ActionScript 3.0 :: Form With Upload And Multiple Mails

Apr 22, 2009

I am trying to make a form in flash. But I have two problems, first, I need the form with any way to attach files that are sent along with the form data to an email. And second, i need a button with names of people and depending on which name you choose, the form data and the attach are sent only to these people (the chosen names).

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So far, I have a basic form that adds up the items using static, input and dynamic text fields. I also have a simple e-mail form. They both work fine but I need to combine the two. Somehow incorporate the e-mail functions to the "shopping kart" form and email them.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Form With File Upload?

Feb 15, 2012

I'm trying to put together a news system which allows users to write a headline, a short article (300 words)then upload an image to with the piece.I can do the text part with LoadVariables ("uploader.php" , this, "POST" )  which just sends the vars to php and then on into an SQL table and I can do the upload image part with the code below (taken from a Kirups tutorial) - but I can't seem to do both in one go .I Don't care if the image goes to a blob in SQL or into the file system of the server - I just need the text posted to SQL and the image uploaded.

var progressBar:MovieClip;
var reference:FileReference = new FileReference();[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multi File Upload Form?

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Flash Contact Form With Upload

Jan 6, 2010

I am trying to build a Contact form with upload along with it...I need to somehow connect the email address which the user sends through the contact form to the upload script, which is written in php, so that i could rename the uploaded file with the first part of the email address, which tends to be unique..The flash code for the upload goes like this:-

Inside the last part of the code which is "uploadButn_mc.onRelease" you can see two calls to the same php file..With that iam trying to send the variable which the user inputs through the contact form I have given another line for inside the sendbutton of the contact form.onRelease which goes like this "senderload.name_txt = tf_3.text;" where tf_3 is the email textbox name in flash Can you tell me if calling the same php code from two different functions(last part of the upload script) that is sendAndLoad and upload is wrong..The error that iam getting is security sandbox error..Php code goes like this:


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2. The file that is uploaded by the user should also be sent as attachment in the same mail. I'm not able to figure out how to add the feature of file upload in ActionScript.
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Upload Multiple Photos Like Facebook?

Feb 26, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Upload Multiple Files?

Oct 18, 2011

I have an array which contains multiple Filereferences.Currently, I am using a loop to upload them with PHP and all is well

ActionScript Code:
for (var i=0; i<MaxNumFiles; i++){
if (PDFFiles[i] != false){ 


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Flex :: Multiple Upload Progress Monitoring?

Sep 20, 2009

I have a Flex3 application which has to be capable of uploading multiple files and monitoring each files individual progress using a label NOT a progress bar.

My problem is that a generic progress handler for the uploads has no way (that I know of) of indicating WHICH upload it is that is progressing. I know that a file name is available to check but in the case of this app the file name might be the same for multiple uploads.

My question: With a generic progress handler how does one differentiate between 2 multiple uploads with the same file name?

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Java :: Multiple File Upload (even Folder)?

Jan 25, 2010

I'm looking for an easy to use (free) "module" that can upload multiple files / folders.
It must:

Support image files
be user-friendly
be customizable

It may be written in:

RoR (Ruby On Rails)

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Javascript :: Searching For A Multiple File Upload?

Sep 23, 2010

I'm looking for a multiple file upload button. the ones I've found areswfuploaduploadifyI want to integrate it in a django app. ATM the only one which is working without any problems and is in widespread use seems to be swfupload.

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Php :: Multiple Upload Tool, Script Or Plugin?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm trying to make an upload function in this website I'm working on, but till now no succes.

I tried using Plupload, but can't get it to work. Same goes for Uploadify, can't find any tutorial or good explanation in how to install these plugins in your webpage. use multiple upload tool I can easily implement in the page?

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Javascript :: Upload Button For Multiple Files?

Aug 22, 2011

I want my file upload to be very simple, and what could be simpler than just a single button. The requirements are that you should be able to upload multiple files at once. It would definitely be an advantage if I could add file format filters as well, and design the button by myself (including the hover event).

I searched and found Plupload, which seemed to be awesome with the easy setup and functionality, but I can't quite figure out how to create my button; I've only found their Custom upload, which prints out the file names and requires at least one click on another button before it's done (and I can apparently not add any hover-attribute). I tried to edit the JavaScript to make the form be sent after all the files had been added, but failed.

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Flash :: Why Get Blocked When Upload With Multiple URLLOADERs?

Sep 19, 2011

I want to upload images with multiple URLLOADER s,so that i could save the time when waiting for the COMPLETE_EVENT.

Sometimes it could get blocked,and it does not give a completion event, does not give a security error, does not give a status event and does not throw an exception. It simply never fires any event at all.

private const RO_NUMBER:int = 2;
private var roPool:Array = new Array();
public function init():void {


the load operation is asynchronous and single thread .why could this get blocked?

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PHP :: Multiple File Upload With Parameter Passing Not Working

Apr 7, 2010

I have created my own file upload flash app that has been working great for me up until this point. It uses PHP to upload the files and sends back a status message which gets displayed in a status box to the user. Now I have run into a situation where I need the HTML to pass a parameter to the Actionscript, and then to the PHP file using POST. I have tried to set this up just like adobe has it on [URL] without success.

Here is my Actionscript code:
import fl.controls.TextArea;
//Set filters
var imageTypes:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Images (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png)", "*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png");
var textTypes:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Documents (*.txt, *.rtf, *.pdf, *.doc)", "*.txt; *.rtf; *.pdf; *.doc");
var allTypes:Array = new Array(textTypes, imageTypes);
[Code] .....

The flashVars variable is the one that should contain the values from the HTML file. But whenever I run the program and output the variables in the PHP file I receive the following.
//Using this command on the PHP page
//I get this for output
Array (
[Filename] => testfile.txt
[Upload] => Submit Query
Its almost like the parameters are getting over written or are just not working at all.

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Actionscript 3 :: Upload Multiple Files In One Request In Flash?

Mar 24, 2011

I'm need to simulate a web form's ability to include as many File inputs as one wishes in the FORM and have all the files arrive together in one request.

What's the prescribed method for performing said operation in AS3?

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Javascript :: Multiple File Upload (client Side)?

Jan 5, 2012

I'm looking for multiple file upload component with alternative ways.I need HTML5, Flash and normal upload support, depended by device.I don't like FancyUpload, because it uses mootools and mootools is very big library.Also I can't use jQuery, because I'm writing on Ext js and it's not good idea to use two big library like jQuery and Ext js.

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Html :: SWFUpload Alternatives - Allow The User To Upload Multiple Files?

Aug 12, 2010

I've developed a system that uses SWFUpload to easily allow the user to upload multiple files with a progress bar showing them the upload progress. It all works fine in my development environment, but is failing for some users in the wild with the Flash movie not loading. I can see the Flash movie is there, if I right click it a window appears saying Movie not loaded... (Then on the next line) About Adobe Flash Player 10...So far I've not been able to determine what was causing the failure.Are there any other alternatives to SWFUpload that will allow for:

Upload progress bar
Allow multiple uploads

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - PHP Multiple File Upload With Progress Indicator

May 29, 2011

I am trying to upload image files to my server using AS3 and PHP, and at the moment I am succeeding in uploading multiple files and restricting it to images only, but since I am finding it difficult to figure out how to have a loader bar show when the files are being uploaded, as well as executing a function once all files have been uploaded to go to a specified frame.

Here is my code thus far,




1: how can I display a percentage or a uploading bar indicating the progress of the files being uploaded?

2: How can I launch a callback function after ALL files have been uploaded successfully?

3: How can I make the file browser appear on click, and not upon loading the flash file?

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C# :: Multiple File Upload SWF That Returns Full Path+filename?

Dec 6, 2011

I am in the process of writing a custom script for our internal SharePoint system that will allow for multiple file uploads on list items. In order for this to happen, I was wanting to use a flash file input (to select multiple files at the same time) and then pass an array of file paths (local to the user) into my ASP page to do the actual uploading.Does anyone know of a SWF multiple upload plugin that allows this? I've looked at Uploadify and cannot find what I need there.

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Javascript :: Create A Multiple File Upload Flash Application?

Dec 30, 2011

I am trying to create a multiple file upload flash application to be called from an External Interface, but it isn't working.


var fileRef:FileReferenceList;
ExternalInterface.addCallback('selectFiles', showDialog);
function showDialog()


When I run the script and comment out the fileRef parts and uncomment the alert call, it shows the alert, also when I comment out the ExternalInterface call, leaving only the fileRef parts, it shows the file upload dialog.

When I run it as intended, I get the following error:

Error calling method on NPObject

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