ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Refresh Doesn't Free Memory?

May 14, 2008


The movie loads in an external image and refreshes it every second. What happens, though, is the previous image seems to stay in memory. Eventually the browser will hang, because the memory footprint of the flash movie is so large. Even while testing outside the browser, I can see the memory increase by a couple hundred KB every second. You can see it at [URL]

The code I'm using is below (don't make fun, I don't claim to be a programmer).

function refresh_url(event:TimerEvent){
var url:String = ""+getTimer();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);


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i am writing a program that need to load photoshowever, there is limitation in flex that users cannot load photos with pixel above 4069 x 4069 into a can i check photos pixel before running to error? since some pictures are big nowadays, i would llike to check the user`s system memory and free harddisk space. See if the computer have enough space to load the photos.

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- the fade transition between the 2 images: the image in background is lost so that the transition is between white background and the image loaded at the top level (awful effect)

- in the image folder there is a swf too, before the commented code is was correctly loaded and shown.

function init():void {
slideTimer = new Timer(TIMER_DELAY);
slideTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, switchSlide);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Free Memory From Arrays?

May 31, 2010

I am making a game. Whenever a level is created, a few large arrays are filled up with numbers. The memory usage is around 3mb. When I want to load a new level, I want to remove these arrays from memory and repopulate them with the data from a new level. But, no matter what I do, the game keeps on using up an extra ~3mb of memory each time I reload a level.

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Why would this be happening? How do I force flash to remove the arrays from memory

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I have a very simple movie clip in my library with a linkage id of view. with a bmp in it 2000x760.I have a text field to which i'm outputting System.totalMemory via EnterFrame event.and two buttons one to attach the view and the other to remove it. Everything works fine and I am doing everything i know how to clean up after myself as far as the linked view goes when removing it which isn't much just removeChild and setting the ref to it to null.Now the issue is that when i run the swf either in ide or stand alone i get a memory jump when the clip is attached which is fine and great but when i remove the clip memory never gets freed >< I know this has to do with a greater CS issue with gc and all that, but How can i get memory free up with i remove the clip?Lastly I am runing System.gc() when i remove the clip (this can't be the answer? / its not doing anything)

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package {
import Global;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Alert extends MovieClip {
[Code] .....
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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 : Random Image/Movieclip On Refresh?

Dec 4, 2009

I'm currently using Flash CS4, and Actionscript 2.0 to make myself a website for my artwork. My entire website is being created in Flash (not using Dreamweaver, so keep that in mind.) My site is constructed so that Frame 1 is my Home page, Frame 2 is another page on the site, etc.On my Home page, I want a random image (of my artwork) to show up in the body of the site (there is an interface surrounding it), every time a viewer visits/refreshes the page. It sounds simple, but I've been struggling with this a lot because I keep coming across really complicated Actionscript.

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-target destination (where imagery can load)
-(I'll have a total of about 3 images)

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Nov 19, 2009

I need to reproduce these java screens in AS:


It's basically a PNG that gets refreshed once a second.

I need to reproduce 3 such screens in flash. The code below works, but the refresh (loadClip) blanks out the previous image before loading the new one, creating a blinking effect.

Is there a way around that? can I refresh the movieclips smoothly, like it was a video?

ActionScript Code:
// ========= screen updater =====================
screen1_url = "";
screen2_url = "";


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IDE :: Adding A "Refresh" Button In Case Site Doesn't Load?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading The Old Image.png File Until Refresh Browser

Mar 18, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Fullscreen Background Image On Refresh

Oct 8, 2008

I have flash site and client wants random fullscreen background image to load on refresh. sounds easy right ?. but i've tried a lot of components and code snippets but it's causing headaches as nothing seems to work. i have a client squirming because it isn't done.

I did purchase a component from flashden (randombgholder) which does exactly what i want, but it seems to clash with the flashloaded fCMS system i have working in place, and somehow knocks it out, but that could be my bad amateur flash coding causing it. And when i go to center the swf over the background using his code he provided it goes haywire. perhaps i could do a random fullscreen background image on page refresh in html?? i tried some css ones, but nothing works probably because i'm very new to flash and the likes.

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Professional :: Refresh Button Does Not Refresh Flash Website

Sep 30, 2010

I had an issue with my index.html testing on IE and the preloader just stalls on "loading 0%". he told me that locally the progress event doesn't have time to load and to try uploading it to your server and see if it works. It worked just fine. Rah Rah Kglad.
So today I'm fine tuning the swf/ fla to clean it up. Reduced some picture sizes and deleted unused files and reduced the swf from 4000 KB to 350 KB Rah Rah Gene. replaced the swf in Dreamweaver and re-uploaded with Filezilla. Rah ah Filezilla.
Everything working great and my preload went from 23 seconds to less than 3. So I'm real happy except for one small issue. Firefox and IE both do this. If I hit the refresh button, it stalls on "loading 0%" once again just like it did locally.
If I hit the refresh several times it WILL refresh randomly....2 times refresh......10 times refresh etc.
Spoke to my hosting company who said everything seems fine on the server. BTW he said Chrome did NOT have this issue Rah Rah Chrome.

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Flash :: Memory Leak Of Image?

Dec 9, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scroll Game Image Memory?

Apr 13, 2011

i am making a game with scrolling background. I am using a tiled background.inactionscript I was going to hide background objects off the screen but this cause memory to still be taken up by the hidden images so what do i do?the scrolling background isnt repeating so i could have 4-5 screens of image tiles off screen and made invisible until required.

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Actionscript 3 :: Load An Image In Memory With Flex?

Sep 25, 2011

So I'm trying to load an embedded image this way:

private var cls_img:Class;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking Memory When Loading Big Image

Jul 8, 2010

I wrote the following code to check memory when loading a big image (~20Mb). Every time I do mouse click, the application eats up memory, so something doesn't get deleted or cleaned with GC but I can't figure out what exactly.
PHP Code:
package {
import flash.display.Loader;
public class imageLoader {
var fname:String
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Align Image To Bottom When It Doesn't Fill The Space Allocated For <mx:Image> ?

Mar 28, 2011

I have an image that doesn't fill the <mx:Image> tag because it's not the exact dimensions (it is too short) and I have maintainAspectRatio set to true:

<mx:Image id="theImage"

The <mx:Image> tag has a fixed width and height (it's 100% of the tile size--this is in an ItemRenderer). How do I get the image to sit on the bottom of the <mx:Image> tag?

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Actionscript 3 :: SwfLoader Vs Mx Image - Spark Image Doesn't Load Swf Files

Sep 29, 2011

I have an application that I'm migrating from flex 3 to flex 4.5. In this application, there is some mx Image components that load a simple swf file (image). Spark image doesn't load swf files, so I was wondering, should I keep the mx Image, or should I change it to SWFLoader? Is there any advantages to using one or the other?

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