ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Get Node Length From XML File
Jan 28, 2009
I try to get the node length from my XML file. When I trace xmlData, it works fine. I found several notations for node length, I came up with this...
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var nodes:Number;
var aantal:Number;
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
[Code] .....
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Sep 12, 2011
I have decided to give XML a go, so I thought I would start with something small : ) and give creating a dynamic menu a try.
I load my menu headings using textField and I can not get my code to find out the actual length of each menu heading. It all produces 100. I wanted to get each individual lengths so I can divide it by 2 and positon that to the center of my menu buttons.
I am also try to turn my menu buttons into buttons, so I can add my eventlisteners, but it doesnt seem to work. The menu text seems to get in the way, even though I made them non selectable.
This is my XML code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu title="1">Home</menu>
<menu title="2">About Us</menu>
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May 26, 2005
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<collection title="Christmas 2004">
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Feb 5, 2010
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Mar 9, 2011
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Dec 22, 2011
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function foo(x:*, ...args):* {
function bar(x:*, ...args):* {[code].....
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Sep 30, 2006
I need to get the length of an MP3 file.I tried using the following code: myFile.id3.TLEN; yet it didn't work.I copied (and changed a bit) the code from the help files and got this thingy:
myFile.onID3 = function(){
for( var prop in myFile.id3 ){
trace( prop + " : "+ myFile.id3[prop] );
myFile.loadSound(run_url, false);
The code shows me all the parameters I can get. Seems like my MP3 file used id3v1 which may not support time length, so using Winamp 5.3 (last update), I passed the information to I got some more parameters. Here's the output:
TIT2 : MySong
TPE1 : Almonimus
TYER : 2006
Seems like I still don't have the required parameters in the id3tag. I am aware that Winamp doesn't support id3v2.4 very well, so I downloaded a demo of Tag&Rename 3.2, and as you can guess, even after opening the file and resaving it, I can't get this parameter.
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I get an output of of 3. the number of variables within the first array, this is not what I had expedted.
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Mar 31, 2009
How do I get the length of an audio file? I need this value to set up a timer that depends on the length of the song playing.I have tried the following, but only get a value of ZERO.
from my code:
var gettheme:URLRequest;
var nextA: Sound;
var SC_A:SoundChannel;
var songLong : Number = 5; // just to set a number
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Sep 20, 2010
Code from the character package (
//load sound
public function talk(url:String):void
Problem is, soundFactory.length will return 0 ! That's because .length needs the entire file to be loaded in order to return the proper value, right ? If i trace it in "completeHandler" function, the right value is being shown but i cannot return the value to use it as a parameter in the "asteapta" function, at least i have no idea how. I guess i need to know the sound length before the file is being loaded.
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Sep 21, 2011
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Jun 25, 2009
I am having some problems with buffering sounds. I am doing a MP3 player for my site and everything seems ok except that I can't get the full length of a sound before it finishes downloading/buffering and it's messing my progressBar. That's my code:
position = (soundChannel.position / sound.length);
Sound.length returns the total length of the downloaded data at the moment and not the full length of my Mp3 file.
Let's say I have 1 minute long Mp3 file and I only downloaded 30secs of it, if my playback reaches 15secs of the sound, it will say that I am at 50% of the song and not 25%. Is there anyway to know the full length of a file before it finishes downloading? So I can make a buffer download progress bar (like youTube does, so you know how much u have downloaded) and a songProgressBar. I've read some things about the NetStream class but I don't know if it will solve my problem. I don't have Flash media server.. it would load the file form the local file system.
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Nov 6, 2009
is it possible to get Sound length before the mp3 file is downloaded completely?
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Nov 6, 2009
Is it possible to get Sound length before the mp3 file is downloaded completely?
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May 15, 2011
I am loading an xml file and some of the node attributes do not have values:
<book id="qq" description="test1"></book>
<book id="nn" description""></book>
I get a null object reference when I try to run the second book line because of the missing description. Can I check for this in code and skip accessing the description for this line?
Something like if (xml_book.@description is null) {do nothing}else{do something)?
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Oct 9, 2007
I'm trying to access an XML file (that I cannot rewrite) in Flash.
I can access the first "title", but I can't get to the node nested in <item>. What am I missing?
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Nov 8, 2009
I want to extract each individual node from and XML file. I want to preserve the node data AND the attribute name and the attribute data. In short create a new XML that is a copy of the complete node.
I am sure this is pretty simple but whilst I keep getting close I seem unable to get it to work!
Here is an example to illustrate:
If my XML file is like this (just an example)
<O A='1' Z='22' Q='13'>DataX</O>
<O A='54' B='25' C='16'>DataY</O>
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Sep 1, 2010
I've got some xml:
var xmlData:XML =
<buttonID>first child node value</buttonID>
Then I want to read specific node value based on a value passed to a function. .
var buttonID = new Button;
var imageID = new Image;
var labelID = new Label;
I'm don't know how to get the value when node name is dynamically changed.
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Jun 24, 2008
just trying to get straight how this works. Say I create some XML like so:
ActionScript Code:
var sample:XML = <sample>
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Feb 9, 2003
I am loading an external array from a text file like this.
file = new LoadVars();
fileURL = "PhoneBook.txt";
I then trace fileURL.length and I getting a number much greater then my fileURL array length.
The array I am loading into flash looks like this. firstName0=zzzzz&lastName0=zzzzz&phoneNumber0=zzzz zzz firstName1=zzzzz&lastName1=zzzzz&phoneNumber1=zzzz zzz Is there a problem with using myArray.length for an external file?
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Apr 2, 2012
I'm creating an in-house application in flash for my company. I'm pulling a ton of info from a single XML file located on our server. Ten interns will be using the application on their laptops (Air 2.0). Having the data load and populate the application is not a problem. I would like them (in the application) to be able to edit an existing node value (loaded from the XML) and save it (back to the XML file) so that the XML file updates with the new value and the other 9 interns would see the change on their application.
I figure I'll need some kind of php set up, but everything I've read so far deals with creating new nodes. I need to edit and update existing node values from an existing loaded file.
Here's a very simple example of the XML:
HTML Code:
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Jun 22, 2009
i've created a tree using an xml file. now i want to load an another xml file on clickinh the particular node which contains the path of another xml file..can any one guide in this regard...
actually i've called a handler on clicking the node and reading the path then calling urlloader methodds for loading another xml file ..but beforeloading the file the control goes to next instruction.
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Aug 13, 2011
I am trying to use the class Sound of actionscript.My code is really basic :
var snd:Sound = new Sound();
snd.load(new URLRequest("mysound.mp3"));
trace( new String(snd.length));;
The audio is playing very well but in my trace, I get 0 instead of the length in milliseconds of the Sound.
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