRatio > destinationRatio) {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Line Break In Flash

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TypeError: Error #1123: Filter Operator Not Supported On Type

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import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;


I just cant get rid of that error.

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Professional :: Png And Jpeg In Flash For Break Apart Command?

Mar 11, 2010

why the png function differs from jpeg in flash when the break command is put to use.when i import a logo png into flash and then go to modify>break apart all .the logo then has a rectangle full of black dots and i cant keep just the logoso its hard to remove and keep just the logo required.but importing a jpeg and then using the command modify>bitmap>trace bitmap i get a good result with none of those multiple black small what id like to know is,if a png can have the command=modify>bitmap>trace bitmap applied to it.i would have upload a file for better explanation but...they have been disabled for a while.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Menu Break Out Of Frame?

Apr 25, 2005

I have build a hybrid site where the navigation at the top is Flash, and the bottom is html. On all the pages, I have used straight html with no frames. That's all fine, but the client has one page that must be loading an external page into a frame. So I have a frameset where the top frame has the Flash navigation and the bottom frame loads the external link. This works fine, but then when I click to one of the other links in the Flash navigation, it loads that page into the frame where the Flash movie (nav) is. I tried to set the links in the Flash nav to the window being _self, and _top, and this just loads it in a new window.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Menu Break Out Of Frame

Apr 25, 2005

I did some searching on this topic and couldn't find anything relevant. My problem is basically that I have build a hybrid site where the navigation at the top is Flash, and the bottom is html. On all the pages, I have used straight html with no frames. That's all fine, but the client has one page that must be loading an external page into a frame. So I have a frameset where the top frame has the Flash navigation and the bottom frame loads the external link. This works fine, but then when I click to one of the other links in the Flash navigation, it loads that page into the frame where the Flash movie (nav) is. I tried to set the links in the Flash nav to the window being _self, and _top, and this just loads it in a new window. Does anyone know a workaround for this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F8] Break Line In Flash-PHP Contact Form

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CS5 :: Armature Shapes Disappear / Break On Load In Flash

May 17, 2010

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Flash :: Prevent Automatically Adding A Line Break?

Feb 10, 2012

I have an issue with a specific string variable. It is automatically adding a line break after the text in the string characterName. On this frame I have a input text box with an instance name of name_Input and a submit button that executes the following code.

var characterName:String;
characterName = name_Input.text;
//The next line was a solution I tried for this problem but it doesn't work


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Break Up All The Info In XML In Order To Bring It Into Flash

Jul 16, 2008

I am working on a projects showcase page. I don't quite understand how to break up all the info in XML in order to bring it into Flash. I have played around with a bunch of tutorials and samples but none go this deep.... I have 5 categories. In each category there will be a number of projects.

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Flex - Flash: How To Break Out Of A Lockup Resulting From No Idle Time

Mar 13, 2011

I have a Flash 10 program that locks up when running on a device, such as a netbook, that has a weak processor.Specifically, it goes into a state where it is doing very heavy processing within an ENTER_FRAME event handler following a mouse down event, and expects to stop doing this processing following a mouse up event. The problem is that, since there is no idle time left over following the frame event handlers, the mouse up event is never received, and consequently the process locks up in what amounts to an infinite loop. Yes I can do things like lower the frame rate and do what I can to reduce the processing taking place in each frame, but is there some iron clad way to break out of this? Is there some way to detect that no idle time exists? Or is there a way to force receipt of the interactive mouse events? Or could I, within the ENTER_FRAME code, detect the state of the mouse, up or down, without getting a mouse event?

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Nov 10, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Like Or Contains Operator ?

Aug 11, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Where Is The Or Operator On The Keyboard

Oct 17, 2010

I am going though a tutorial were I need to us an or operator its showing it as two vertical lines? How do I input that? I can't find anything like it on my keyboard and in the book it just mentions that the two lines represent the or operator and not how to even put in in the code?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OR Operator, Using Correctly?

Jan 17, 2005

why doesn't this work?


basically in english, i'm trying to say that:if color is equal to purple or orange or brown then do this, else if color is equal to red or pink or green, then do this.the error the above code is having is that, no matter what _root.currentSection is, it always goes to the first if statment, so leads me to believe i'm using the || operator wrong.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Randomize Operator

Mar 1, 2003

I'm trying to get flash to randomize an arithmetic operator from a set of operators, i.e.operators = + - * / etc and I want flash to randomly pick one from the list!How do I do this? I looked at the random tut on kirupa but I don't know how to make it work with anything other than numbers!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OR Operator In If Statement

May 18, 2005

I'm trying to check to see if all the other movieclips on the stage are on frame 1.If they are, then on release of this button go to and stop on frame 2 of a specified movieclip. If any of the conditions in the if statement are false (any of the movieclips are not on frame 1) then I want to send all of the movieclips on the stage to frame 1 and then send the specified movieclip to frame 2.The code that I am using is below.I have placed this code on the instance of the button and all the movieclips and button are on the main stage.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Concerning Logic Operator -=?

Sep 19, 2005

Im doing a tutorial in a book that moves a car from one end of the screen to the next by buttons.When you release a button it moves the car 10 pixels more down the X axis.The code confuses me and I want to understand it Please Help!

Here is the code:

// stop the cars traveling
// callback for onPress event on 'back' button
back_btn.onPress = function() {
// move my car -10 pix


Why does the - sign and + sign appear before the = instead of after?Is this a logic operator(-= or +?Why doesn't putting the - sign or + sign after the = work?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use A Plus Or Minus Operator?

Jan 7, 2009

Is there any simple way to use a plus or minus operator in AS2? To give this context, lets say I want to randomize a speed, higher or lower, on event (passing a certain x or y value) (like a ball bouncing around in a bounding box,but create some random rebound angles).I'm essentially asking if there's anoperator for the symbol '�' in AS2...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GetChildAt And Is Operator?

Apr 15, 2012

From a position on an Array of sector Sprites on an 11 x 11 grid, I am trying to "sense" what Child occurs at nearby sector Sprites. I felt certain I could use something like this

if (sectorArray [currentSector - 11].getChildAt is MovieClip) {
//do stuff

but it doesn't seem to work. I changed my visibility settings to true, thinking the false visibility might be a problem, but no result.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OR Operator Using Correctly?

Jan 17, 2005

why doesn't this work?


basically in english, i'm trying to say that: if color is equal to purple or orange or brown then do this, else if color is equal to red or pink or green, then do this. the error the above code is having is that, no matter what _root.currentSection is, it always goes to the first if statment, so leads me to believe i'm using the || operator wrong.

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May 27, 2009

How can I prevent concatenating when using the addition operator? totalCost_txt.text = (firstCost_txt.text + secondCost_txt.text)I can replace the "+" with any other operator and it works. (huh?)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: What The %= Operator Does In Simple Terms

Oct 22, 2009

what the %= operator does in simple terms?Like for example what is it doing in the code below:
var durationSecs:Number=Math.floor(meta.duration);var durationMinutes:Number=Math.floor(durationSecs/60);
durationSecs %= 60; durationMinutes %= 60;

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Use != Operator For Just Part Of The Text?

May 2, 2010

I would like to use a simple if statement.
else{ bla bla bla}


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert A String To An Operator?

May 26, 2010

Is is possible to convert a string (i.e. "+") to an operator which I can use for a mathematical statement?

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