ActionScript 3.0 :: Font Embedding From The Stage Using Dynamic Text
Oct 22, 2009
I've been working on this all day. All I need is the font to be able to be both bold and regular in one string. However, while the string is being written on screen once it hits the bold tag (I have the string writing into a htmlText textarea) everything becomes bold. I can't seem how to figure out how to get it both bold and regular. Ive tired embedding via AS and from the stage using dynamic text. Nothing has worked.
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Jun 10, 2010
Im using a standard font (Gotham rounded) within a dynamic text field. As soon as I embed the numerals within this text field the text lowers within the text field.Double clicking the field then renders the text higher up! It seems that the height it shows when I double click is the height it compiles atThe other strange and annoying thing is that my colleague working on the same project is using the exact same font and same file but this doesnt happen to him and so the font redners out differently when he compiles
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May 20, 2010
1) Create a New Flash File (AS 3.0)
2) Put a dynamic text field there, named textBox
3) The font is Trebuchet MS - BOLD. (example... can be any bold font)
4) Using "Character Embedding", I've embedded numerals, for example.
5) In first frame, I put the code: textBox.text = "1";
6) If I compile at this point, the "1" will appear.
7) BUT.... if I put a static text box with anything typed, using Trebuchet MS - REGULAR, and compile the FLA again, the number 1 WON'T appear!
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Feb 3, 2010
Is there a known bug for the following case?
A project I'm working on doesn't seem to handle font embedding correctly when the font is added dynamically using actionscript. When I test my movie it does not display the embedded font at all. Curious about this is, that when I create an empty project using the same code and then embed the font and test the movie it displays the font without any problem.
Sometimes a reboot of the machine I'm working on will suffice to make the embedding work again, but sometimes is not all the time. So I was wondering if there was a memory related bug that causes this behavior. If so, is there any sight on a solution for this bug? It's more than annoying to reboot eight times a day, just to test a movie.
How did I embed the font:
1. Create a "New Font" in the Library, set the properties and give it a classname.
2. Using actionscript to embed the font in a dynamically generated TextField.
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.text.Font;
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Mar 8, 2011
I'm trying to create dynamic textfield with font embedding. Embeding is dynamic like this:
public class TextFormats extends TextFormat {
private var TF:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
[Embed(source = "/fonts/tahoma.ttf", fontWeight = "normal", fontFamily = "tahomaNormal")]
var fontTahoma:Class;
private var fTahoma:Font;
[Code] .....
When I compile it in flash CS4, embeded text appears on stage fine! But, when I tried to compile it with flash CS5, the text do not appear and no error warnings. What is the reason? Should I use another methods for font embedding?
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Feb 7, 2011
I'm trying to embed a font in my project by using url("font.ttf") rather than local("Font Name"), but it doesn't seem to pick it up. The font in question is called "Gotham Bold". When i view the details of the font, the font weight is regular, however when i use local("Gotham Bold") in the css i have to specify fontWeight: bold or else it wont pick it up. But when I use url("folderGotham-Bold.ttf"), and specify fontWeight: bold, it says that font weight is not found for that TTF. If i remove the fontweight, there's no errors, but the font is not applied to the text.
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Apr 16, 2011
I have a strange issue where a dynamic text field will not show a bold version of a font (Gerstner BQ) if the regular version is on the stage in a static text field.Remove the static text field and the dynamic text field displays the bold font correctlyI have created a test FLA to reproduce this and by turning the layer with the static text field on and off (Publish settings -> Flash -> include hidden layers [unchecked]), the issue is quite clearhis issue is so big for me that I have had to abandon a project in CS5 and start again in CS4 just to work around this.
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Sep 11, 2010
My goal it so be able to rotate the text.
package com.ryancanulla.airforandroid.view {
import com.ryancanulla.airforandroid.model.MainModel;
import com.ryancanulla.airforandroid.utils.AssetsManager;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
[Code] .....
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Oct 30, 2009
I've developed an application which uses a couple of variations of the same font throughout.I have embedded the relevant font in to every single text field throughout the application (using the embed dialogue box).However whenever I change the text in code, the font is displayed differently. I have even tried setting it to embed every character from the font in to the field, and I have also added the font as a library component and exported for actionscript. It looks like it is losing its weighting.
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Sep 3, 2010
I tried a sample code I found online but the text doesn't show up. Is there something wrong with this code? [code]When I run this code, there is no text displayed. If I hover the mouse to the upper left corner, the cursor turns into an I beam, but there is no text. The whole page is just white.
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Jul 9, 2004
I am having trouble rendering text that has html tags. I has to do with the font embedding options.I am passing a string to a field text variable (same thing happens for fieldname.htmlText) and here is what happens:let's keep it simple and say I pick Arial as my text field font.
1) If I don't embed any font outlines for that text field, the text field displays the string correctly (with the html right formatting) since my system has Arial installed.
2) If I embed the font outlines:[code]
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Dec 15, 2009
I've tried several solutions to get this to work on a dynamically created text field. None of them get the job done.
The font I want to use (let's call it FancyFont) is in the library and does have actionscript linkage. It is exported in Frame 1.
Approach 1: Using CSS:
Since I would like to ultimately be able to change the string dynamically, I'm not loading from an external file.
var styleString="body{font-weight:bold; font-family:FancyFont;} .red {color:#cc0000}"
var style:StyleSheet=new StyleSheet();
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Dec 21, 2002
So, I have some HTML text loaded from a text file into a dynamic text field and I'm using an embedded font to display that text.
What I would like is to get that embedded font to show the italic tagg or underline, etc... the manual say they are supported and they do work when I don't embed a font but use a standard "arial" or whatever... When I use the embedded font, the HTML tags don't work anymore, besides the one to make links... I can understand why the italic or bold don't work since I did not embed those ones and I don't see how I could assign 3 fonts to the same text field anyway... But I thought the color or underligned would work... Anyway, when I embed the fonts, I get all kind of strange buggy behaviors (like, sometimes the text doesn't wrap inside the text field box even though it's specified in the actionscript style defnition, but sometimes it does...)Is there a way to embed fonts, not within flash, but within the HTML text itself? I mean, is there a technology that allows HTML document to display fonts that are on the server's computer instead of the computer viewing the page? So I could bypass Flash embedding the font for the HTML alltogether.
View 4 Replies
Jul 9, 2004
I am having trouble rendering text that has html tags. I has to do with the font embedding options.I am passing a string to a field text variable (same thing happens for fieldname.htmlText) and here is what happens:let's keep it simple and say I pick Arial as my text field font.
1) If I don't embed any font outlines for that text field, the text field displays the string correctly (with the html right formatting) since my system has Arial installed.
2) If I embed the font outlines:
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Sep 15, 2010
-Adobe Flash IDE (CS3)
First off let me say I did try creating an extra text field off of the main stage set to Bold, and it's Verdana so I'm not exactly "selecting" a second font file all together to be embedded. Instead I am just setting the textfield property Bold to ON.
SO FAR I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but it does not want to go Bold. Aside from using Flex, which I know nothing about.
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Oct 5, 2010
I am working on a as3 project in which the user select a font from Combo Box and that font SWF should be loaded Dynamically and then i need to change the font of the Dynamic text field.
I have swf font files downloaded from [URL]
My question is that how can i load the font swf dynamically from server and add them to the library and how can i use that swf to change the font of dynamic text field.
if there are embedded fonts in library the i can access them using this- --
var fontList:Array = Font.enumerateFonts();
for( var i:int=0; i<fontList.length; i++ )
trace( "font: " + fontList[ i ].fontName );
But How to use dynamically loaded Font swf as a font type.
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Nov 28, 2007
Is there a way to embed a font for an entire swf instead of embedding every single text area?
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Apr 19, 2010
I have a program and use there dynamic text. For this text i use special font CAMPFIRE.ttf.A lot of users dont have this font on their pc but i want then they open my .swf and see this font.For this i use next code:
var fooFont:foo = new foo();
var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
but i dont see my dynamic text correct. I see strange space on top, also dont see bottom part of text.pic preview: All code here:
package {[code].........
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Oct 4, 2010
I need to present chemical formulas with subscripts and superscripts in a dynamic text box. To do this, I've downloaded and embedded the GG Subscript and GG Superscript fonts, created a dynamic text box with Arial as the font, and added ActionScript code to change the font when I need subscripts and superscripts. the following is a simplified version of my code.
I get a compiler error 1119 Access of possibly undefined property html through a reference with static flash.text:TextField. The text box is a dynamic text box, not static, so I'm puzzled.I don't get this error with the GG Subscript code above.
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Mar 4, 2009
This is what I am trying to do, but I am not sure if this ispossible with the constrains of AS3.I am trying to embed the font outlines to be used fordynamically created textfields by creating (using the Flash IDE) adynamic text field off of the stage, embedding the fonts in it andthen refer to the font when creating a TextField using code.
Here is some quick sample code...
var tNew:TextField = new TextField();
View 3 Replies
Jan 15, 2010
I need access to a range of font glyphs for a localized flash application. I am using Myriad Pro which supports character sets such as Greek and others. Is it possible to embed all font glyphs by simply adding the font to the library and checking the option Export for Actionscript?
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May 5, 2009
I am having trouble embedding a font in my Flash file. I have the font in my library. I have the text field selected to that font with the * next to it. In my actions I have: vid_title_txt.embedFonts = true;
If I set it to false instead, it shows a different font. But if it is set to true, nothing shows.
View 5 Replies
Oct 15, 2004
Why do the dynamic text font size appears smaller than what I specified in the flash dynamic text properties? I used a font size of 50 for the dynamic text and when I test movie, it appears to be only a font size of 12. Why is it so?
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Mar 5, 2010
I`m making a matching game that uses dynamic text fields, but cant embed the fonts, I`ve tried everything I could think of, even adding a text box with the embed fonts, or loading them from an external file, nothings absolutely happens, I`m completely clueless, can you help me?This is my code, is in as2, can`t change it to as3 cause the whole game stop s working,
function aleatorio(min, max)
var _loc2 = true;
View 1 Replies
Mar 5, 2010
I`m making a matching game that uses dynamic text fields, but cant embed the fonts, I`ve tried everything I could think of, even adding a text box with the embed fonts, or loading them from an external file, nothings absolutely happens? This is my code, is in as2, can`t change it to as3 cause the whole game stop s working
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Sep 14, 2010
First off, I don't have a copy of Verdana bold. It's no where on my hd and I don't know the first thing about making fonts so that is out of the question.I've been searching for a couple of hours now and it seems the tried and true solution is to embed multiple versions of the font off the stage.Ridiculous. Right? In either case, I am pleading to all you Flash Jedi out there to please tell me there is another way? I refuse to turn to the dark side.
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Aug 4, 2010
I've been trying to change text in a textfield on a scrollpane dynamically without embedding fonts. However, the text doesn't show up at all. I tried using device fonts but still nothing.
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Jan 16, 2011
So, I have some basic actionscript code. It's a legacy site, so I'm using AS2. The line of code simply does this:
myField.text = "some text"
So, I select the text field on the stage, then ensure the font is embedded. All the glyphs I want are checked, but then when I compile and test, the fonts don't show up when the code is executed. Instead, the textfield is blank! What happened?! Where did the text go?
I should mention that the .swf which I compile is loaded into another parent .swf during runtime. If that parent .swf does not contain embedded fonts, is that why it's broken?
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Nov 21, 2009
I have exactly the same font settings for Static Text and Dynamic Text but the Static Text looks much sharper. Anyone knows why?Font: Trebuchet MSSize: 30 ptAnti-Alias for readability
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Mar 17, 2009
i'm using a font called "AGBookBQ-Regular" in a dynamic text box, which loads a text file. i understand that to include the bold and italic options, i have placed another text box just out of view off the stage with these two options selected.italic works fine but the bold makes very little difference... it only stretches the font slightly.i've searched for the answer to make a much bolder font and it seems you can use a specific bold font as the bold font.i've tried this, but nothing happens. i think i'm interpreting it correctly, but if someone could please confirm this works and perhaps explain it a little clearer (using my specific font names... "AGBookBQ-Regular" and "AGBookBQ-Medium" as the bold font).
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