How do I get a word from a string?If a string is also an array I should be able to do it but so far no luck.Searching for a substring is useful if I know the correct index, like in[code]...
In Actionscript and Adobe Flex, I'm using a pattern and regexp (with the global flag) with the string.match method and it works how I'd like except when the match returns multiple occurrences of the same word in the text. In that case, all the matches for that word point only to the index for the first occurrence of that word. For example, if the text is "cat dog cat cat cow" and the pattern is a search for cat*, the match method returns an array of three occurrences of "cat", however, they all point to only the index of the first occurrence of cat when i use indexOf on a loop through the array. I'm assuming this is just how the string.match method is. I want to find the specific indices of every occurrence of a match, even if it is of a word that was already previously matched.
I'm using a pattern and regexp (with the global flag) with the string.match method and it works how I'd like except when the match returns multiple occurrences of the same word in the text. In that case, all the matches for that word point only to the index for the first occurrence of that word. For example, if the text is "cat dog cat cat cow" and the pattern is a search for cat*, the match method returns an array of three occurrences of "cat", however, they all point to only the index of the first occurrence of cat when i use indexOf on a loop through the array. I'm assuming this is just how the string.match method is (although please let me know if i'm doing something wrong or missing something!). I want to find the specific indices of every occurrence of a match, even if it is of a word that was already previously matched.
I'm using a pattern and regexp (with the global flag) with the string.match method and it works how I'd like except when the match returns multiple occurrences of the same word in the text. In that case, all the matches for that word point only to the index for the first occurrence of that word. For example, if the text is "cat dog cat cat cow" and the pattern is a search for cat*, the match method returns an array of three occurrences of "cat", however, they all point to only the index of the first occurrence of cat when i use indexOf on a loop through the array. I'm assuming this is just how the string.match method is. I want to find the specific indices of every occurrence of a match, even if it is of a word that was already previously matched.
I've read some documentation about regular expressions in AS3. I was wondering if it is possible to check every word of a string for a pattern. If all the words satisfy the pattern, the test is passed, otherwise is failed. [code]
I'd like to build a cipher in AS2, and I was wondering if there's any way for me to search a string for a specific letter/word? Example: someTextBox.text = "Lorem ipsum"; Can I search inside of that string for an "m" and then subsequently alter that letter?
I've read some documentation about regular expressions in AS3. I was wondering if it is possible to check every word of a string for a pattern. If all the words satisfy the pattern, the test is passed, otherwise is failed. Here is an example of what I mean:
Code: var reg:RegExp = /[a-z]/i; var str1:String = "a b"; var str2:String = "a 1";
<mytext><![CDATA[ My name is <color value="FF0000">Bill</color>. ]]></mytext>
I wonder if there is a simple methodology (using E4X methods) in order to print the inner text: "My name is Bill." in a text area and having the word "Bill" colored i.e. red.
The generalized situation is, if i can print the inner text and use XML tags to specify formatting attributes of the text per word.
Do E4X supports this type of parsing, or do I have to program my own "little" parser for this situation?
I have been building a simple word game. It is smple but works fine. I am now trying to enhance some of the features.I would like to see if I can display one letter of each word so the Player has a hint. Think of this as a beginners level.The words are random from a text list. Either I can make the letters invisible and the game starts without a hint or I am able to select a letter using charAt() or creating a new variable substring()from the word which is the displayed repeatedly on the stage(not what I want) I have not been able to find a way to display one letter and display it in the correct order within the word and keep the remaining letters invisible.
Looking to write some code that converts the first letter of each word in a input textbox string to Caps if not already. ie - input textbox = "lowercase input string", then on button press the function converts the input to output this: "Lowercase Input String".
I am doing drag-the-word quiz. When you match the word with correct part, the message pop out, saying Bingo! If the word is matched with wrong part, the "Sorry. Try Again" message pops out, says "Sorry. Try Again". I managed to make the "Sorry. Try Again" message disappear. However it dun work anymore after that. Sometimes it is quite funny. When I play it, the "Sorry. Try Again" message dun pop out at all.
Another problem - I am not sure how to make the word fit into the white box. I only know how to make the word drop on the white box. Can you tell me how to do it? I will be adding voiceovers to the quiz when the word is matched with the part. For e.g it will say "bingo" or "Sorry. Try Again". How to attach the voiceovers to it?
create the word which changing many time and in the end become a clear word like what's happend exactly in horizintal menu in [URL] That's what i wanted the changing in words like that menu?
Ok so If I load a list of like 2000 words from a text file into a text box like this
ActionScript Code: var url:String = "dictionaries/"aa.txt"; var loadit:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); loadit.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
how could I randomly choose a word from the list and have it as a variable
system to browse offline howeverthis doesn't work correctly for any less then ActionScript 3. Whenyou highlighted a word in the past such as "null" it use to pull upthe word and the info in all the books. Now all I see is a webbrowser that doesn't do this for me. I mean who sits there atadobe's end and thinks up of ways to slow someone down like this??How can you remove the corequick linking from the program.Number 1 not everyone is on AS3 and some of us still have to updateAS2 code.
But I keep getting an "Error #2030: End of file was encountered." This is (probably) because the class I'm serializing is too big for the "String" object type in AS3. Is there a limitless object for storing an array of characters (or better yet binary), or am I going to have to make my own class? (like one with an array of strings)
I am trying to include double quotes in a string but logic says it would just close the string. I know in html you would use something like ". In flash...I havent the slightest.Anyone know how to go about this?
I have a String variable in my flex (flash builder 4) application containing CSV data. I need to allow the user to download this data to a local file. For example, giving them a "csv" button to click and it might present them with a save file dialog (and I would be sending the contents of my string variable).Is this possible / how ?I am using the ResuableFX component for the datagrid to csv. This the code I ended up with that works to save the string to a text file for the user (in a web browser):
var dg2CSV:DataGrid2CSV = new DataGrid2CSV(); dg2CSV.includeHeader=true;;
Basically I'm trying to output the contents of an XML document into a dynamic text field (as loaded - not just its node values and content - the entire thing - into a variable called _root.log). The text field is set to show the variable value of _root.log.This is the actionscript...
PHP Code: var newProfileXML:XML= new XML("<contacts result='true'><contact name='John Doe'/><contact name='Jane Doe'/></contacts>");
Error: Error #2101: The String passed to URLVariables.decode() must be a URL-encoded query string containing name/value pairs. at Error$/throwError() at at at
Error: Error #2101: The String passed to URLVariables.decode() must be a URL-encoded query string containing name/value pairs. at Error$/throwError() at at at _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ stop(); var DepartVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); var DepartURL:URLRequest = new
Error: Error #2101: The String passed to URLVariables.decode() must be a URL-encoded query string containing name/value pairs.
I'm not where error exactly the error happen so I post the whole thing. As far I know bottom code that relate to send_loc.php works fine, get_loc.php is having a problem. The output from get_loc.php is
Im playing around with the api... Specifically the "getLovedtracks" call.... [URL] This is a weird one that I have never come across... The above call requires a username to return a track listing so if I hard code the username into my class like this.... var username:string = "aidanmack" No problems the call works... if I make that username equal to a dynamic text box string that has "aidanamck" typed into it.. so something like... var username:string = mystage.textbox.text
the api wont except this... I get user does not exist But if I check the call with the charles proxy Flash is defo sending the username "aidanmack" So I wonder if its to do with have how last.fms api interprets the string?
I need to be able to pass some variables FROM flash and append it to the end of my address. I assumed that if I used LoadVars, I can append the vars to the end of the string like this:
ActionScript Code: send_btn.onRelease = function () { var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
I am sending a string to asp from flash that looks like this;
The problem is when asp (probably php too) reads this string, it reads it like this
Now this sucks, is there a way to encrypt my flash string so asp will read the string corectly? I know asp is url encoding the flash string, but this bit of info does not seem to help.