ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Grows From Left Corner Instead Of Middle
Sep 14, 2009
I put an image on my stage. Then I created a keyframe out about 25 frames. I then went to frame 25 and grabed the side of the image and drug it in. Shrinking the image by about 30%. This shrank my image from both sides. When I run it, the image shrinks from the left and the right symmetrically. Now after I did this, I clicked on the tween and said to copy as AS3. Then I went to a new layer and tied the new AS3 code to a new image dynamically. It works fine, except that it shrinks only the right hand side of the image. In other words, the images seems to be anchored on the left hand side. How can I make my dynamic image shrink from both sides in?
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I put an image on my stage. Then I created a keyframe out about 25 frames. I then went to frame 25 and grabed the side of the image and drug it in. Shrinking the image by about 30%. This shrank my image from both sides. When I run it, the image shrinks from the left and the right symmetrically. Now after I did this, I clicked on the tween and said to copy as AS3. Then I went to a new layer and tied the new AS3 code to a new image dynamically. It works fine, except that it shrinks only the right hand side of the image. In other words, the images seems to be anchored on the left hand side. How can I make my dynamic image shrink from both sides in?
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Jul 6, 2005
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MovieClip.prototype.resizeMe = function(w, h, id) {
var speed = 3;
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on (release) {gotoAndPlay(4);
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class Ship extends MovieClip[code]....
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(_x = _mouse
and _x = _xmouse*-1)
you know...
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Jun 3, 2010
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var square:Sprite = new Sprite();, 1);, 0, width, height);;
return square;
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var square: MyClassExtendsSprite = new MyClassExtendsSprite();
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Oct 28, 2010
When you create shape on stage and right click and chose create object you can chose Registration point for the object
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Jan 17, 2012
I inherited a flash project from someone and if I add a simple movie clip to the stage at position 0,0 it actually ends up in the middle of the screen!
What I can see is that when I open the stage in the library, in it's properties
X=350 and Y=262,05 all the subsequent movie clips which are added to the screen as by magic are added at position X=-350 and Y=-262.05
I would really like to return to a situation where 0,0 is top left corner. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here?
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Oct 29, 2010
When you create shape on stage and right click and chose create object you can chose Registration point for the chose what corner will be used as center of coordinates for this object. Now onice you create object is there way to change this registration point e.g. i created it in center now i want to to be in upper left corner?
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May 8, 2008
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Sep 22, 2011
What do the little red squares on the lower left hand corner of the movieclips in the actions panel mean? [Fig. 1]I'm working off this template in Flash CS3, that's using ActionScript 2.0 actually. I don't know whether or not that means anything in regards to the above inquire?
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Jan 28, 2009
Got a dynamic textbox that I want to be fixed in width and increases in size upwards (i.e its anchored from its base) upon retrieving larger text. Here's the code.
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var myShowXML = new XML();
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Jul 6, 2009
I need to create a full page flash file that overlays a webpage. Something like the example in this link.
I have figured out how to create the flash file which will overlay the page, with all elements centered, from here: kirupa forums tutorial.
The only thing I cannot figure out is how to attach the Close button which would come at the top right. AS3 is not allowing me to attach any behaviour to the button, neither does it allow me to put actionscript there. I am in dire straits.
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Jan 18, 2010
Can I set a loader component to load a picture whit a middle align instead of top-left?
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Jul 27, 2007
So when you load a picture into a movie clip, it loads into the Top-Left hand corner.I really want it to load into the Top-Right hand corner. Is there a way?I am loading it via AS - not placing it manually, as I have a variety of images which are of different dimensions....
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